The thought of technological advanced carnivore super predator aliens finding our world has always scare the shit out...

The thought of technological advanced carnivore super predator aliens finding our world has always scare the shit out of me. Realistically it could happen any second and we would be defenseless.

We are so.immerse into our mundane stuff we dont think about what could lie beyond our galaxy.

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dont care didnt ask plus you are mexican

yeah or an undetected meteor could hit us, or a supervolcano could erupt, or a false vacuum could strike us

however we've still been around for as however long modern humans have been around, so why bother worrying about that shit

naive retards who think we should go out of our way to find aliens and are trying to make contact piss me off

Why would any civilization advanced enough to get to Earth all the way from another star system act like savage carnivorous animals once they get here?

>We are so.immerse into our mundane stuff we dont think about what could lie beyond our galaxy.
True, I never understood people when they talk about overpopulation considering how utterly insignificant humanity is in the grand scale of the universe.

Intergalactic space exploration is impossible. Even with the most advanced thinkable technology.

Never squashed an ant or some other bug out of disgust or boredom?

I mean a few century ago I don't think our current technology was in the realm of thinkable either

didn't some Roman chap almost start the industrial revolution?

That's human (unadvanced) behavior

You already got a taste of that once.

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The more advanced the more protein/meat you require. Just look our species. We literally made whole species go extinct for our pleasure for meat.

Having a reliable food supply is the least I would expect from a civilization capable of interstellar travel

So how would they carry their foodstuff when jumping from one galaxy to another.

We could be herded like cows in some days.

No, it was not practical in any sense of the word, and the steam engine that did result in the industrial revolution was based on a completely different design.

You mean like the Chinese?

Squashing a tiny bug out of instinct is quite different from doing anything to large animals, however dumb or defenseless you think they are.

The disgust for bugs and the desire to see them dead is an instinct we developed through evolutionary pressure, since a lot of bugs are harmful to us, our food and our material possessions. Any aliens from outer space would not have any such instinct towards us because we have never had any contact.

I don't know, but jumping from galaxy to galaxy looking for food out of all things doesn't sound reasonable. Food is like a basic thing you'd need to get there in the first place

If we can grow steaks in a lab, why couldn't they, if they are so advanced?