Do they really?

Do they really?

Attached: 1643424652980.jpg (768x1024, 117.83K)

groundbreaking stuff

Very powerfull

why are their ads in english

Those buildings are really beautiful

>covering such buildings with... that
westernbros... it's unironically close to being over

hell yeah fuck europe

Ummm frenchbros??? What's this building? Is it a library?

Still better than corporate vaccine propaganda (impfen meaning vaccinating).

Attached: vienna-shithole-as-usual.jpg (1366x911, 1.52M)

Sao Paulo prohibited ads so I don't have to worry with thos kind of shit. Countries in Europe should do the same.

>queenspammers worship this monster

i though kaijus were Japanese things not Evropean

I dont get why they have to make it so uninspired and lazy, like whatever have a clusmy fat cunt pose for you but atleast some half-decent graphic designer goddamn

fuck ypipo

Just like to note that the part of the building behind apparently is under renovation anyway

wrong board my schizo buddy

Quite literally

Glad they're covered up by a corporate ad for a repulsive nog

This is why I never buy anything Nike. Adidas is less pozzed, and at the very least, it’s European.

An opera. They put that monkey on the jewell of the 2nd Empire.

Can you imagine a fat white girl in her place? I can't because it wouldn't happen. If I were black and I looked at this ad I would just feel humiliated.