Why do Blacks give their daughters names like "India" and "Asia"?

Why do Blacks give their daughters names like "India" and "Asia"?

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What did Joe Rogaine say?

Joe really fucked himself with that Spotify deal huh

i knew a girl in my college named Argentina and another one called Kenya
and a friend from another friend of mine was called Americo

Because they wuz Indians and Azns

What did he say now??? Fucking retard Rogan. Will he make Spotify a right wing company??

Conventional names don't matter to blacks. If it rhymes or sounds nice, they pick it.

Unsure, the heat is on Spotify not on him. If they fuck anything up they break the contract.

because they let women do it.
because the fathers, either aren't around, or are betas trying to fit in with modern whites.

>If it rhymes or sounds nice, they pick it.

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He daid that vaccines aren't necesserily 100% effective or something along those lines
something pretty mild basically

That she's a prognathic knuckle dragging mentally defected evolutionary dead end and a nigger

>i knew a girl in my college named Argentina

blacks are the original indians

in about two weeks time all these "artists" leaving are going to coincidentally get exclusive paid deals with amazon/apple, it's manufactured controversy

they gave him a kings ransom to stream there, he literally can't lose

cute and stupidpilled
they are a musical people

There was a black girl named Malaysia in my elementary school

Spotify employees went on strike last year because of Joe Rogan's content
That's why all the episodes with Alex Jones were removed

i did .-.

China McClain

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You will take the vaccine.
You will take ALL the medication prescribed to you.
You will stop consuming Joe Rogans anti-science propaganda.


there was a black kid named Canoe at my elementary.
the eternal swede, god i hate them

I worked with a black girl named Asian

To be fair I think it was their American offices

I knew a Hispanic girl named America. Seems fine to me. It's weird to me to see a Black girl named China or Chyna. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Kenya lick my balls lol