Is Euphoria a popular television show in your country? It’s a hit with the younger population here in the USA

Is Euphoria a popular television show in your country? It’s a hit with the younger population here in the USA

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I don't have netflix or any other stuff that you have to pay to watch

This show is extremely sexual yet it’s supposed to be about high school kids.

Were you never in high school?

You wanna suck tranny cock

High school kids fuck all the time

What I’m saying is it’s simulated soft core child porn

then just don't watch

personally, i like hunter. even though they are only into girls, and i'm a man. to each their own.

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Is she a better character than Taylor?

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Not as much as this show portrays most people fukced they're SO junior or senior year. It wasn'y shooting up heroin snorting coke and fucking everyone for the sake of fucking

It's a kikeshow but i take it over your moralizing puritan ass.

quick rundown on euphoria? pls

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>even though they are only into girls
no she's bi

I haven't watched it
That's a character from the show Billions, which is only good for the 1st two seasons

Dude people fucked all the time in high school. Every day, especially in the weekends. If you didn't fuck you were the outlier.

teenagers fuck each others.

wiki says she identifies as a lesbian

We Brazilians don't need to watch euphoria

I can literally go outside and suck some girlcock if i want to

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not everyone is like those Swedish girl from that picture who is often post.

I don't live in sweden and everyone in my community was 99% white church going christian

she's bi but lesbian leaning, but she said in her twitter that she likes men too

and that's a bad thing? i don't know about you, but sex was integral to my youth. it's human interaction at it's purest form.

>but sex was integral to my youth
cool so?

its literally a US adaptation of an israeli show. they did this many times like with homeland

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i believe it

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so, it's a television show about youth.

How could you people defile the holyland with such filth?

and the youth is a good example to follow?

modern youth, there are junkies trannies and suicidal people.

it's something to observe and appreciate