Please come to Brazil and buy our houses their prices keep falling

Please come to Brazil and buy our houses their prices keep falling

Attached: dd.png (1273x913, 136.9K)

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post a website where I can view classifieds

Viu como o canalha do Deltan comprou uma casa no nome da mulher dele, num leilão safado do qual nem ele e nem a mulher podiam participar, por ele ter informações privilegiadas?

venda = buy
alugar = rent
R$5,50 reais = $1 dollar

Odeio aquele cara

Also based

Why does it fall. Are people massively selling?

Wtf how are prices falling?

why do you want higher prices? Do you wanna live in the pod? Invest your money in other thing


foreigners need to have a valid visa and a CPF (brazilian fiscal register) to buy real estate here

>venda = buy

Implying that's a bad thing

how is this neighbourhood? seems bad by the looks of the windows having fences at such height

sorry but i already investing in east poland

holy shit São Paulo is fucked

That's a protection net so kids don't fall, it's made out of polyester you can just cut them with a scissor once the kids grow up

Attached: instalacao-de-tela-de-protecao-janela_10444_48647_1528143616993_cover.jpg (960x960, 163.39K)

>holy shit São Paulo is fucked
Yep. Jesus christ how can people live in SP/RJ is beyond me

good choice, our prices only keep growing

Attached: prices per sqm.jpg (975x524, 47.39K)

>you can get a 103 sqm apartment for 70k usd

you can't suffer in Braziu, I wish I were a white Italian-German Brazilian

i wish we had that

I literally live in a 100m2 that is like 40k usd lol

This one has 300sqm at $82k!

Attached: rj.png (1449x552, 827.14K)

life is unfair, here it would be at least 200k

Life is fair, your houses might be expensive but you live in the 1st world

I can believe it's true only if this is in the middle of favela and they have shootings every day there

otherwise i can't understand why so many Brazilians live in slums, no way they can't afford so cheap houses

>but you live in the 1st world

I think you mistook my flag for Monaco or something

sometimes people simply chose to live in slums. Friends of my family live in a favela and they hold real estate outside the favela

housing is cheap if you got a first world paycheck, but if you don't you will probably spend a few years of your life paying it.

There are tons of people that go to Ireland, Portugal, Japan or the US and work shitty jobs for like 2-3 years and share a room with other 3-4 BRs to buy a house here

>There are tons of people that go to Ireland, Portugal, Japan or the US and work shitty jobs for like 2-3 years and share a room with other 3-4 BRs to buy a house here

same except here you need to save 200k, not 40

you can't suffer in Brazil

> prices jumped 50% up in 2021
literally the only time we hade widespread 3% mortgages
this is why we cant have nice things

Attached: 1550271249071.gif (406x640, 3.73M)

wtf Brazilians don't have induction cooktops??? come on you can't be so backwards

>induction cooktops
Never seen that irl and I've been to quite a few 5 star hotels here
Natural gas is superior

you have to compare our prices with the Brazilian average wage and the minimal wage as parameters. Our economy is pretty protectionist and isolated from the global market so dollar means nothing unless we are talking about soy