Russia will save the world

Дa иcпpaвитcя мoлитвa мoя, якo кaдилo пpeд Toбoю,
вoздeяниe pyкy мoeю, жepтвa вeчepняя.
Гocпoди, вoззвaх к Teбe, ycлыши мя:
Boнми глacy мoлeния мoeгo, внeгдa вoззвaти ми к Teбe.
Пoлoжи, Гocпoди, хpaнeниe ycтoм мoим, и двepь oгpaждeния o ycтнaх мoих.
He yклoни cepдцe мoe в cлoвeca лyкaвcтвия, нeпщeвaти вины o гpeceх.

Attached: file.png (693x448, 205.04K)

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Aминь. Пpивeт из Cepбии, дpyзья мoи!

As a kid I attended the sunday school and forced to learn old church slavonic

I can't read it. It's not Russian, it's Church Slavonic, I don't understand it.


this is child abuse

t. mutt

Attached: file.png (220x212, 32.09K)

Pic related, it's the new Russian Orthodox Military Cathedral!

Attached: file.png (1920x1081, 3.31M)

Jү ap кpинџ

You will always be Slavic

Thank you.

Attached: Jesus.jpg (333x500, 48.33K)

Cringe is a rudimentary instinctive feeling that cattle experiences when they ecounter something or someone that derivates from the "norm".
If you experience cringe you are a primitive person.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Attached: e478fff685d9ab56c143cbf89ef1e510--jesus-is-lord-thank-you-jesus.jpg (591x697, 83.13K)

>can't read old church slavonic
You might be retarded

orthodox americans are so cringe especially the ones who don't even have slavic ancestry

They seem pretty based. The Syrian-American Orthodox convert user seems nice

There is nothing cringe about the truth.

Im not even orthodox, im a nondenominational christian
However, their chants are the most beautiful and if I were to join an official church it would be Orthodox

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true Christianity is Evangelicalism

True Christianity is the Bible and those who follow it, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Simple as.

Attached: file.png (1000x667, 942.41K)

The smaller the role of the church in Christianity, the more cringeful it is.
Roughly speaking, the closer a person is to "true" Christianity, the more he is a cuck.