Uhh america bros

Uhh america bros...

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That is a really weak bit of analysis.


>bottom left


it's right, our government is way too fucking old, which also means they have some old money bribes in their pocket that they're not willing to let go of.

I'm not one of those people who seethes at Boomers but I do think that the literal SILENTS in our government might wanna think about retirement and yes that includes Biden. They won't, but it'd be nice if they did.

Also I don't think its falling government leads to old people rather old people lead to falling government. Biden/Pelosi/Schumer/that turtle loser all have zero reason to give a shit about the USA in the long term.

Good thing after they die we'll have the squad in power

Yellow niggas think they can outnose the nose when their faces look like they got hit with a frying pan

It's dumb but the US has become a gerontocracy. Clinton was the first president born after WW2 ended and he was elected in 1992. Biden was elected in 2020 and was born before WW2 ended. Pelosi Schumer McConnell are all fossils. 2024 is shaping up to be Trump vs Biden again, both are well beyond retirement age.

american shocked faints! china rocks!

do you understand why covid will never end? highest positions are occupied by decomposing boomers

People in west need to grow up more quickly, you can't keep being a docile baby forever.

Boomers should be the ones most concerned about--oh. You are one of the Covidiots who thinks Covid "ends" when we all just LARP like its 2018, huh??

>we need to DRAIN (bomb) THE SWAMP (congress)

read between the lines for a secret message!
Damn... What did he mean by this?

Boomers will be the end of us

no man, i believe it ends when we all take 6 shots from a rushed jab that "protects" you from a now dead variant
in all seriousness, covid has been pretty comfy for me and it introduced a lot of good shit like perma work from home for code monkeys and such, but the vax mandates, especially for those under 30, are fucking retarded and will never stop being retarded
i've got no opinion on the other measures

dasha is not going to fuck you

Vaccine-only solutions are covidiotic. But even more covidiotic is the idea that COVID can just "go away" when we are tired of it. Its not going away til we buckle down and stop COVID for good.
Vaccine mandates are one measure to at least try to reduce the burden on the healthcare system, even if they failed to magically end the pandemic.

Vgh... imagine if America was ruled by pozzed millenials and zoomers...

>ywn see the president do a tiktok dance while declaring war on iran
why live

As opposed to the youthful government of where? China?!? This must mean Africa is your biggest economical threat

>My fellow Americans we're going to dab on Russia today

This is unironically true though. Africa is the future. They'll have the best labor force of any continent thanks to their demographics.
It's no accident that everyone is investing trillions into Africa these days.

You shouldn't be allowed to be a politician once you turn 40


They have high demographics but are too retarded to do anything even slightly complex.

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Lol nice