
Chinese New Year edish

PAAG sub edish

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Um actually it's LUNAR new year


corr bum on that

he won’t be pleased
this addition will also attract jf’s like flies to shit

don't know why I drink energy juice, it just makes me a bit anxious and unwilling to do anything

Wanna fuck a girl with cat ears but I'm not attracted to felines

janny WON't be happy

fuck off you furry freak

Still trying to decipher what a jf is

theres always old cunts queuing for the human beings

"Jesus freak", i.e. someone who's mad about Jesus

Newfag Ahmed

Addition? It sounds similar to the word edition... though it's an entirely different word. Could it be that you made a mistake in your post? Indeed, an error on your part? Or to say a miscalculation regarding your usage of words?

Cheesed to meet you

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mad how weird having a cat is you just have a little furry rascal hanging around all day and you feed it and give it attention for nothing in return

If youre buying alcohol its easier because otherwise you have to wait for some spotty 19year old to authorise your purchase

STOp stalking me you FEAK

fuck off freak, give me big suze

like self service machines me as i can get two items for the price of one
do this a lot with beef jerky aha

>little furry rascal
thats what i call the gfs foofoo

Johnny foreigner