Chicago, a city of 2,7 million, has more murders than all of Germany, Britain, or France...

Chicago, a city of 2,7 million, has more murders than all of Germany, Britain, or France, countries of 60-80 million people
Still, American liberals claim the city is fine, and that there are no problems. Why?

Attached: Chicago murders.png (628x946, 70.34K)

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You mean gun related death

American liberals actually blame all of the problems on access to guns

and they are right

It's all niggers. No problem.

Brazilianization. The future that awaits the US.

American conservatives actually blame all of the problems on minorities

Wow, is it really that bad. Was actually thinking about moving there for work. Should be fine if I just avoid the bad parts of town, right?

And they are right

Mostly correct.

It's not liberals it's consevatives like

Meh. Even if we banned guns and they all somehow disappeared the locals would just find other ways to kill each other.

But it's more likely that they would just use illegal guns. They're already illegal in Chicago I'm pretty sure but it's difficult to enforce. Even more difficult now that arresting black men just for carrying one would be considered racist.

If you're not in a gang then you're fine. I dont even know why people point to Chicago as the worst city for murder when there's much worse like Cleveland, St Louis, Memphis, and New Orleans

>Theyre illegal in Chicago
Doesn't matter when you're a drive away from Indiana

Honest answer? Why do you think centrist liberals favor abortion rights even though we dislike it?

Who is getting shot and who is having abortions? Who is dying of crack and covid?

I am a Biden Democrat.

>They're already illegal in Chicago
They aren't. I'm not sure why I keep seeing people say this online. Or that Chicago is a "gun free zone" whatever that means.
It's pretty bad. There was record number of homicides last year. Close to 800 which was the highest in about 25 years. There's been a ton of car jackings too. But yes, it's fine if you stick to the safe parts of town, ie: the North Side. Most of the homicides are gang related.

The problem? Guns. And „people of color“. It’s both. And both are irreversible. You could ban guns, but they‘d still be around, only illegally. And then, they might be an even bigger problem than before. And concerning the people, well…

Foreigners dont get how american biden liberals are.
We will sacrifice our weakest to ensure freedom and prosperity. You live or die on your own.
We just dont broadcast it.


It’s our Sarmatian heritage bro, can’t help it

Per capita, St. Louis and Baltimore are far worse.

Came here to tell you that if you get rid of polish subhumans, Chicago will be saved and no further violence will occur

Because they are religious zealots who worship the killers. And this is not hyperbole.