Chemfag here

Chemfag here.

Modern chemistry was founded by the French (Lavoisier) but without a doubt it was developed further mostly by the Germans, and by WW 1 the Germans were the only ones with a real chemical industry, for the production of dyes and explosives.
Still, there were important contributions made by the Italians, the Russians, the British and Swedes (particularly to inorganic chemistry).
There's quite a few jewish names, mostly German.

You will never however encounter a "Mehmetoglu reaction" or an "Öztürk rearrangement" or similar. For some reason the Ottomans had no interest in the development of chemistry.

Which I think is strange. 19th century Russia was also a tyrannical shithole, yet it brought forward great chemists like Mendeljev, Borodin (the chemist and opera composer) and Markovnikov, whose rule, important for organic chemistry, only became known in the west 20 years later because he refused to publish in any language other than Russian.

But nothing from the Ottoman turks. I always wondered why?

Attached: chemfag apu.jpg (244x207, 8.84K)

And yet the krautshits had shit-tier atomic research and were way behind the Americans.

based chem brother. what field are you in?
i'm thinking of going to Göttingen for my PhD. orginially wanted to go to Oxford but it seems unfeasible. Germany has some real nice institutes for physical chem it seems

It's unironically because they persecuted the Jews and replaced "Jewish physics" with schizo nonsense.
Almost everyone involved in the Manhattan project were German Jews who had fled, like von Neumann, Fuchs, Einstein etc
They really shot themselves in the foot with that one lol

Quantum physics was pretty much all Germans to start and they led the way in rocketry too.

quantum physics was all jews

honestly it's crazy how a bunch of German jews made insane amount of discovery and progress just in a few decades. literally the basis of all modern science and maths was founded by some german jew nigga in the 1890. they really had a golden age going

Hello chemfag bro. Organic chemistry is my main field. University of Ghent has pretty good facilities here.
When I was in Sweden a few years ago I've met the old org chem professor that teaches at Stockholm university. He was working in the lab on a sunday when I was there. His hands and labcoat were full of stains kek, he was like a mad doctor character from an old movie. A very kind man.

Did you know that two Croatians, Leopold Ružička and Vladimir Prelog, won nobel prizes in chemistry?

>Chemfag here
does smegma really contain pheromones

>Leopold Ružička
I bet he smelled like roses

>But nothing from the Ottoman turks. I always wondered why?
>19th century Russia was also a tyrannical shithole
No we dont

were you here as an exchange student or did you do some research here?
Ahrenius laboratory is really nice from what I've heard.
>Organic chem
all the hot girls are at organic chem here, my section is only nerds, incels and chinese nerds. i'm envious

Any Forums is for yellow fever threads and selfies featuring your irises, take this to /his/ if you want actual discussion over the YouTube comment section going on ITT

he won't even answer my smegma question wtf

Hire every chemist ITT and we'll conduct that research on you

I like to browse the Organic name reactions chapter of the Merck Index. I think about half of the names are German, quite a few of them obviously Jewish (Gabriel, Finkelstein, Rosenmund..).

Some Japs here and there too. Akabori, Hayashi.

fucking based

Tbqh Germans had a golden age until the interwar period.
Wether you study history of philosophy or chemistry or art or whatever at some point you reach a "German" period during which most high end stuff were German.

Is that why anglos hated us so much and wanted us all exterminated

By pheromones you probably mean androsterone. I guess something like smegma might contain traces of it, as it is a main sex hormone metabolite.

Merck Index says it was first isolated from male urine, after removal of the phenolic estrogen fraction.
Butenandt et al Z. Physiol. Chem. 229, 167 (1934)
you probably need liters of urine though

I was just visiting a friend, who worked at Karolinska Institute Bionut department at that time. They were mainly working with peptide synthesis. So he showed me the lab, gave me a small tour on a sunday and that's how I met that professor.