Why do latinxs eat so much carbs

Why do latinxs eat so much carbs

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>why do poor people eat so many carbs
irish and potatos, asians and rice, etc

Most of us work manual jobs we need the carbs

its cheap thats the only reason.

nothing wrong with eating carbs or fats or protein. learn the bare minimum basics of nutrition and don't fuck yourself up

too heavy for you?

you only get fat if you can't work it off

Yeah, there's nothing worse than ketards. Like, not eating oats, rice, beans, potatoes, broccoli, bread? Are you for real?

I'd still eat pic related if I had the access to a better, fancier cousine. It's a Latin American thing after all.

you need carbs to maintain weight, otherwise you starve to death. lack of calories will kill you faster than lacking vitamins. Poor people don't have a choice when it comes variety of food, they eat whatever will keep them alive shorterm.

historically due to spending the whole day laboring the land in the countryside

This would be considered a small and disproportionate serving of rice here

Beans have iron

this desu, not only have they exceeded the 2:3 beans to rice ratio, but keeping beans and rice separate is a cardinal sin in my latam cunt

Rice and beans is Brazilian food, not Latinx

you usually put meat and pork on the beans tho

It's popular in Colombia and Central America too

Brazil is latinx

Who are these "latinxs" you speak off?

Is eaten in the whole world, but typically associated with Brazil
It isn't

Youre not hispanic but youre latinx



Hispanic = Latinx

puerto pooran
cubans make inferior black beans anyway and their food is shit so they probably don't mix their beans anyway

What do you guys normally eat for lunch? I eat rice and beans almost every fucking day, it feels weird if I don't so for some days like when I travel abroad. Along with it, also some steaks or chicken, potatoes and salad

Rice, chicken and tortillas

Beans arent all that cheap here. Around the same price as pork and more expensive than chicken

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>cubans make inferior black beans anyway and their food is shit so they probably don't mix their beans anyway
I have never read a bigger cope in my life. cuba literally has the best food of any latino country or even spain.

Why do nords eat so much rotten fish?


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cubans literally dont szn dey food. i'd be surprised if they even know what sofrito or cumin are, and i live in a city with a large cuban population. basically every latinx country except venezula mogs their food

Hispanic people get fat really easily. Unless they're working in the sun they should limit carbs at eat more protein and fat.

Actually no. Brazilian Feijoada, Colombian Frijolada, Calentado, or Bandeja Paisa, Costa Rican Cazado or Gallo Pinto, Mexican Burrito (not even sure if the traditional burrito has rice), and Venezuelan Pabellon criollo are much more elaborate dishes than just beans and rice, they usually come with a variety of meats and sides.

Closest thing I can think to actual beans and rice is the Cuban national dish: Moros and Cristianos

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maybe you're right, now that I think of it I think my mom is just an abnormally good cook. most cuban food I eat besides hers is kind of dry.

unfair comparison since chefs don't cook with love :3