Maus, a comic about the holocaust, was banned from the american curriculum

>Maus, a comic about the holocaust, was banned from the american curriculum
Please, PLEASE tell me that americans seriously do not have comics as a mandatory reading in high school.

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I saw it in a book store, I don't believe it had swastica though

>Please, PLEASE tell me that americans seriously do not have comics as a mandatory reading in high school.
it depends on the teacher. I read it when I was 15 I think. But I shit you not my college had a department of Comic studies.

In college the professor told us to play web-emulated Chrono Trigger for an East Asian culture class

I had to read a comic about some girl during the Islamic Revolution. Normally I’d scoff but we read a metric fuckton of literature in that class so it wasn’t bad imo.

Maus is kino and while I don't think it should be a mandatory reading, I'm happy that my teacher made me read it in school

How else to ever learn anything?

Video, how comes all schools everywhere dont use it as it should? Its complete madness and fraud.

You mean Persepolis? Another great graphic novel, not on par with Maus ofc but still good

Read it in high school and disliked it
Here let me sum it up for you : page 1 "boohoo" page 2"pooor meeeee" page 3 "boohoohoohoo" page 4"pity me plssss ;_;"
Typical jewish stuff, trying to make you cry
Even as a young kid i thought this was very doubtful and suspicious, and i was already highly resistant to their propaganda

It’s the only way we’ll ever learn about the Holocaust.
And IIRC, it wasn’t banned, just removed from the curriculum for nudity.

In The Shadow of no Towers by the same guy is based.


Thats called misery porn. Only if youre 16 or with no life experience can you enjoy this crap

Also had to see that at least 3 times and i hated it too
Worst part is at the end of the movie she comes to France, pissed me off to no end, i was 11 and watching Persepolis is probably one of the first things in life that turned me racist

History class exists for a reason or do they stop teaching you after the civil war

Americans don’t give a shit about history.

Americans have a lot of that shit as mandatory reading. Pretty sure they need to read Wiesels “Night” as well. Always sus to me how many survivors these death camps have.

it also implies that it is the nature of non-jews (cats) to persecute jews (mice) so basically every non-jew is instinctively guilty

This is what we had to read

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Yeah Persepolis. I don’t really remember anything from it. I thought it was OK. Just remember being happy we were getting a break from Canterbury Tales.

Yeah, also thought that Polish people = pigs was frankly quite racist

A lot of those conservative Jews don’t like Poles because Poland wants in on the grift and isn’t giving land back to Jews.

I hate Jews so much it actually causes me physical pain.

Dont act rash on emotions user, thats how they control you. Look away from this thread

It wasn't banned though?

The Islamic Revolution happens in Iran, bitch gets sent to Austria and raped (no, really), hates it and comes back, lives the parallel secular life that middle class Iranians live, then leaves again.
IIRC, it's called Persepolis as a reminder that Iran has history other than Islam, because the author's in denial about her home country.

Do anyone remember the book where a old jew build a whole city with matches and an evil german comes and destroys it out of spite


>Look away from this thread
I shan't. I do as I please.

Yea, it was removed from the curriculum due to nudity and curse words. It will most likely be edited and re released for Tennessee or this will simply get overturned by the ADL.

>he is too low IQ to appreciate the art form of comics

Nah but i remember the one where the SS officers starts shooting contests with apples on jewish kid's heads lol

Not this, but I had to read "L'ami retrouvé", another anti-nazi stuff (original title is Reunion) from Fred Uhlman.

That was schindlers list

If they want to promote jewish culture they might as well watch fiddler on the roof

>>Please, PLEASE tell me that americans seriously do not have comics as a mandatory reading in high school.
This was mandatory reading for me in university.

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Why is there so many poltards inhere ?

user it's the holocaust. People died in it. Are you liek 14 or something?

A lot more Soviets died yet West is obsessed only with Jews.

West isn't obsessed with Jews. There's a handful of Jewish groups here which dedicate their lives to holocaust remembrance but the general public couldn't care less anymore

>t. Abdurrahim

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Maus was about Art's uncle. Not the holocaust in of itself. The book spent a ton of time on his father's early life, his marriage, his relationship with Art and more. The holocaust was a major part of it but never was it the sole one

>I saw it in a book store, I don't believe it had swastica though
It does on my copy
It's not that interesting honestly, the father son relationship is the best there

Did anyone read the "Once" series by Morris Glietzman in school? I really enjoyed it.
Are you Ashkenazi? Have you ever talked to a Holocaust survivor? We have them here and they're always interesting. My great grandma was in a camp.

>It's not that interesting honestly, the father son relationship is the best there
THIS. Anyone who doesn't get that never understood Maus at all. The comic as a whole was Art learning about Vladek as a person and to understand who the fuck Vladek was. It's very relatable book since many of us do have parents/relatives with skeletons in their closet.

No unless you consider soviet mutts Ashkenazi.
Yes, most of them are already dead, dementia ridden or were too young during the war to tell much, I mean even if they tell stories because many of them were literally kids it's hard to take it as entirely true.

As far as I'm aware after ww2 many Jews started their lives over and tried to hide what happened especially in Israel where Jews who weren't in Europe at the time ridiculed them for "not fighting" and such, took at least a decade or so until people started talking a bit about what happened.

Cry me a river, tons of people died
People in my family died and nobody gives a shit, in fact the jews on tv shit on them and say resistance doesn't exist and French people are bad and so on, just lol
My grandpa was a resistant, he had a friendship circle of resistants and by the 1990s they were all far right, one of them even gifted me Mein Kampf lmao

They should read these instead

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>Yea, it was removed from the curriculum due to nudity
Upload pages showing titties i wanna see

If you dont swim back ill crack your head open all over the street, agent hernandez

No jews died and "soviets" arent people

We had to read that in year 12

t. Karjala perrrkele

>People in my family died and nobody gives a shit, in fact the jews on tv shit on them and say resistance doesn't exist and French people are bad and so on, just lol
kek, cry harder Vichy collaborator
How is the israeli general opinion on topics like german resistance or the "clean wehrmacht" myth. I see people from different countries claiming things like "not all german soldiers" etc., even when the german army was clearly complicit in crimes.

I hate this whiny comic so much

Never heard of it

Oh my fucking java-written god. What ever pajeet wrote you had zero personal skills or shame

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