Honestly Is this country really a shithole or Any Forums and Reddit lied to me?

Honestly Is this country really a shithole or Any Forums and Reddit lied to me?

Please be honest

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (1200x632, 7.2K)

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It's wholly dependent on how rich you are.

If you're me it sucks

why'd this get deleted?

Do you like capitalism? Then you'll like it.

depends on the State Mississippi is practically third world

In all honesty, it's not as bad as this website and leftist redditors make it out to be, but it's definitely not as good as regular Americans say it is either. It entirely depends on which state, city, and even neighborhood you reside in. I grew up in West Virginia which is pretty much second world, but now I live in Massachussets which is peak first world and developed. There are huge differences between states

Ghetto parts of inner cities and rural areas are definitely very run down and can be considered borderline third world

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In the US wealth=safety/freedom
So if you're poor yo

While I can't speak for the entire country, the west coast is pretty nice if you live in/visit the more rural areas. The cities are hellholes without exception though, and every bad thing you've ever heard about San Francisco is not just correct, but understated

why is the south so shit?

Part shithole, part good.

Trashy low IQ people regardless of their race

That's where most of the diverse people live

Oligarchy and fundamentalism

fpbp, but overall there's a large (if shrinking) middle class.

it's turning into one, slowly but surely. my city's police department had to start a specialized gang unit for the first time ever about 5 years ago.

Did they really have to though? Cops always want more toys so they always talk about how decrepit America has become in current year.

What city? And if you don't want to say at least tell us what state.

yes, my city was confirmed to be on an FBI list of active MS-13 zones.

Ay carumba

There are quite a few reasons
>Got absolutely meme'd on during the civil war, and they basically had to rebuild their entire economy from scratch, which takes a really long time to do
>still largely focused on agriculture
>subpar schools and education even by US standards
>gets rekt by a hurricane every few years or so
That, and before the invention of air conditioning, working in a big factory with lots of things producing heat in 95+ degree weather would've been hellish

It's alright.

Pretty bad ngl

it is a shithole, as matter of fact you should take everything posted on this website as fact

Economically it's because they focused on a model that had a definitive lifespan and was openly antagonistic to innovation, unlike industrialization.

Man I would move to Hawaii in a heartbeat if it wasn't so damn expensive.

Religion and ringworm. I am not joking there are water born parasites in the south which make you dumber and more lethargic.

Some parts suck (inner cities, parts of the South, parts of Appalachia, parts of the Southwest, parts of the rust belt)
Some parts are Heaven on Earth (Upper Midwest, Suburbs, New England, Rocky Mountains, Pacific Northwest, gentrified parts of cities)
overall, on Any Forums and Reddit the US gets a bad rep, in Europe only microstates and Nordic countries have a better standard of living than the US average

better than here thats for sure
americans make 50 euros an hour

Yes, it's a shithole. For whatever reason, white people here are racist and reactionary as fuck. They are so racist, they are against investing in infrastructure or social programs because they don't want Black people using it

>Oh come on how bad could it JESUS CHRIST

only real way to find out is to visit there for yourself, but the general rule is the same for every place on Earth, that rule being: Every place has its good and bad areas and every place will give you a different experience depending on how rich you are
Most Polish and Albanians live in Chicago so if we ever visited we'd both have a nice experience there since it's a good place from what family that I have there have told me

I'm just here in spain for college bro but in NYC union workers make 56$ an hour, though you gotta connect with the right people, used to live in a polish nieghborhood.

The trades are good if you like to work hard and want to skip that white collar dogshit

In general, it is a shithole. However, the degree of shitholeness depends on a few different factors. Those being:
>individual income
>state of residence
>city of residence
>career or job
These factors may help or hinder your experience too:
At the end of the day, you can live like a prince or live like a pauper here. It’s really up to you.

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Any Forums and reddit lie to you. It's only bad if you live out in the boonies or the trashiest ghettos, which are impossible to get to unless you actively work to fuck up as much as possible.
fpbp, but the concept of 'how rich' is pretty flexible. Besides health care, it's actually really easy to live almost everywhere, even including current skyrocketed rents.
The last twenty years it's become more of a city vs. country divide. Cities anywhere are comfortably liveable(except Baltimore, that place is just falling apart), you just pick which flavor of moron you have to deal with. I personally would rather occasionally see a bright-haired weirdo liberal on the coasts than live in some shithole like Houston or phoenix

It is a shithole if you're not wealthy, so for the majority of americains yes they live like shit.