Why is Lithuania such a shithole? Why are all the """people""" from there criminal drunkard subhumans?

Why is Lithuania such a shithole? Why are all the """people""" from there criminal drunkard subhumans?

Attached: 1641991792681.jpg (320x213, 7.81K)

Worst of all is the black women spamming lithuanian

Russian influence

We are not white.

they might always be a poor because they're not american but I give them props for opening a Taiwan Embassy purely to piss off Xi and his cabinet of pure evil. they're alright in my book

they just very recently got independence from Soviet Union, literally a breakaway Russia.

Attached: Lithuanians.png (750x904, 795.44K)

We didn't do it to piss of the chinks or as a political move it was a naming mistake by our incompetent faggot lover government.

High test and yamnaya gene%

Ouch! Way to be harsh on your own country Lithuanianon.

last i checked it was the GERMANS who ruined europe countless of times, not Lithuanians

Attached: .png (500x303, 158.47K)

don't mind him
hating our current government is tradition at this point

why did I immediately know german hands typed this before even clicking the thread is a better question

OP is either Lithuanian himself or mentally ill.

And why do you literally find shit sexually attractive? Supistas vakarietis

What did he mean by this?

The women are very cute though

He could just be a butthurt westerner who hates his own country. Viskas įmanoma

Fußball ist scheiße.

Oh right, I forgot the word for west was the same as the word for evening, never heard vakarietis used before.

Yeah lol. Lithuanian has evening to mean west (also the word for dinner), lunch has the same word as south, and breakfast means "half-morning", morning itself being the same word as "east". Truly a lovely language! What can I say?

Bazuotas Burgeris.