Japanese are so racist

>be gaijin born and raised in Japan
>parents are American English teachers
>I'm fluent in Japanese so when I talk on the phone they think I'm Japanese
>But when I tell them my foreign name thier polite attitude and tone suddenly changes
This happens literally VERY TIME. Just because I'm not Japanese doesn't mean you have to drop your standards of manners and respect.

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>But when I tell them my foreign name
So you look Japanese somehow huh? Or are they blind?

>tfw being nip

>This happens literally VERY TIME. Just because I'm not Japanese doesn't mean you have to drop your standards of manners and respect.
Meaning what exactly? From my experience they are more polite (almost to a paternalizing degree) to foreigners like me compared to when they talk to other Japanese people

I said when I talk on the phone

Idk what to tell you except maybe have you ever thought about stopping being not Japanese?

wtf? I thought the japanese are only rude to each other and very polite to foreigners? is it actually the other way around?

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They are tribalists and still keep their racial strong hold, even with a puppet imperial family, and your military base on their country.

why you want to interact with bugs? just go yo brazil with yens. you will be brazilian , fuck mutt queens and live like king.
Why you are still there?? that cunt is an old shit its dying

Do you love Japan?

Now you know how Asians in the west feel, maybe you should adopt a Japanese name

shut the fuck up you piece of shit you're white

>why you want to interact with bugs? just go yo brazil with yens. you will be brazilian , fuck mutt queens and live like king.
>Why you are still there?? that cunt is an old shit its dying

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a schizo made this

I don't want to get shot
I love Japanese food and traditions but I hate the society

do you hate your parents for being weebs?

It's kind of cringe yes. I mostly get frustrated that they can't understand my hardship of growing up with mixed identities

I'm in the same boat as you (foreign name, raised in Japan) but honestly I just start every telephone conversation that requires giving my info by saying I am a foreigner and that I will spell my name slowly.

I personally never noticed a change in attitude.

your life is shit, if you are scared about some lead you are a fag and you deserve discriminations.
The japanese that treat you like shit were right

>they can't understand my hardship of growing up with mixed identities
Congratulations, you are a thing that should not be, you will never completely fit anywhere because your a mismatch of circumstances.

Whenever I'm in Japan I always find it hilarious when a hwaito piggu orders in Japanese only to have the waiter/waitress look at him like he is trash

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