People are being dragged out of their homes and being vaccinated in Indian villages

India is probably the only country where the "right wing government" is taking the initiative to vax anti vax chuds.

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why are they wearing Slavic clothes? the old lady looks like a brown babushka

>american education


We used to do forced vaccinations in the past too

It all starts to make sense when you realise that Pajeets are basically Asian Slavs just like East Asians are Asian Germans / West Europeans

here in the UK, the majority of the unvaxxed are blacks and muslims.
the british right wing look down upon antivaxxers and unironically want vaccine mandates lol

Time for your 20th booster sweetie

the same is case for Muslims here actually.
Its bc lots of local level imams spreading fake myths about the vaccine being not halal and stuff
Muslim neighbourhoods were the worst affected in second wave
Waqf board (basically the institution that controls mosque / qabristan in India) had to request the Government to provide additional land because so many Muslims had died in the second wave. that was puzzling

Good. Everyone should be vaccinated, no matter their opinions. It's a matter of public health and general concern of the population. Like everyone having something to eat, to dress, and where to live.

Give up your weapons, chud, we promise we won't forcibly vaccinate you.
Imagine if they tried that in a civilised country.

>fake myths

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Everyone who dies now deserves to die. Antibodies are the common denominator. The germline becomes stronger through strife.

Only if he had an AR 15

no, that's not even the issue for Indian vaccines
covaxin has had ONE (1) case of myocarditis
it's a conventional vaccine and not mRNA technology

Same here.
Apart from fanatical boomers the right is pro-vaccines.

please do the needful and get the vasectomy sir kindly
you are a slave-culture and a slave-race

Why resort to a fake natural order when we can bend it to our will ? What you spout is a chud fantasy of elimination and natural selection based on completely arbitrary laws.

Lundia is not a Western country sir
we don't have hospitals like yours
we don't have enough doctors

if India wasn't vaxxing at an enormous rate we'd have millions of people perishing by overloading the healthcare system

Nice, fuck paranoid schizos.

>India is the only country where the right wing isn't schizophrenic

Yes but what is the vaccine in India ?

Bharat BioTech Covaxin
SRI Covidshield (Indian manufactured AZ)
Sputnik V

Vaccines are useless and these ones are probably even more useless

The weak must not get in the way of the strong. Classicism and elitism is a way for worm-like people to spread their inferior genetics with better populations.
I did not get the features that I have because my ancestors were considerate of egalitarianism. My red beard hairs, my natural muscle tone, my above average intelligence, my sense of balance and the size of my penis are all products of intense discrimination and fierce competition over scarce resources.

In an ideal world, we would excise people that hinder our potential from regular society by offering them the possibility of retreating to relaxing resorts and spa houses. We already do this for psychically disturbed people, so what would the problem be with doing the same for people with vulnerabilities for SARS viruses?

The human race has been deteriorating for far too long. Peanut allergies, bipolar disorder, obesity and other congenital defects have become rampant and are starting to draw a net negative on the balance. I like to think that technology will miraculously cure the rotting of our generations, but I fear that in the future there might be monstrous people that find solutions in different methods of culling the weak, notably; genocide and sterilisation.

We need to stop encouraging the severely lacking technological replacement of human faculties. Our species traversed the world and drove great beasts to extinction. Now we are pathetic, very fucking pathetic.

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Absolutely retarded tirade.

Okay Senator Armstrong