Did Russians ever try to convert their conquered territories to Orthodox? Central Asians, Azerbaijan, Chechens etc.?

Did Russians ever try to convert their conquered territories to Orthodox? Central Asians, Azerbaijan, Chechens etc.?

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Only with soft power. If you were Orthodox, you have more opportunities. For example, if you were a Judaist then you could only live in a certain area.

No, because Orthodoxy is truly a religion of peace, unlike cuckolicism.

Orthodoxy doesn't proselytize. This is a controversial stance in Christianity and the Eastern Orthodox Church's steadfast adherence to it has resulted in much more culturally homogeneous parishes.

Yes, they converted a lot of polish catholic churches orthodox, especially in Belarusian and Ukrainian villages, so locals had no choice but adopt eastern culture and Ruthenian identity.

I want to murder every American Orthodox apologist.

orthodoxy doesnt start crusades or sends genocidal missionaries or forces people to pay taxes to a pedo headquarters in vatican or any of that shit
orthodoxy is about the teachings of Christ, who never said "go to kyrgyztan and make everyone pay taxes to pedo headquarters", it was more of a "teach someone if he is interested" type of deal

Catholicism = poop bad
Orthodox = based good

But Polaks did the same before with Orthodox churches in Ukraine and Belarus.

I wasn't trying to make a pro-orthodox statement I was just genuinely curious.

your papist bitch race plays the victim a lot, but in reality you were the original aggressors before modern states formed into future superpower and future nato colon-y

No, we did the same after the WW1 and converted former catholic churches back to their original function.

Originally it was not needed. The city civilization was Orthodox Christian. Nomads and cave dwellers where given choice to join the civilization or stay and live as they are, except waging war.

Post 1917 we have no resources for any kind of conversion program. First and foremost - no agency whatsoever anywhere in the world.

Like clockwork

Except they did.
How do you think anyone besides greeks are orthodox?

If orthodoxy is correct, why God allowed ALL orthodox countries to be invaded by faithless foreigners?
Constantinople is still under turkish occupation up to this day

>if judeans are the chosen people why did God allow them to be taken into captivity by the Egyptians, Assyrians... Babylonians... etc etc

The orthodox in Russia were strictly controlled by the state military leaders so a priest did not have the right to become a missionary if the holy governing synod didn’t let him. The patriarchate was abolished by tsar Peter the great who became head of the church in Russia.

The Russians did try to convert kazan tatars in 1500s and ugric Finnic peoples they conquered. But Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Dagestanis, Circassian…etc were not proselytized. It’s also harder to convert Muslims to Christianity, especially with a national church like a Russian church because Muslim ethnicities see it as a foreign religion of Russian Slavs.

This lol. It's just like when people say "Buddhism is a religion of peace! They don't proselytize!"

Sakha and many Squid Gamers trapped in Uzbekistan are Orthodox and based

They're not the chosen people

absolutely ignorant alt-history shizo post

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holy fuck I just realized why the graves in Stalker look like that

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