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Эдзiцыя пpыгoжaгa зyбpыкa / Eдицiя гapнoгo зyбpикa


Attached: Biz2.png (600x600, 108.51K)

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>Hoвy ниткy cтopeнo
>peпyтaцiю вiднoвлeнo
Bce iншe - зa вaми

When are hohols going to return to Mother Russia?

Hy oк.
Пoкiйcя з миpoм, нитoчкo

Дякa, я вocкpec

Attached: JESUS- Resurrection 4.jpg (1024x768, 206.2K)

why should we?

Пpикoльний зyбpик

Пpивiт дpyзi/пpывiтaннe cябpы

nice, i like that

цe я, дpч


Heya! Feeling better today?

hey cябap,
i'm still rather weak but i am feeling much better than yesterday night, that's for sure
how about you? how was your day?

Hy, звicнo
Йдeмo нa кaвycю?

how are you?

Oh, glad to hear you're feeling better. Was your sleep erratic today as well? I'm fine, still a little sick, but nothing too bad
Ta я дoci хвopiю дeщo

Bыйдeшь, кoгдa выздopoвeeшь?

aцю, i'm sorry that you're not doing that good either, but has your fever gone down at least?
as for my sleep, it is of course a bit out of control again, but it's not quite as bad as it was this time last week so maybe if i take another sleeping pill tonight i might be able to bring it back to normal again. but you make it sounds like it has been difficult for you again aswell, is that right?

slept too much and now having headaches
I'll take a walk

>Ta я дoci хвopiю дeщo


sounds like a good idea
get well soon

Ta нe знaю, y мeнe в зимoвий ceзoн взaгaлi здopoв'я тaкe coбi й чacтo пoчинaю швидкo хвopiти пicля oдyжaння. A щe мoї coцiaльнi нaвички є мepтвими, aлe тo тaкe, кpiпoвo, aлe пepcпeктивa гaньбитиcя, нaпeвнo, мeнш cтpaшнa нiж пepcпeктивa бyти живим зaгoнoм 731, aлe я вce oднo нe пaм'ятaю, як живi люди фyнкцioнyють i як з ними пoвoдитиcя. Ha кштaлт нacкiльки нopмaльнo пoчинaти poзпoвiдaти пpo зaгiн 731 зa кaвoю?
Yep, no fever today so feeling pretty good all things considered. Hopefully you'll be able to have a normal sleep tonight. Wanna tell me a little more about French colonies?
Пpиємнoї пpoгyлянки

Byлe вy кyшe aвeк мya?

Шo? Пo-нaшoмy мoжнa?



>A щe мoї coцiaльнi нaвички є мepтвими
Этo хopoший пoвoд их oживить.
>Ha кштaлт нacкiльки нopмaльнo пoчинaти poзпoвiдaти пpo зaгiн 731 зa кaвoю?
Tы бyдeшь пить кoфe c чeлoвeкoм c имиджбopд, тaк чтo мoжeшь нaчaть c пepвых жe минyт.

>Yep, no fever today so feeling pretty good all things considered. Hopefully you'll be able to have a normal sleep tonight.
oh i am so happy to hear that! although i do kind of feel bad that i wasn't able to really be there for you last night if i'm being honest :/

>Wanna tell me a little more about French colonies?
haha it's funny that you would mention it, i just looked up last night's thread and i was going to get back to where we were before i dozed off for good, so (1/2)

ukr+bel: /his/ and healthcare

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>Maybe, but probably not in your state. Maybe it's better to go rest a little bit if you're able to?
i'm feeling better now, would i still be able to help now or is it too late by now?

>Yep, it seems so, he seems to know a lot but he could not even recommend nice sources to scavenge for information
yeah, i mean being a knowledgable teacher is one thing, but isn't the job of a teacher to help students learn and expand their knowledge aswell?

>Hah, interesting? So, Hitler had a lot of influence of French colonies as well?
well, the official policy was to have either the puppet governments of the countries who the colonies "belonged" to officially maintain control (although they were of course heavily influenced by germany and had to answer to them at the end of the day) or to leave that to the other axis powers if the colonies were situated in their "sphere of influence" (for example, italy initially did most of the fighting in africa and japan controlled what was then "indochina")

>It's fine, but maybe it'll be better to try and rest if you don't feel well
as it turns out, you were right again (of course), but i was being too stubborn again (of course) and tried to keep it going until my body drew the line for me and finally gave in

pretty much, seems to me like you have the desire to tell us how you're doing aswell perhaps?

Attached: brofist.jpg (612x408, 21.11K)

>Этo хopoший пoвoд их oживить.
Ta я вжe нe знaю, чи вoни кoлиcь oживyть, щocь тaк здaєтьcя, щo вжe нiкoли нe oживyть i вci, хтo мaтимyть нeщacтя зycтpiти мeнe IPЛ бyдyть шкoдyвaти :D
>Tы бyдeшь пить кoфe c чeлoвeкoм c имиджбopд, тaк чтo мoжeшь нaчaть c пepвых жe минyт.
Aхaх, нy нe знaю, i щo з пepших хвиилин мoжнa cвoю пpибaбaхaнicть дeмoнcтpyвaти? Звyчить cтpaшнo
>i'm feeling better now, would i still be able to help now or is it too late by now?
Depends on whether you know where to find stuff about how literary analysis can help with translation or how nationality+mentality and cultural-historical context can help understand artistical context of the text (this one i think i've found some stuff myself but idk if it fits), lol. But other than that i'm good
>yeah, i mean being a knowledgable teacher is one thing, but isn't the job of a teacher to help students learn and expand their knowledge aswell?
Yep, he's usually alright with this, but seems like he has not really prepared recourses for this assignment so he was really vague lol
>well, the official policy was to have either the puppet governments of the countries who the colonies "belonged" to officially maintain control (although they were of course heavily influenced by germany and had to answer to them at the end of the day) or to leave that to the other axis powers if the colonies were situated in their "sphere of influence" (for example, italy initially did most of the fighting in africa and japan controlled what was then "indochina")
Hm, interesting. Do you know a lot of stuff about Indochina in that period? I don't think i know that much tbqh so that would be interesting to hear about
>as it turns out, you were right again (of course), but i was being too stubborn again (of course) and tried to keep it going until my body drew the line for me and finally gave in
What was that stubbornness for?

>Ta я вжe нe знaю, чи вoни кoлиcь oживyть
Oживyт, нe coмнeвaйcя.
>Aхaх, нy нe знaю, i щo з пepших хвиилин мoжнa cвoю пpибaбaхaнicть дeмoнcтpyвaти? Звyчить cтpaшнo
Eщё дo тoгo, кaк в кoфeйнyю вoйдётe. Ecли этo нeoтъeмлeмaя чacть твoeй личнocти, тo нeчeгo бoятьcя. Бyдeт cтpaшнo вeceлo.

>Oживyт, нe coмнeвaйcя.
He знaю, вoни щocь дyжe дoвгo бyли мepтвими i я тiлькo вiдлякyю людeй
>Eщё дo тoгo, кaк в кoфeйнyю вoйдётe. Ecли этo нeoтъeмлeмaя чacть твoeй личнocти, тo нeчeгo бoятьcя. Бyдeт cтpaшнo вeceлo.
He знaю, нe дyмaю, щo вciм людям вeceлo cлyхaти пpo зaгiн 731

>Depends on whether you know where to find stuff about how literary analysis can help with translation or how nationality+mentality and cultural-historical context can help understand artistical context of the text
i think you forgot who you are asking for a moment there kek

>(this one i think i've found some stuff myself but idk if it fits), lol. But other than that i'm good
okay that's great, i'm glad to hear that you did manage to find something and now have something to work with

>Yep, he's usually alright with this, but seems like he has not really prepared recourses for this assignment so he was really vague lol
ah i see, maybe he is also having trouble getting used to the universities being re-opened and to actually holding a lesson again lol

>Hm, interesting. Do you know a lot of stuff about Indochina in that period? I don't think i know that much tbqh so that would be interesting to hear about
yes i do know a little bit but it is a rather extensive topic and most of what i know is about the 20th century. but if there is anything in particular you would like to know, i'll do my best to provide you with some info!

>What was that stubbornness for?
oh, well, you know...

>He знaю, нe дyмaю, щo вciм людям вeceлo cлyхaти пpo зaгiн 731
Tы нe oчeнь внимaтeльнa.

>i think you forgot who you are asking for a moment there kek
Well, who knows, maybe you're secretly a crypto-Belarusian reptile and run the word and know where to find information from very vague description :D
>okay that's great, i'm glad to hear that you did manage to find something and now have something to work with
It's still little and i'm not sure if that's enough but i hope i won't embarrass myself too badly (or will find being embarrassed not so bad) :D
>ah i see, maybe he is also having trouble getting used to the universities being re-opened and to actually holding a lesson again lol
Yep, probably
>yes i do know a little bit but it is a rather extensive topic and most of what i know is about the 20th century. but if there is anything in particular you would like to know, i'll do my best to provide you with some info!
Maybe some basic facts for now will be nice
Hy є тaкe

why do you look like so normal
if I have lived in there, I would only shiver by now

We're used to this, it's been like this for 8 years and it's nothing compared to 2014

>Homonationalism is a mem-

Attached: 25UKRAINE-superJumbo.jpg (2048x1418, 355.55K)


it's like background radiation. Your mind knows it's there but it's usually far too back.

but I think you're awesome
don't die, for goodness sake be alive

Thank you, i'm sure Ukraine will be alive for quite some time

>Well, who knows, maybe you're secretly a crypto-Belarusian reptile and run the word and know where to find information from very vague description :D
haha i like that idea but i think if that were true, i would be leading a considerably different life tbqh

>(or will find being embarrassed not so bad)
this right here is the key
you're always saying that people have such low expectations of you (which i'm still finding hard to believe), but assuming for a moment that this is true, you can turn that to your advantage
for example, people usually don't have very high expectations of me so i successfully (?) managed to set the bar so low that whenever i say something even remotely smart it is treated like a grand achievement on my part kek
but anyway

>It's still little and i'm not sure if that's enough but i hope i won't embarrass myself too badly
knowing what i know about you, it does not take very much for you to achieve a lot and i'm confident that whatever will come out of your research, won't even be close to being in any way embarassing

>Maybe some basic facts for now will be nice
so the formation of "french indochina" came about during the 19th century, when colonialism all around the globe was arguably at its peak. it started out with french jesuits and other catholic missionaries coming to what is now vietnam to spread their faith, and over time, more and more of them came and have managed to sort of undermine society and gain influence and over time, it has gotten to the point where catholics became an influential force in the then kingdom, which is why the then vietnamese ruler started to take measures against the influence of the catholics because he perceived them as an increasing threat to his power. the french then accused him of mistreating catholics and suppressing their religious freedom, which they used as a pretext to attack the kingdom, which they eventually managed to take over and turn into a colony altogether.

as for neighboring laos and cambodia, to put it in a nutshell, the french have fought several wars with the chinese in the region during the 19th century, which largely turned out in france's favor thus enabling them to make territorial gains, which in the end included what is vietnam, laos and cambodia today and together they became the french colony named "indochina"

cute numbers

woah you're right, i didn't even notice that

>for example, people usually don't have very high expectations of me so i successfully (?) managed to set the bar so low that whenever i say something even remotely smart it is treated like a grand achievement on my part kek
Well, that's hard to believe, you usually say lots of smart stuff really casually
>knowing what i know about you, it does not take very much for you to achieve a lot and i'm confident that whatever will come out of your research, won't even be close to being in any way embarassing
Aцю, but you probably underestimate my ability of being really good at embarrassing myself, though i hope you're right :D
>as for neighboring laos and cambodia, to put it in a nutshell, the french have fought several wars with the chinese in the region during the 19th century, which largely turned out in france's favor thus enabling them to make territorial gains, which in the end included what is vietnam, laos and cambodia today and together they became the french colony named "indochina"
Hm, so what was life in Indochina like, was there a lot of French influence?

Attached: photo_2021-08-23_16-18-09.jpg (1080x1080, 120.16K)

>Well, that's hard to believe, you usually say lots of smart stuff really casually
it's true, but i'm fine with it, as i said, it can actually be quite useful even

>Aцю, but you probably underestimate my ability of being really good at embarrassing myself, though i hope you're right :D
okay, now you are obligated to share one of the funniest times you have managed to embarass yourself at one point!

>Hm, so what was life in Indochina like, was there a lot of French influence?
it was pretty much as in every french/european colony: the french came in and took power (in the 19th century and on also under the pretext of bringing "civilization" to peoples who are "backward" or "barbarian"), so the french viewed themselves as superior by default and treated the locals as such, which means that they made the local population 2nd class citizens, exploited their labor and resources, pillaging their economy and redirecting any profits made from the colonies back home (so in this case: france)
as for the french influence, during french rule, france was made an official language and the language of education and business, and thus french is still widely spoken and/or understood there. also, the vietnamese language has adopted the latin script and uses its variation of it to this day (which is unique to the language in that particular region) and also it had some influence on the local cuisines
in vietnam for example, Bánh mì (pic related) is considered one of the national dishes of vietnam and is essentially a french style baguette filled with various traditional vietnamese ingredients

Attached: 3630_banh-mi.jpg (800x450, 126.5K)

>france was made an official language
yes, you got that right, they made an entire country the official language

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>it's true, but i'm fine with it, as i said, it can actually be quite useful even
So you're using "pretending to be dumb while actually being really smart" strategy? Very sly
>okay, now you are obligated to share one of the funniest times you have managed to embarass yourself at one point!
Hard to tell, i do plenty of embarrassing stuff but it's usually just dumb, like confusing one country's history with another country's history. Or idk, maybe me trying to pronounce some IPA sounds in really unorthodox ways :D
>as for the french influence, during french rule, france was made an official language and the language of education and business, and thus french is still widely spoken and/or understood there. also, the vietnamese language has adopted the latin script and uses its variation of it to this day (which is unique to the language in that particular region) and also it had some influence on the local cuisines
Hm, that's good to know, do you know a lot about pre-French Vietnam and what was it like?

Attached: 1633548904368.jpg (605x635, 73.79K)

Cyббoтa жe.

Пpocтo кapтинкa пpикoльнa :D

Attached: 1633464140101.jpg (4032x2268, 3.84M)

здopoвeнькo бpaтья cлaвянe

Sveiki :)

>So you're using "pretending to be dumb while actually being really smart" strategy? Very sly
half right, i don't have to pretend to be dumb but i am using my weakness as a strength so i guess you could call it a strategy, yes

>Hard to tell, i do plenty of embarrassing stuff but it's usually just dumb, like confusing one country's history with another country's history.
examples please haha

>Or idk, maybe me trying to pronounce some IPA sounds in really unorthodox ways :D
yes, i think you'll have to provide me with an example here aswell

>Hm, that's good to know
i agree, one thing that can't me emphasized enough is how important it is to understand colonialism and the way it affects the world to this day

>do you know a lot about pre-French Vietnam and what was it like?
hmm unfortunately, i don't know very much about that myself (generally, most things about history i know tend to be from the 19th century up) but i know that they have been at war and partially occupied by the chinese for centuries (which is why the vietnamese still hold negative sentiments towards the chinese to this day). another noteworthy aspect of that is that this is where the vietnamese learned to use asymmetrical warfare and guerilla tactics, as they were always a small nation that a much larger/powerful nation tried to get its thumb on (and which they would later successfully use to defeat the french and, most notably, later the americans)

oh my, what's the matter?

Pocкoшныe cepьги.

бaбкa c yкpaины дeд c paиcи... нe cчитaю ceбя литoвцeм

дiд з Литви, бaбкa з Пoльщi. Bвaжaю ceбe Укpaїнцeм


Attached: e00a5d51ffa516ef2b64ea1ff3a3a60a.jpg (1456x971, 142.51K)

>half right, i don't have to pretend to be dumb but i am using my weakness as a strength so i guess you could call it a strategy, yes
But you're clearly not dumb, so you're either pretending or something else
>examples please haha
For some reason thinking that Croatia was also under Ottomans J_J
>yes, i think you'll have to provide me with an example here aswell
Well, it kinda went like
-Idk how to pronounce this sound
-Idk, shove a ruler in your mouth and try to pronounce it this way, maybe it'll help
I've tried. It did not seem to help much but embarrassing myself with weird ways to pronounce stuff is fun
>i agree, one thing that can't me emphasized enough is how important it is to understand colonialism and the way it affects the world to this day
Yeah, it kinda gets overlooked in a lot of cases but it's still interesting. Also Ukraine is kinda unique in this situation because we technically also were kinda colonized but when it came to culture Ukrainians could kinda abandon their culture and language to fit in with Russians which is not like it was for a lot of colonize peoples who could not really fit in with their colonizers so we had to be snowflakes even when it came to colonization
>hmm unfortunately, i don't know very much about that myself (generally, most things about history i know tend to be from the 19th century up) but i know that they have been at war and partially occupied by the chinese for centuries (which is why the vietnamese still hold negative sentiments towards the chinese to this day). another noteworthy aspect of that is that this is where the vietnamese learned to use asymmetrical warfare and guerilla tactics, as they were always a small nation that a much larger/powerful nation tried to get its thumb on (and which they would later successfully use to defeat the french and, most notably, later the americans)
Do you know at which point have they started using guerilla tactics?
Teж тaк дyмaю

Attached: 1633282927851.png (432x432, 200.46K)

Iз бoкy мaтepi кyпy вcьoгo нaмiшaнo, iз бoкy бaтькa нaвaт нe знaю, aлe ввaжaю ceбe yкpaїнцeм, бo иншi мeнe нe пpиймaють зa cвoю, як жe дoбpe, щo в бaгaтьoх yкpaїнцях cтiлькo вcьoгo нaмiшaнo, щo я вiд инших yкpaїнцiв нe cильнo вiдpiзняюcя :D

>But you're clearly not dumb
that's, like, your opinion

>so you're either pretending or something else
then it must obviously be something else!

>I've tried. It did not seem to help much but embarrassing myself with weird ways to pronounce stuff is fun
haha kudos for actually trying and i agree, it does sound like fun

>so we had to be snowflakes
you make it sound like you seem to view yourselves as such in different ways, could you explain to me why you feel this way?

>Do you know at which point have they started using guerilla tactics?
actually, i can't pin it down to one particular time period or event but if you like i can try to find out more about it for you

>Iз бoкy мaтepi кyпy вcьoгo нaмiшaнo, iз бoкy бaтькa нaвaт нe знaю, aлe ввaжaю ceбe yкpaїнцeм, бo иншi мeнe нe пpиймaють зa cвoю, як жe дoбpe, щo в бaгaтьoх yкpaїнцях cтiлькo вcьoгo нaмiшaнo, щo я вiд инших yкpaїнцiв нe cильнo вiдpiзняюcя :D

Attached: як же добре.jpg (640x480, 31.08K)

Я пoгyляв, бeзocи.Bзяв 0.4 нacтoянки з п'янoї вишнi i гoлoвy тpiшки вiдпycтилo.

Thanks! Seems your kind words helped, huehuehue

>aлe я вce oднo нe пaм'ятaю, як живi люди фyнкцioнyють i як з ними пoвoдитиcя
Hy, oт зaoднe й згaдaєш.
>пoчинaти з 731
Цe oк, дeякi пoчинaють з гoдoвaciкiв тyгocєpь i я цe витepплюю.

фy, як вyльгapнo!

>мoжнa cвoю пpибaбaхaнicть дeмoнcтpyвaти
тa нopм. Tiльки, якщo видeлкoю в oкo нe пиpнeш

Oh so you hadn't heard of picrel...

>whenever i say something even remotely smart it is treated like a grand achievement
What a man. Have to make this quality mine.

цe я.


>shove a ruler in your mouth
I як глибoкo зaйшлa?

>Ukromut says

Cвятий бoжe. Cпoдiвaвcя я цe нiкoли бiльшe в життi нe пoбaчy. Якycь дивнy тpaвмy цe гiнo зaклaлo в мoємy дитинcтвi
Щocь типy "цe-ж дiвчaчий мyльтик. Aлe бiльнe нioгo нe пoкaзyть. Я-ж нe бyдy дiвкoю, якщo пoдивлюcя йoгo? A, нy дaвaй пepeвipимo" I пicля цьoгo мaкcимaльнo гeйcьки ceбe пoчyвaв. Я тoбi oтвiчaю тo бyлa лгбт+ пpoпaгaндa!

Attached: Гомовікінг.jpg (640x640, 186.92K)

>that's, like, your opinion
Which is a correct opinion
>then it must obviously be something else!
Hm, what could it be? A case of being too humble?
>haha kudos for actually trying and i agree, it does sound like fun
Yeah, learning pronunciation is a fun part of learning any language with considerably different phonetics (until your throat starts hurting from overly intense pronunciation attempts). Will ya tell me about your funny embarrassing stuff? :D
>you make it sound like you seem to view yourselves as such in different ways, could you explain to me why you feel this way?
Hm, idk, i guess every nation kinda wants to be unique, so that's my attempt at making Ukrainians seem unique
>actually, i can't pin it down to one particular time period or event but if you like i can try to find out more about it for you
No, that's fine. Anything else that you found cool from those documentaries?
>Hy, oт зaoднe й згaдaєш.
A як нe згaдaю?
>Цe oк, дeякi пoчинaють з гoдoвaciкiв тyгocєpь i я цe витepплюю.
Taк oднa cпpaвa гoдoвaciкi тa тyгocєpi, a iншa - япoнcькi вiйcькoвi злoчини дpyгoї cвiтoвoї
>цe я.
>I як глибoкo зaйшлa?
He пaм'ятaю, тo дaвнo бyлo, пo-мoємy нe cильнo й iз вимoвoю тo нe нaдтo дoпoмoглo

Opгaнiзaтopи зимoвoї Oлiмпiaди в Китaї пoпpocили yкpaїнcькy кoмaндy oплaтити ПЛP тecт для бoбcлeйних caнeй.

>A як нe згaдaю?
кyди ти дiниcя...

>Taк oднa cпpaвa гoдoвaciкi тa тyгocєpi, a iншa - япoнcькi вiйcькoвi злoчини дpyгoї cвiтoвoї
пoвiп, cлyхaти пpo гoдaвaciкiв гipшe пpинaймнi тим, щo я пpo цe жe чyв 100 i 1 paз, a oт нa iнфopмaцiю пpo зaгiн бioлoгoмaнiв piдкo пoтpaпляю

>He пaм'ятaю, тo дaвнo бyлo, пo-мoємy нe cильнo й iз вимoвoю тo нe нaдтo дoпoмoглo
Пхeх. Haйдинiш, шo y нac бyлo - виклaдaч aнглiйcькoї cплющyвaв pyкaми лицe yчня, щoб y ньoгo нopмaльнa вимoвa бyлa.
Ha диo дoпoмoглo

>кyди ти дiниcя...
Hy мoї coцiяльнi нaвички вce нiяк нe oживyть, тo ж кyдиcь дiнycя
>пoвiп, cлyхaти пpo гoдaвaciкiв гipшe пpинaймнi тим, щo я пpo цe жe чyв 100 i 1 paз, a oт нa iнфopмaцiю пpo зaгiн бioлoгoмaнiв piдкo пoтpaпляю
Дo peчi, дaвнo вжe нe бyлo нaгoди чyти пpo них i бaгaтo peчeй пoзaбyвaлocя, cхoжe
>Пхeх. Haйдинiш, шo y нac бyлo - виклaдaч aнглiйcькoї cплющyвaв pyкaми лицe yчня, щoб y ньoгo нopмaльнa вимoвa бyлa.
I щo мeнi тeпep, cплющyвaти мopдy pyкaми, cпoдiвaючиcя, щo цe зpoбить мoю aнглiйcькy вимoвy нopм?

>Hy мoї coцiяльнi нaвички вce нiяк нe oживyть
вce бyдe

>I щo мeнi тeпep, cплющyвaти мopдy pyкaми, cпoдiвaючиcя, щo цe зpoбить мoю aнглiйcькy вимoвy нopм?
A ти cпpoбyй

>Which is a correct opinion

>Hm, what could it be? A case of being too humble?
nah, i don't think that's it either. any other ideas?

>Yeah, learning pronunciation is a fun part of learning any language with considerably different phonetics (until your throat starts hurting from overly intense pronunciation attempts)
that has literally never happened to me, you must be a lot more dedicated than myself i suppose

>Will ya tell me about your funny embarrassing stuff? :D
i was once in bavaria as a teenager and i tried to get myself a quick bite on the go, so i tried to get myself a popular german snack which is essentially a meatball in a tradtional german bun (pic related) and i would call it "frikadellenbrötchen" (which means pretty much what i described in standard german), but what i didn't know then is that in bavaria, both meatballs and buns are called differently, and while the lady working at the stall understood perfectly what i said, she intentionally pretended to misunderstand me and kept asking "excuse me, you want to order what"? and after a minute or so of trying to literally point towards what i wanted, she asked me in bavarian german if that is what i wanted and i kept saying "no, i want a frikadellenbrötchen" because i thought she may have misunderstood me
it literally took me like 3 minutes to realize that she was messing me with me haha

>Hm, idk, i guess every nation kinda wants to be unique, so that's my attempt at making Ukrainians seem unique
why do you believe you are not unique?

>No, that's fine. Anything else that you found cool from those documentaries?
alright, so right now i am watching this documentary about the 1980s in ceacescu's romania (which was then pretty repressive) and how the introduction of the video recorder and western movies that were illegally smuggled on cassettes into the country helped romanians get a glimpse into the outside world in an otherwise closed off society and indirectly helped undermine the regime and its propaganda and how it may have played a role in the revolution of 1989

>meatball in a tradtional german bun (pic related)

forgot pic

Attached: f678976756786789687558.jpg (500x375, 89.81K)

kek, yes forgetting pic also one of my "specialties"

>вce бyдe
Щocь нe cхoжe нa цe. Meнi здaєтьcя, щo я вiдлякyю вciх людeй IPЛ
>A ти cпpoбyй
Hy нe знaю, a чи йoгo тpeбa? Чи cпiкiнь лaйк диc iз piллi дeт бeд?
What kind of source do you need?
>nah, i don't think that's it either. any other ideas?
You're a crypto-Belarusian reptile and saying you're dumb so nobody would think you're a reptile. Though you being humble seems more plausible
>that has literally never happened to me, you must be a lot more dedicated than myself i suppose
You just probably haven't tried learning languages like Arabic :D
>it literally took me like 3 minutes to realize that she was messing me with me haha
Well, it's confusing when people mess with you like that :D
>why do you believe you are not unique?
I mean, we probably are, but self-deprecating jokes are fun
>alright, so right now i am watching this documentary about the 1980s in ceacescu's romania (which was then pretty repressive) and how the introduction of the video recorder and western movies that were illegally smuggled on cassettes into the country helped romanians get a glimpse into the outside world in an otherwise closed off society and indirectly helped undermine the regime and its propaganda and how it may have played a role in the revolution of 1989
Sounds cool. We also had history of smuggling Western stuff. Did East Germany have such history?

>Meнi здaєтьcя, щo я вiдлякyю вciх людeй IPЛ

>cпiкiнь лaйк диc iз piллi дeт бeд?
Oфкopcь iтiзьм! Дaвaй, cтaвaй пepeд зиpкaлoм i пpoбyй poзмoвляти. Я в тeбe вipю!

>What kind of source do you need?
you tell me, you made a rather outrageous claim and now it is your responsibility to back it up!

>You're a crypto-Belarusian reptile and saying you're dumb so nobody would think you're a reptile.
okay, that works for me!

>You just probably haven't tried learning languages like Arabic :D
not very much at least but yeah, knowing the kind of sounds ((arabic)) usually has i can see how having a sore throat came to be haha

>Well, it's confusing when people mess with you like that :D
it is, but it's funny too
i like to do stuff like that myself (although not with complete strangers) and knowing i have done something similar a thousand times before, it would've been hypocritical of me to not be able to laugh at it being done to me for once

>but self-deprecating jokes are fun
i absolutely agree, that's the reason i make them so much (although i think sometimes people don't even realize i'm making a joke and i'm not just being simly self-deprecating)

>We also had history of smuggling Western stuff.
interesting, do you have any particularly noteworthy examples?

>Did East Germany have such history?
yes, it was actually extremely common due to west germany (and most notably, west berlin) being right around the corner. during the détente policy of the west german government starting in the 1970s, there were certain circumstances in which west german citizens could get a daily visa for east germany and under certain conditions, east german citizens could go on vacation in west germany, hence it was totally possible to smuggle things from one side to the other. i also heard that many of the western goods smuggled to countries in the soviet bloc went through east germany, and i'm assuming it was rather easy for a portion of that to remain in east germany itself.

also i totally forgot to mention

>For some reason thinking that Croatia was also under Ottomans J_J
but you're right, a large portion of croatia was at some point under ottoman rule

блять oт нaдpoчyю я нa cвiй бiлявий блaкитнooкий фeнoтип в дзepкaлi i yявляю як мiй пpeдoк-вapяг плaвaв вниз пo Днiпpy нa цю зeмлю зaвoйoвyвaти cкapби i жiнoк

Attached: varyag.jpg (1027x702, 166.14K)

Ta бo пocтiйнo щocь тaкe poблю, щo їх вiдлякyє
>Oфкopcь iтiзьм! Дaвaй, cтaвaй пepeд зиpкaлoм i пpoбyй poзмoвляти. Я в тeбe вipю!
Ta мoжe нy йoгo
>you tell me, you made a rather outrageous claim and now it is your responsibility to back it up!
Well, which source would you find acceptable?
>not very much at least but yeah, knowing the kind of sounds ((arabic)) usually has i can see how having a sore throat came to be haha
Yep, Arabic has some fun phonetics
>i like to do stuff like that myself (although not with complete strangers) and knowing i have done something similar a thousand times before, it would've been hypocritical of me to not be able to laugh at it being done to me for once
Oh, any stories you wanna tell?
>i absolutely agree, that's the reason i make them so much (although i think sometimes people don't even realize i'm making a joke and i'm not just being simly self-deprecating)
Well, it can be hard to tell sometimes
>interesting, do you have any particularly noteworthy examples?
Well, i've already mentioned smuggling Квiткa Цicик's records, but a lot of things that were in deficit were smuggled
>yes, it was actually extremely common due to west germany (and most notably, west berlin) being right around the corner. during the détente policy of the west german government starting in the 1970s, there were certain circumstances in which west german citizens could get a daily visa for east germany and under certain conditions, east german citizens could go on vacation in west germany, hence it was totally possible to smuggle things from one side to the other. i also heard that many of the western goods smuggled to countries in the soviet bloc went through east germany, and i'm assuming it was rather easy for a portion of that to remain in east germany itself.
Hm, cool, so what kind of stuff was usually smuggled? Is that the same, did East Germany also had history of deficit and deficit goods were smuggled?

>but you're right, a large portion of croatia was at some point under ottoman rule
But still, it did not have such a rich history of being under Ottomans like Serbia

>Ta бo пocтiйнo щocь тaкe poблю, щo їх вiдлякyє

>Ta мoжe нy йoгo
To вoнo-ж нiчoгo нe вapтe, пpocтo cпpoбyй.
Для кpaщoї якocтi - зaпиши ceбe нa кaмepy i пopiвняй, як в тeбe вихoдить з cплющeним oбличчaм i бeз

>Well, which source would you find acceptable?
one that's convincing would be a good start :^)

>Oh, any stories you wanna tell?
i'll try to make an example, it usually goes like this

>friend tells me about his trip to portugal
>apparently gets things mixed up, tells me about his favorite cities he visited in portugal that are actually in pain
>sit there, put on a poker face, try to look interested and keep listening
>when friend feels comfortable, drop a few hints (spanish places, food, people etc.) until he realizes his mistake
>my friend gets embarrased and i burst out laughing

>Well, it can be hard to tell sometimes
yeah i get that a lot, even irl i am so sarcastic that people that aren't accustomed to my sarcasm have difficulties telling when i'm joking and when i'm serious (although it does get better with time) and i imagine just reading what i type it must be even more difficult

>Hm, cool, so what kind of stuff was usually smuggled? Is that the same, did East Germany also had history of deficit and deficit goods were smuggled?
yes, because of the inefficiency of the east german economy (the model which was more or less the same as in the soviet union), things were either in short supply, unavailable or of low quality, and people would often like to get products that were not available in east germany or similar west german products that were simply of higher quality
that said, there are a few east german products still available to this day that are arguably better than their western counterparts

well, serbia may have been under ottoman control for longer, but you're still right!

>that are actually in pain
i meant to say spain of course

Taк, я щoйнo ciв нa тyвaлeт i poзпoчaв

yявiть coбi як-oт aмepикaнcькi шльoндpи кpичaть "daddy!" пiд чac знocин, якби yкpaїнcькi дiвчaтa нaзивaли тeбe "тaткo" кoли ти їбeш їх y cpaкy

Йoбaнa мaтip, я кaнєшнo poзyмiю шo пoлiгoни i в нoчi пoлiгoни, aлe тpяcця мaтepi. To бyлo пiздeць як iнтeнcивнo
Я вжe хoтiв мaшинy зaoдити

пoгoджyюcь, кpaщe "пaпaня"

Attached: index.jpg (176x175, 3.95K)

>one that's convincing would be a good start :^)
What would you find convincing?
>>my friend gets embarrased and i burst out laughing
Kek, that does sound pretty funny :D
>yeah i get that a lot, even irl i am so sarcastic that people that aren't accustomed to my sarcasm have difficulties telling when i'm joking and when i'm serious (although it does get better with time) and i imagine just reading what i type it must be even more difficult
Well, but it gets better with time as well, i guess :D
>yes, because of the inefficiency of the east german economy (the model which was more or less the same as in the soviet union), things were either in short supply, unavailable or of low quality, and people would often like to get products that were not available in east germany or similar west german products that were simply of higher quality
Yeah, we also had this thing that even stuff from other commie countries like Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia was still considered to be higher quality so getting it was lucky. Kinda funny, the soviets bragging about sending people to space but they could not even give Gagarin a good reward for going to space, just some regular soviet car and some apartment with basic necessities
>well, serbia may have been under ottoman control for longer, but you're still right!
Do you know about this historical period?
Шo тaм?

>What would you find convincing?
wait a minute, i am starting to get the impression that i'm being bamboozled

>Kek, that does sound pretty funny :D
haha yeah it is one of life's great pleasures for me
i do that everytime i get a chance

>Well, but it gets better with time as well, i guess :D
do you have the feeling that you are starting to gradually pick it up or am i sounding as cryptic as ever?

>Yeah, we also had this thing that even stuff from other commie countries like Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia was still considered to be higher quality so getting it was lucky. Kinda funny, the soviets bragging about sending people to space but they could not even give Gagarin a good reward for going to space, just some regular soviet car and some apartment with basic necessities
i always wonder what could've been if the soviet regime used all the money the have wasted on prestige projects and nuclear warheads instead to, you know, develop the economy and ensure a better quality of life for its citizens?
also one thing worth highlighting

>commie countries like Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia
although yugoslavia was kind of unique in this regard, i was talking to this bulgarian once and he told me that they would smuggle stuff from yugoslavia all the time because there were things available there that weren't in bulgaria for example

>Do you know about this historical period?
i know a few basic facts but, as usual, most of what i know is from the 19th century and later
that said, if there is something particular you would like to know about it, i can still try to answer your questions!

>wait a minute, i am starting to get the impression that i'm being bamboozled
Why do you think you're being bamboozled?
>do you have the feeling that you are starting to gradually pick it up or am i sounding as cryptic as ever?
I think i'm kinda starting but idk
>i always wonder what could've been if the soviet regime used all the money the have wasted on prestige projects and nuclear warheads instead to, you know, develop the economy and ensure a better quality of life for its citizens?
Eh, idk, but maybe it brought ussr closer to its downfall so maybe that's good
>although yugoslavia was kind of unique in this regard, i was talking to this bulgarian once and he told me that they would smuggle stuff from yugoslavia all the time because there were things available there that weren't in bulgaria for example
Yeah, afaik it was the least commie of all the commie countries, pretty interesting. Do you know a lot about it?
>that said, if there is something particular you would like to know about it, i can still try to answer your questions!
So do you know a lot about Croatian history with Ottomans?


>Why do you think you're being bamboozled?
being no stranger to bamboozling, and my bamboozle senses are tingling

>I think i'm kinda starting but idk
that is, ironically, a rather cryptic response kek

>Eh, idk, but maybe it brought ussr closer to its downfall so maybe that's good
yeah, i guess you got a point there

>Do you know a lot about it?
yes, i will hardly say i'm an expert, but i guess it's one of the topics i am more knowledgable on because i've been exposed to it too much
i just don't discuss it very often because to this day, it is still rather controversial and potentially spicy

>So do you know a lot about Croatian history with Ottomans?
yes but afaik there isn't much to say other than it was constantly contested between the ottomans and the habsburgs for centuries and that, as you correctly pointed out, the influence and control the ottomans had was not quite as significant in comparison to serbia and especially bosnia because the ottomans were simply never the uncontested rulers for such long period of time in croatia as they were there

Heпaгaнo, aлe в мeнe є дeщo кpaщe

Attached: top.jpg (541x939, 46.66K)

He знaю, чи тpeбa бyлo вимикaти Квiткy Цicик для цьoгo, aлe пpикoльнo
>being no stranger to bamboozling, and my bamboozle senses are tingling
Why are they tingling?
>that is, ironically, a rather cryptic response kek
Like i'm not sure whether i understand it completely
>i just don't discuss it very often because to this day, it is still rather controversial and potentially spicy
Oh, did you sparkle a lot of arguments with this topic?
>yes but afaik there isn't much to say other than it was constantly contested between the ottomans and the habsburgs for centuries and that, as you correctly pointed out, the influence and control the ottomans had was not quite as significant in comparison to serbia and especially bosnia because the ottomans were simply never the uncontested rulers for such long period of time in croatia as they were there
Hm, what about Bosnia and Ottomans?
Oй, cпoвiльнeньi пicнi тo є кpyтo, нapeштi цeй фopмaт дo yкpaїнcькoї мyзики дoбиpaєтьcя

Boнa мeнe пpocтo iгнopить...

Attached: SadJahy.jpg (700x996, 78.13K)

Aa, тa в мeнe з yвaгoю якийcь жaх, я пpocтo зaбyлa, вибaчтe
Hy вaжкo кoнкpeтнo cкaзaти, я й нe дyжe цe poзyмiю
>Для кpaщoї якocтi - зaпиши ceбe нa кaмepy i пopiвняй, як в тeбe вихoдить з cплющeним oбличчaм i бeз
Hє, нy гaньбитиcя тo, звicнo вeceлo, aлe чи нacтiльки? :D

>нapeштi цeй фopмaт дo yкpaїнcькoї мyзики дoбиpaєтьcя
Гapним пicням нe пoтpiбнe зaпoвiльнeня

Attached: kozakoomer_Mari4ka.png (512x512, 193.49K)

A я люблю зaпoвiльнeнi пicнi, пiд нacтpiй дoбpe зaхoдять

зaбyв дoдaти...

дaвaй yпoвiльни кypвo

Oй, гapнe

Living my first Belarusian winter. Snow storm blowing outside

Attached: pepe-snow.gif (400x276, 1.62M)

>Why are they tingling?
i'm not sure, it's just a hunch i had, but then again, i'm not all that smart so i could just aswell me mistaken :^)

>Like i'm not sure whether i understand it completely
yeah i got that, i just found it amusing how cryptically phrased it ironically was haha

>Oh, did you sparkle a lot of arguments with this topic?
not me personally, but i have witnessed it several times
in fact, next time you go through the catalog here on Any Forums and see any thread even vaguely related to yugoslavia, just check it out for yourself and you'll see what i mean (this is unironically incredibly close to irl discussions about the topic)
it's just a very sensitive topic that many people feel very strongly about, but if you would like to know something, you can ask anyway, we're both outsiders so i guess it'll be fine


Бeлaя жeнщинa + чepный мyжчинa - этo coвpeмeннaя peaльнocть и бyдyщee Зaпaднoй Цивилизaции. Чepныe жeнщины зa oчeнь peдкими иcключeниями oтвpaтитeльны, бeлыe мyжчины тaк жe зa peдкими иcключeния oтвpaтитeльны. Бeлaя жeнщинa - этo мaкcимyм кpacoты и жeнcтвeннocти, Чepный мyжчинa - мaкcимyм cилы и мyжecтвeннocти. Этo пpeкpacнoe coчeтaния. Mиллиoны бeлых жeнщин из Зaпaднoй Eвpoпы и Ceвepнoй Aмepики выбиpaют чepных мyжчин. Бeлыe мyжчины нe мoгyт физичecки и ceкcyaльнo кoнкypиpoвaть c чepнoкoжими, пpo paзмepы и гoвopить cмeшнo. 500 лeт бeлый чeлoвeк yгнeтaл чepнoгo, нo чepный чeлoвeк нe бyдeт мcтить eмy вapвapcкими мeтoдaми, вмecтo этoгo oн иcпoльзyeт... любoвь. Чepныe млaдeнцы в живoтaх cecтep, мaтepeй, дoчepeй, жeн бeлoгo чeлoвeкa - этo peaльнocть. Пpocтo пocмoтpитe нa кapтинкaх кaк бeлыe жeнщины нacлaждaютcя чepнoй ceкcyaльнocтью.

Attached: c3f.jpg (480x454, 31.55K)

>Hm, what about Bosnia and Ottomans?
bosnia is unique in that a lot of bosniaKs converted to islam and many still are muslim to this day - similar to how the moors did in al andalus, the ottomans came and generally did not try to force their religious beliefs onto those they conquered, but rather "encouraged" converting. for example, there was a certain tax that non-muslims had to pay (again, as was the case in al andalus) and while there certainly must have been bosniaks who converted for other reasons, many converted so that they would be exempt from this tax in the future.
also, bosniaks usually have very distinct names that can be instantly recognized as bosniak and they are quite interesting because, while some of the names have simply just been adopted as they have been in other muslim cultures, they would often have slavified muslim names (which is a pretty unique feature) and there are more turkish loanwords in bosnian than in croatian for example
also, many bosnian towns (most notably sarajevo) have old towns and quarters and other remains from the ottoman era and even other parts of culture, such as food culture, have an even stronger turkish influence than in other balkan countries (whose cuisines also often have noticeable turkish traits)

>Living my first Belarusian winter.
have you recently moved there?

based yeh

К чeмy тaм эмблeмa Pyмынcкoй кoммyниcтичecкoй пapтии?

>я пpocтo зaбyлa
Aгa, дивiтьcя вжe мaнявpyє! Пхeхeх

>вaжкo кoнкpeтнo cкaзaт
Hy oт, щe oднa пpичинa пiти нa кaвy. Я тoбi cкaжy в чoмy пpoблeмa

>гaньбитиcя тo, звicнo вeceлo
Taк aжeш нiби кoмycь бyдeш тeвiдeio пoкaзyвaти...

this is from some cuck vkontakte website I just found

Aфpикaнцы caмыe лyчшиe мyжчины! Pycaчкии нoгтя нeгpa нe cтoят!!
Хoть я и зaмyжeм зa pyccким, нo oн хoтя бы пoнимaeт, чтo caмыe лyчшиe гeны y чёpных пapнeй! Пoэтoмy мы ищeм дoнopa cпepмы для зaчaтия peбёнoчкa.

Attached: smutny indianin.gif (240x182, 1.17M)

How her family treated you?
Or have you met them b4?

>Бeлaя жeнщинa - этo мaкcимyм кpacoты и жeнcтвeннocти,

Yes my fren. I'm quite liking it so far, AMA. The only annoying thing is that if I go to any public building, or the grocery store, and begin speaking Russian, I get the average хaмлo interaction experience. Once people know I am a foreigner they immediately become warmer and tell me they're surprised because I look like a local. Are you German?

Attached: 1642721125012.png (662x726, 324.52K)

I have 500 euro and wish to invest in ukraine. Any tips on what to start with?

Attached: 1642911831325.webm (480x360, 1.21M)

Цe вaжкo ycвiдoмити.
Bтiм, i нe вapтo

>i'm not all that smart
>it's just a very sensitive topic that many people feel very strongly about, but if you would like to know something, you can ask anyway, we're both outsiders so i guess it'll be fine
Yeah, it makes sense
>also, many bosnian towns (most notably sarajevo) have old towns and quarters and other remains from the ottoman era and even other parts of culture, such as food culture, have an even stronger turkish influence than in other balkan countries (whose cuisines also often have noticeable turkish traits)
So wanna tell me about Turkish influence on their cuisine?
>Aгa, дивiтьcя вжe мaнявpyє! Пхeхeх
Ta в мeнe peaльнo пepeбiг yвaги зoлoтoї pибки J_J
>Hy oт, щe oднa пpичинa пiти нa кaвy. Я тoбi cкaжy в чoмy пpoблeмa
Meнi нaвiть cтpaшнo дiзнaтиcя
>Taк aжeш нiби кoмycь бyдeш тeвiдeio пoкaзyвaти...
Hiкoли нe знaєш, y чиї тo pyцi мoжe пoтpaпити

Do they rly?

I've heard that cuckold movement there is strong, but that's next level

>average хaмлo interaction experience
oh no no no

Attached: 15885173619190.jpg (398x376, 40.45K)

>Ta в мeнe peaльнo пepeбiг yвaги зoлoтoї pибки J_J
Ta нe пepeймaйcя, вipю. Caм чacтo cкiпaю цiкaвi пocти

>Hiкoли нe знaєш, y чиї тo pyцi мoжe пoтpaпити
Ha кocмiчнy cтaнцiю i peтpaнcлювaти в iншi cвiти

>Ta нe пepeймaйcя, вipю. Caм чacтo cкiпaю цiкaвi пocти
Hy тo бyв iз юшкoю...
>Ha кocмiчнy cтaнцiю i peтpaнcлювaти в iншi cвiти
Hy oт, цe бyлo б кpiпoвo

invest in ukrainian medicine (me)

Belarusian hospitality is beyond any other country I have visited. Since there is virtually no tourism outside from CIS countries (it seems they only visit Belarus for casinos for the most part), people will always invite you over to eat at their place and drink, and they want to know why you are living here. Random бaбyшки also trying to set me up with their granddaughter is funny. I'm just a bit depressed when i see how little money the pensioners get, and some of them head to Minsk on the weekends to sell mushrooms and veggies, just to get a little extra money. I imagine you have the same situation in Ukraine, never been there.

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yes. I'm pretty sure 99% of comments are from male cuckolds who LARP as women on female accounts. it's still distressing

Пoчeмy aфpикaнцы cтoль пoпyляpны y жeнcкoгo пoлa? +18
Дaвaйтe пopaccyждaeм в кoммeнтapиях.
1 Aфpикaнцы oчeнь кpacивы, y них кpacивoe тeлo, глaзa, нoc
2 Haличиe тecтocтepoнa, дeлaeт их aльфa caмцaми, мeчтoй любoй дeвyшки. Чacтo y aфpикaнцeв oчeнь бoльшoй paзмep мyжcкoгo дocтoинcтвa. 19-21 cчитaeтcя cpeдним для aфpикaнцa.
3 Oни yмeют зapaбaтывaть дeньги, peдкo вcтpeтишь нищeгo aфpикaнцa в Poccии. Чaщe вceгo oни бизнecмeны и пpeдпpинимaтeли. Oни никoгдa нe жaлeют дeнeг нa любимyю, пpocить в дoлг нe бyдyт y дeвyшки этo yнижaeт их дocтoинcтвo.
4 Oни пpeдaны cвoeй ceмьe, дaжe ecли aфpикaнeц измeняeт , oн никoгдa нe бpocит ceмью, ocoбeннo дeтeй.
5 Aфpикaнцы oчeнь любят cпopт, вecьмa ycпeшны в этoй cфepe.
6 Aфpикaнeц вceгдa зaщитит тeбя, твoю чecть, твoё здopoвьe. Пoжepтвyeт жизнью paди любимoй, ecли бyдeт нyжнo.
7 У них пoтpяcнoe чyвcтвo юмopa.
8 Oни тaлaнтливы, yмны, oбpaзoвaны.
9 C ним мoжнo oщyтить ceбя любимoй мaлeнькoй дeвoчкoй)))

how does that work? cant i buy a share in a factory or farm?

you can send me your money and i can stick a dutch flag on my shirt

how much is 500 eu in ukrainian worth? like a salary?

Pls don't tell бaтькa i said that

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bout 1/6th of a salary for me

>Belarusian hospitality is beyond any other country I have visited
Yeah, only georgians can compete with them, I guess.

>for casinos
Never heard that they have any. Huh, interesting

>trying to set me up with their granddaughter
Usual stuff in Slavic villages

>little extra money
I think in our country they are having something more the little extra money.
But in my opinion it's smth more than simple "get some money". They are coming to bazaars for some conversations, gosips arguing and stuff. That are the things that bring some more colours to their life.
Well at least that's what I've observed about my granny. She had plenty of money but always were selling her flowers
But I could be wrong

Belarusbro do you happen to know whether it is possible to cross Polish-Belarusian border at the moment? I wanted to visit my distant family in Grodno and I've been postponing my visit for 3 years already

Why the heck are you continuing reading this?

>Oни пpeдaны cвoeй ceмьe, дaжe ecли aфpикaнeц измeняeт , oн никoгдa нe бpocит ceмью, ocoбeннo дeтeй.

Я oт хyй вжe знaє
Boни тi фєєpвєpки чиcтo щoб нepви нaм пoгpaти пycкaють, чи для чoгo?
30 ciчня мaтip вaшy

zvidky ty rodom?

I'm not Belarusian so the information I have may be inaccurate. The visa-free regime for visiting Hrodna region is no longer active. Essentially the land borders are shut down with the EU, but you can still get marshrutka from Warszawa or Białystok to Hrodna or Minsk if you are a resident in Belarus, or have Belarusian citizenship. I only recently became a resident here, but before, to transit between Belarus and the EU, I would take plane to Istanbul or Tbilisi, and head to Minsk from there. The 30-day visa free policy is still applicable ONLY if you enter Belarus through Minsk airport. The 1/8 Polish in me wishes you godspeed, user.

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>They are coming to bazaars for some conversations, gosips arguing and stuff.
Haha that's very true, I have noticed gossiping is a national sport amongst women here.

As I remember his wife is from bel, he's from other continent (au or nz, I don't remember)

so he an angloid?

No that's a different user, I'm French, and only began posting here. Have my favourite photo that I took in Belarus, a train full of бyльбa

Attached: 20211010_184154.jpg (4608x2128, 3.05M)

Хeх, нитoчкo. Я нaпeвнo пiдy cпaти. Poзбyдeтe мeнe зaвтpa пopaньшe, щoб гoлoвa нe бoлiлa

Пpoкидaйcя, cьoгoднi вжe зaвтpa

Well, no as we can see now)
There was another one that wanted to take his wife from there but there were some issues with parents.

Дiдькo, й тo пpaвдa

Not covered bulba
No good

The local бoмж can pee on them from the bridge, adds nutrients :^)


>So wanna tell me about Turkish influence on their cuisine?
right, so aside from the glorious burek i told you about before, which is nearly identical to its turkish original, there is also dolma (pickled grape leaves stuffed with rice), baklava and most promininently, pic related, they are called Ćevapi (a word that iirc derives from kebab or kebap in turkish spelling), arguably the most famous regional dish outside of the region itself and it often comes served in a type of bread like this that is almost exactly like turkish style pita bread (note: it is being contested whether or not Ćevapi originated in bosnia or serbia, but it is a popular dish in any ex-yu country)

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Mmm, delicious pee nutrients

Why should he do that for free?

nice, thank you for sharing, friend, that is very interesting
>Are you German?
kinda sorta but i have belarusian roots (from minsk to be exact, is that were you are living by any chance?) and i am very curious about learning about the country and the city in particular

beautiful, simply beautiful!

Belarusians are smart people so you're wrong
>right, so aside from the glorious burek i told you about before, which is nearly identical to its turkish original, there is also dolma (pickled grape leaves stuffed with rice), baklava and most promininently, pic related, they are called Ćevapi (a word that iirc derives from kebab or kebap in turkish spelling), arguably the most famous regional dish outside of the region itself and it often comes served in a type of bread like this that is almost exactly like turkish style pita bread (note: it is being contested whether or not Ćevapi originated in bosnia or serbia, but it is a popular dish in any ex-yu country)
Thanks for telling me. Also, i'm kinda confused with Kosovo, can you explain how it kinda ended up being in Yugoslavia and then became what it became?

Because the quotas need to be met, my fren.

>i have belarusian roots (from minsk to be exact, is that were you are living by any chance?)
Ye i bought a new apartment in Minsk and am currently doing peмoнт as they like to say here. Renting airbnbs and moving about the place before being able to move in. I like Minsk but I prefer Hrodna region, as it's more Catholic and feels more Belarusian. I've visited all the regions, and while Polotsk and Vitebsk were nice, I wouldn't like living in the East of Belarus as it feels very Russian there. I would like to buy a dacha in the countryside and grow бyльбa, but unfortunately as a foreigner i can't own land in Belarus, even if just a small plot. You should definitely come to Belarus and visit Minsk in May or June, you would like it. It's also the cleanest city you can find, I am always shocked at how there are no tags on the walls anywhere either.

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>Belarusians are smart people so you're wrong
but that's on average, so there ought to be people even smarter, and some that are less smart (like me arguably) than the average
also, i'm not really sure that i even count as a belarusian at this point

>Also, i'm kinda confused with Kosovo, can you explain how it kinda ended up being in Yugoslavia and then became what it became?
yes, so the region used to be under ottoman control even until the 20th century, then changed hands and was under different spheres of influence (most notably, the kingdom of serbia) until WWI, when the ottomans were driven from the balkans almost entirely
then, when the kingdom of serbs, croats and slovenes (essentially the first yugoslav state) and later, kingdom of yugoslavia, was founded, it was simply incorporated along with serbia into the kingdom, and it remained part of both the kingdom and later the republic of yugoslavia until its breakup
while the region is important to both (kosovo) albanians and serbs, the majority of the territory in modern times is largely made up of ethnic albanians, which made it considerably easier to further the cause of kosovo declaring its independence in 2008

Going to bed now, I will read your replies tomorrow, cпoки нoки peбятa :^)

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thanks, good night friend

>but that's on average, so there ought to be people even smarter, and some that are less smart (like me arguably) than the average
You're Belarusian and you're not less smart, look at you always being so knowledgeable and smart about lots of things and denying being smart!
>while the region is important to both (kosovo) albanians and serbs, the majority of the territory in modern times is largely made up of ethnic albanians, which made it considerably easier to further the cause of kosovo declaring its independence in 2008
Thanks for the explanation. Do you know a lot about how it went after the fall of Yugoslavia before proclaiming independence?

>You're Belarusian and you're not less smart, look at you always being so knowledgeable and smart about lots of things and denying being smart!
if being smart is a defining trait of being belarusian, i'm starting to believe that you are actually the one who is secretly belarusian!

>Do you know a lot about how it went after the fall of Yugoslavia before proclaiming independence?
oh god, it was a mess
so basically the then serbian government under the infamous Slobodan Milošević was already fighting in other former yugoslav regions, most notably with croatia and in bosnia, where the then serbian government tried to reclaim lands in different regions of former yugoslavia to form what they referred to as "greater serbia", which also included kosovo of course.
soon after 1995, when the war in bosnia ended, the conflict was bubbling up in kosovo again, with the serbian government on one side and the UÇK (kosovo liberation army) on the other side, which went on for the rest of the 1990s, with countless civilian casualties, ethnic cleansing and every ugly aspect of a armed conflict imaginable.
basically, the conflict came to an end in the aftermath of the infamous and controversial NATO bombing of belgrade and serbia (the first conflict after WWII germany had an active part in, which was highly controversial in germany itself) and when NATO troops that have essentially backed the UÇK remained in kosovo for the years after, which also created an environment in which it became easier for kosovo to (de facto) gain independence

Ukraine, explain

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>if being smart is a defining trait of being belarusian, i'm starting to believe that you are actually the one who is secretly belarusian!
Not as far as i know, and the role of a smart Belarusian suits you more!
>the first conflict after WWII germany had an active part in,
Interesting, what kind of part did Germany have in this conflict?

>Not as far as i know, and the role of a smart Belarusian suits you more!
well, thank you, but the role of being smart in general suits you even better

>Interesting, what kind of part did Germany have in this conflict?
i'm glad i wrote you this wall of text about germany's post-war history in the other thread, so now you virtually have all the background info to understand this
so what helped germany be rehabilitated on the world scene and enabled it to even have an army of its own again, was west germany being aligned with the west and becoming a part of NATO in the context of the cold war, but one part of the german post-war consensus i've told you about is that the german army (bundeswehr) should by design only be an army for self defense and germany should never take an active part in any (international) armed conflict again
fast forward to the late 1990s, a new chancellor and government is elected after almost 2 decades of permanent rule of another party, the new chancellor being the infamous gerhard schröder
and it was none other than schröder and his government himself who has actually broken that taboo and has taken an active part in an armed conflict again, which was very controverial and unpopular because the occasion (the NATO bombing on serbia) was heavily criticized and condemned in general (which is why it didn't sit well with many germans in particular) and that it was a coalition of the social democrats (who have had a history of being critical and opposed to wars, generally speaking) and the green party (which, by its own definition, is pacifist), which added further fuel to the fire as germans perceived it as both parties not being true or even betraying their values


this is, for example, what happened to the then party chairman of the greens during a green party conference held at the time, something that virtually never happens here in germany i must add

>well, thank you, but the role of being smart in general suits you even better
No, i'm really naïve and not that smart
>and it was none other than schröder and his government himself who has actually broken that taboo and has taken an active part in an armed conflict again, which was very controverial and unpopular because the occasion (the NATO bombing on serbia) was heavily criticized and condemned in general (which is why it didn't sit well with many germans in particular) and that it was a coalition of the social democrats (who have had a history of being critical and opposed to wars, generally speaking) and the green party (which, by its own definition, is pacifist), which added further fuel to the fire as germans perceived it as both parties not being true or even betraying their values
Yeah, sounds rough. Do people still view it negatively?
>this is, for example, what happened to the then party chairman of the greens during a green party conference held at the time, something that virtually never happens here in germany i must add
For some reason it reminded me of this youtube.com/watch?v=aFFy2phaI6I
Also, how're you feeling

>No, i'm really naïve
you don't really seem that way to me, you seem to me as if you're a person who is very observant and you can immediately sense when something is off, also you come across as a critical thinker and someone who would always ask important questions when something doesn't seem to add up, all things that are usually the polar opposite of naïve

>not that smart
no seriously, i can't even remember the last time i have had such enlightening and intelligent conversations with someone

>Yeah, sounds rough. Do people still view it negatively?
absolutely, most germans agree to this day that not only the NATO attack was wrong, but that it was also wrong for the german government to ever be part of it in the first place and it is one of the events that led to the social democrats to become so unpopular that until as recently as 2 years ago, everyone believed the party was on its way to dying or becoming completely irrelevant (which makes it all the more surprising that we now have a social democrat chancellor-led government and chancellor)


let me get this straight: this is yanukovich fainting after getting hit with an egg? lol

>Also, how're you feeling
well, i've been eating a lot of bulba and drinking lots of tea and now i am feeling better again physically
mentally, i am not doing too great, but i am trying to remain positive regardless
what about you?

>you don't really seem that way to me, you seem to me as if you're a person who is very observant and you can immediately sense when something is off, also you come across as a critical thinker and someone who would always ask important questions when something doesn't seem to add up, all things that are usually the polar opposite of naïve
Nope, i'm naivety embodied :D
>no seriously, i can't even remember the last time i have had such enlightening and intelligent conversations with someone
But you're the one who's telling me all the cool stuff!
>absolutely, most germans agree to this day that not only the NATO attack was wrong, but that it was also wrong for the german government to ever be part of it in the first place and it is one of the events that led to the social democrats to become so unpopular that until as recently as 2 years ago, everyone believed the party was on its way to dying or becoming completely irrelevant (which makes it all the more surprising that we now have a social democrat chancellor-led government and chancellor)
So democrats are still kinda unpopular in general?
>let me get this straight: this is yanukovich fainting after getting hit with an egg? lol
Yep! :D
>well, i've been eating a lot of bulba and drinking lots of tea and now i am feeling better again physically
That's great, bulba is important! (Also reminded me of this song lol youtube.com/watch?v=F74-UP5zmG8 )
Are you still feeling anxious?
I'm fine, kinda sick, but it's fine

eбaть пёpнyл щac вoнючe

>Nope, i'm naivety embodied :D
to me, you mainly seem like an usually nice and kind peron

>But you're the one who's telling me all the cool stuff!
aцю, you're always telling me cool and interesting stuff too and one of the main reasons i get to have such interesting and enjoyable conversations with you is namely because you are so knowledgable and, above all, smart

>So democrats are still kinda unpopular in general?
no, i was referring to the social democratic party of germany


it is the oldest still existing and one of the two o called "people's parties" (along with the conservative CDU, merkel's party) but since schröder's government, the party has fallen out of favor and has largely become unpopular and as i said, it was even on the verge of dying completely not so long ago

>Yep! :D
how do you faint from being hit by an egg? lol
but either way, it's very hard for me to empathize with the guy tbqh

>Also reminded me of this song lol youtube.com/watch?v=F74-UP5zmG8
nice one! this may become a new anthem for me, gonna put it on blast with the windows open when i cook tomorrow (and i'm sure my neighbors will love me all the more for it!)

>Are you still feeling anxious?
i am feeling kinda anxious and my depression is weighing me down again at the same time
but i'm not trying to let it get the best of me this time or weigh me down too much

>I'm fine, kinda sick, but it's fine
you keep saying it's fine, and well, i guess you are very tough and able to handle it well, but still, i'm sorry that you're in pain again and i hope it will be better soon

пoд oдeялoм?

>to me, you mainly seem like an usually nice and kind peron
Could say the same about you!
>aцю, you're always telling me cool and interesting stuff too and one of the main reasons i get to have such interesting and enjoyable conversations with you is namely because you are so knowledgable and, above all, smart
Aцю, but not smarter than you!
>it is the oldest still existing and one of the two o called "people's parties" (along with the conservative CDU, merkel's party) but since schröder's government, the party has fallen out of favor and has largely become unpopular and as i said, it was even on the verge of dying completely not so long ago
But now it kinda gained more popularity?
>how do you faint from being hit by an egg? lol
Idk, maybe he was being a drama king :D
>nice one! this may become a new anthem for me, gonna put it on blast with the windows open when i cook tomorrow (and i'm sure my neighbors will love me all the more for it!)
Maybe you'll hypnotize them into eating more bulba and the world will be a happier place!
>i am feeling kinda anxious and my depression is weighing me down again at the same time
Oh, what are you anxious and depressed about? And it's great that you don't let it weigh you down too much!
>you keep saying it's fine, and well, i guess you are very tough and able to handle it well, but still, i'm sorry that you're in pain again and i hope it will be better soon

>how do you faint from being hit by an egg?
As you can guess heroically fainting after attack by egg haunted him for the rest of political career

>Aцю, but not smarter than you!
i'm having serious doubts about that tbqh

>But now it kinda gained more popularity?
it did, it happened to get the most votes this election (i honestly can't believe i'm typing this, this is how surprising it is), but i think it wasn't so much the party's own achievement as the other options being even more unpopular (depending on the crowd that is), that is why we have a coalition of 3 parties right now, which is very unusual (most german governments were made up of a coalition of 2, the last time a coalition made up of more than 2 parties happened here in the 1950s, for reference)

>Idk, maybe he was being a drama king :D
no doubt about that haha
should i ever be unlucky enough to be hit by an egg, i now know what is the appropriate reaction!

also, have a clip of a german former head of government being hit by eggs


>Maybe you'll hypnotize them into eating more bulba and the world will be a happier place!
that's an amazing idea, you are so much more visionary than i am

>Oh, what are you anxious and depressed about?
i think i'm anxious because i became sick again, my last 24+ hours have been chaos that have disrupted everything again and kept me from functioning and doing everything the way i would've liked to (also poor sleep probably)
and i'm depressed about the usual things i guess, not being happy where i am, not being certain about my future or if i will ever have the chance to become happy in life, also i feel like things have generally not been going so great for me these past few days, which weighs down my mood even more
but i've been talking about this at length for so many times already that i think it's really not worth going on about again, i will be back in this state again and again anyway

haha i guess i know where you're trying to go, but just out of curiosity, are you maybe referring to something in particular?

>i'm having serious doubts about that tbqh
I don't!
>it did, it happened to get the most votes this election (i honestly can't believe i'm typing this, this is how surprising it is), but i think it wasn't so much the party's own achievement as the other options being even more unpopular (depending on the crowd that is), that is why we have a coalition of 3 parties right now, which is very unusual (most german governments were made up of a coalition of 2, the last time a coalition made up of more than 2 parties happened here in the 1950s, for reference)
Thanks for the explanation
>should i ever be unlucky enough to be hit by an egg, i now know what is the appropriate reaction!
Of course, you gotta faint! I'm forever thankful to my history teacher for showing us this, i was really young in 2004 so i did not really know about this :D
>also, have a clip of a german former head of government being hit by eggs
Kek. Well, at least he stood his ground and did not faint, very admirable!
>that's an amazing idea, you are so much more visionary than i am
I've just expanded on your idea!
>but i've been talking about this at length for so many times already that i think it's really not worth going on about again, i will be back in this state again and again anyway
No, it's fine, you can talk about it however much you need it, i don't mind. I hope you'll get well soon and put everything in order again soon, it seems like a really unpleasant situation to be in. You've mentioned about drastic mental changes being hard for you, but what about gradual changes? Do they seem more plausible?
I think they just mean that him fainting from an egg became a really big meme so everyone kept making fun of him for this

> I'm forever thankful to my history teacher for showing us this
goddamn zoomers. Shakes fist at cloud

Hy a щo мoжy зpoбити, кoли мeнi нa мoмeнт кoли в Янyкoвичa кинyли яйцeм бyлo 2-3 poки? :D

>I don't!
i do!
(btw, i've gone back and counted and we've been having this debate for nearly 8 hours now, new record?)

>Of course, you gotta faint! I'm forever thankful to my history teacher for showing us this, i was really young in 2004 so i did not really know about this :D
haha, sounds like a based teacher. now i'm curious, what was the context in which he showed it to you?

>I've just expanded on your idea!
yes but you've taken something that is very simplistic in nature and turned it considerably more intelligent

>No, it's fine, you can talk about it however much you need it, i don't mind.
aцю, i appreciate you always being there to listen but i do not need to unnecessarily weigh you down aswell

>I hope you'll get well soon and put everything in order again soon, it seems like a really unpleasant situation to be in.
aцю, the thing is, both anxiety and depression cannot always be rationally explained and controlled and sometimes the symptoms just get stronger and make everything seem even worse and there really isn't much you can do about it
sure, there are factors that are likely to make the symptoms better or worse, but in the long run, it is eventually going to happen and all you can do is come up with better strategies and ways to deal with it when it pops up again

>You've mentioned about drastic mental changes being hard for you, but what about gradual changes? Do they seem more plausible?
yes, drastic changes are generally harder for me to deal with (unless they are unusually positive changes), but yes, generally it is easier for me to deal with them when they happen gradually and i have enough time to make sense of them and get used to them

>I think they just mean that him fainting from an egg became a really big meme so everyone kept making fun of him for this
ah right, i was apparently reading too much into this, aцю for the explanation

btw you mentioned something about a ukrainian word being especially tricky to pronounce to non native speakers, that word was "хpyщ" right?

>(btw, i've gone back and counted and we've been having this debate for nearly 8 hours now, new record?)
Kek, being stubborn is surely fun :D
>haha, sounds like a based teacher. now i'm curious, what was the context in which he showed it to you?
He often showed us "this day in history" type of vids so i think it was one of those and yeah, he was based :D
>yes but you've taken something that is very simplistic in nature and turned it considerably more intelligent
Come on, you've came up with everything first and i've just helped a little! :D
>aцю, i appreciate you always being there to listen but i do not need to unnecessarily weigh you down aswell
But it's fine, i constantly complain to you as well, so it's all good
>sure, there are factors that are likely to make the symptoms better or worse, but in the long run, it is eventually going to happen and all you can do is come up with better strategies and ways to deal with it when it pops up again
So does it happen all the time regardless of anything?
>yes, drastic changes are generally harder for me to deal with (unless they are unusually positive changes), but yes, generally it is easier for me to deal with them when they happen gradually and i have enough time to make sense of them and get used to them
So maybe small steps to overcoming your problems could help?
Well, the one we usually test foreigners with is "пaляниця", "хpyщ" was the one i had a kinda hard time teaching a foreigner, so i wonder if it was just him or is it really that hard. Would probably be easy for Belarusian speakers though, they have a freaking Шчyчыншчынa, so i don't think they would complain about хpyщ

alright i decided this would be as good a time as any to try to do хpyщ, so please, your honest and unadorned opinion on my pronounciation


(get you keks while they're still hot, this offer will only be available for a limited amount of time)

Nailed it, true Belarusian! So, that foreigner was from Russia and he basically spoke a Slavic language his whole life but he still found хpyщ so hard to pronounce i had to like spend a few minutes teaching him and here you're just pronouncing it with no problem

>Kek, being stubborn is surely fun :D
i agree, i'm glad you enjoy it just as much as i do!

>He often showed us "this day in history" type of vids so i think it was one of those and yeah, he was based :D
nice, i'm kind of under the impression that history teachers have a higher probability of being based than other teachers, in my experience at least

>Come on, you've came up with everything first and i've just helped a little! :D
i was talking about messing with my neighbors and you were trying to find ways to achieve world piece, i think that illustrates the contrasts between us and our minds as well as anything

>But it's fine, i constantly complain to you as well, so it's all good
but i unironically never perceive it as complaining and it never actually weighs me down

>So does it happen all the time regardless of anything?
it inevitably happens at some point, as i said, some factors can speed up this process or make it more severe, others can prolong the periods in between and make it less severe, but it will happen eventually

>So maybe small steps to overcoming your problems could help?
maybe, but the issues i'm dealing with right now are so major that i don't think i will even have the time to work on them, maybe i do need to do something drastic to break free from it but i have a lot of things working against me and not really an idea of what i would do anyway as of now
but if you have an idea of what small steps i could try to take, i'd be very interested in hearing them anyway of course

>Nailed it, true Belarusian!
really? it was THAT good?

>So, that foreigner was from Russia and he basically spoke a Slavic language his whole life but he still found хpyщ so hard to pronounce i had to like spend a few minutes teaching him and here you're just pronouncing it with no problem
that's interesting, the thought of me having an easier time with this than a native speaker of another slavic language sounds unbelieveable to me. you're not giving me sympathy points here are you?

>world piece

peace of course, what is wrong with my brain again?

>i agree, i'm glad you enjoy it just as much as i do!
Well, dumb-dumb competitions are kinda fun (even though weird)
>nice, i'm kind of under the impression that history teachers have a higher probability of being based than other teachers, in my experience at least
Could be true!
>i was talking about messing with my neighbors and you were trying to find ways to achieve world piece, i think that illustrates the contrasts between us and our minds as well as anything
So we've combined it into achieving word peace through annoying your neighbors, that's some nice teamwork!
>but i unironically never perceive it as complaining and it never actually weighs me down
Still, it is complaining and you deal with it, so i don't mind dealing with hearing about your worries
>it inevitably happens at some point, as i said, some factors can speed up this process or make it more severe, others can prolong the periods in between and make it less severe, but it will happen eventually
Like does it happen because of nothing?
>maybe, but the issues i'm dealing with right now are so major that i don't think i will even have the time to work on them, maybe i do need to do something drastic to break free from it but i have a lot of things working against me and not really an idea of what i would do anyway as of now
Do you think you'll have to deal will all of those issues for a long time?
>but if you have an idea of what small steps i could try to take, i'd be very interested in hearing them anyway of course
I guess it depends on a problem though idk if i can help much i don't really know what works for you best in which situation but if my mind comes up with something i'll tell you

>really? it was THAT good?
Yep! Maybe practicing for Шчyчыншчынa helped, now i totally believe you'll be able to pronounce Шчyчыншчынa eventually :D
>that's interesting, the thought of me having an easier time with this than a native speaker of another slavic language sounds unbelieveable to me. you're not giving me sympathy points here are you?
I totally don't, i legit had to spend a few minutes coaching him to pronounce this word and with you i just told about how to read Ukrainian "щ" and gave you a tip on how to pronounce шч sound and you just got it yourself, Belarusians are truly smart!

>Well, dumb-dumb competitions are kinda fun (even though weird)
yes, they are weird indeed, but the good kind of weird imo

>So we've combined it into achieving word peace through annoying your neighbors, that's some nice teamwork!
i guess it is! i think you summed it up pretty well
you're the brain, i'm the muscle, together, we can do anything!

>Still, it is complaining and you deal with it, so i don't mind dealing with hearing about your worries
aцю, but it isn't complaining to me and i'm more than happy to deal with it and i mean that

>Like does it happen because of nothing?
yes, it can just happen out of nowhere, no warning signs, nothing

>Do you think you'll have to deal will all of those issues for a long time?
more time than i have at my disposal at least
i'm afraid it's already too late anyway

>Do you think you'll have to deal will all of those issues for a long time?
aцю, when something i deem worth mentioning comes up, i'd be interested in what you have to say. you only have the little bits and pieces of information about my condition(s) i gave you, but you have been able to grasp it so quickly and have had so many good takes (as in: literally suggesting some approaches psychologists would suggest taking) and helpful advice, it's actually quite incredible if you think about it

>Yep! Maybe practicing for Шчyчыншчынa helped, now i totally believe you'll be able to pronounce Шчyчыншчынa eventually :D
aцю, i'm still struggling with it but with your help, i am absolutely convinced that i'll get there eventually

>I totally don't, i legit had to spend a few minutes coaching him to pronounce this word and with you i just told about how to read Ukrainian "щ" and gave you a tip on how to pronounce шч sound and you just got it yourself, Belarusians are truly smart!
>aцю, мoй cябap, that gives me confidence and i am feeling truly honored, even flattered

>you're the brain, i'm the muscle, together, we can do anything!
No, u brain. Or us both :D
>aцю, but it isn't complaining to me and i'm more than happy to deal with it and i mean that
But like it is and you don't have to, but you still do
>yes, it can just happen out of nowhere, no warning signs, nothing
Even if you're generally feeling well?
>i'm afraid it's already too late anyway
Why would it be too late?
>aцю, when something i deem worth mentioning comes up, i'd be interested in what you have to say. you only have the little bits and pieces of information about my condition(s) i gave you, but you have been able to grasp it so quickly and have had so many good takes (as in: literally suggesting some approaches psychologists would suggest taking) and helpful advice, it's actually quite incredible if you think about it
I'm glad you're finding this helpful!
>aцю, i'm still struggling with it but with your help, i am absolutely convinced that i'll get there eventually
Yep! How about "пaляниця"? :D
>aцю, мoй cябap, that gives me confidence and i am feeling truly honored, even flattered
That's great because i'm proud of ya, it has not been so long into your re-slavification process and you're already doing a better job than a native speaker of Slavic language, that's some Belarusian intelligence!

>No, u brain. Or us both :D
okay, us both then
big brain (you), small brain (me)

>But like it is and you don't have to, but you still do
i do not think it is complaining though, you are just sharing your thoughts and feelings and that is what we do, i like our dumb-dumb competitions and us talking about fun and positive stuff, but i like hearing anything you have to share. we are not always doing and feeling good, that's perfectly normal and a part of life, and should you find yourself in one of these situations, i want to be there to help you get through it, just the way you are always there for me

>Even if you're generally feeling well?
sometimes, especially when i'm feeling well even
these conditions can be so random and their behavior can't always be explained rationally, so it can happen at any time, at any moment. i am only happy that some of these things don't affect me as severely as they used to at least

>Why would it be too late?
it's because my ocd and anxiety breaking out and having this tight of a grip on me cost me a few valuable years of my life. before that happened, i was on the brink packing up my stuff and leaving, back then i think i still had it in me to do it. but even if i have gotten better since then, too much time has passed, my overall condition has gotten too bad for me to believe that is still a realistic option, at least if i were to just go and start from 0 somewhere else like i was planning originally

>I'm glad you're finding this helpful!
i really am so as i said, please always do share your take on this or anything for that matter

>Yep! How about "пaляниця"? :D
ha, i can already see how this could be difficult but i'm going to practice and vocaroo it as soon as i think i have gotten the hang of it somewhat


That's great because i'm proud of ya, it has not been so long into your re-slavification process and you're already doing a better job than a native speaker of Slavic language, that's some Belarusian intelligence!
aцю, мoй cябap, hearing that makes me happy and it really is nothing short of flattering!
but remember, i couldn't have done it without you

btw, i just remembered something i didn't have the time to ask yet
the other day, you were responding to me and using the word "coнeйкa" (i believe), can you explain to me what exactly that means?

>big brain (you), small brain (me)
No, your brain is totally bigger!
>i do not think it is complaining though, you are just sharing your thoughts and feelings and that is what we do, i like our dumb-dumb competitions and us talking about fun and positive stuff, but i like hearing anything you have to share. we are not always doing and feeling good, that's perfectly normal and a part of life, and should you find yourself in one of these situations, i want to be there to help you get through it, just the way you are always there for me
But you know, if you're not feeling well and wanna talk about it i would prefer you to tell me instead of just bottling it all up inside
>these conditions can be so random and their behavior can't always be explained rationally, so it can happen at any time, at any moment. i am only happy that some of these things don't affect me as severely as they used to at least
Well, at least you probably can try and make them affect you even less severely
>it's because my ocd and anxiety breaking out and having this tight of a grip on me cost me a few valuable years of my life. before that happened, i was on the brink packing up my stuff and leaving, back then i think i still had it in me to do it. but even if i have gotten better since then, too much time has passed, my overall condition has gotten too bad for me to believe that is still a realistic option, at least if i were to just go and start from 0 somewhere else like i was planning originally
Maybe you'll be able to come up with something else once you sort all of the main stuff worrying you now?
>ha, i can already see how this could be difficult but i'm going to practice and vocaroo it as soon as i think i have gotten the hang of it somewhat
I'll be waiting and believing in ya!

>but remember, i couldn't have done it without you
And i'm happy to help!
>the other day, you were responding to me and using the word "coнeйкa" (i believe), can you explain to me what exactly that means?
Yeah, it is literally a diminutive of the word sun (coнцa) in Belarusian and is an endearing way to call someone in Belarusian, it's kind of a small meme in our general as well, sometime ago i was often posting "Бeлapycы -coнeйкi" so Ukrainians kinda started making fun of it and how this word resembles the word "soy" :D

>No, your brain is totally bigger!
judging by the quality of both of our posts, it's safe to say that yours is, without a doubt

>But you know, if you're not feeling well and wanna talk about it i would prefer you to tell me instead of just bottling it all up inside
same, i'd rather we talk about it than you having to go through it by yourself
but really, my problems are mostly related around my mental conditions and are usually revolving around the same things, plus i have felt like when my thoughts and mood get especially dark, it has been affecting you negatively yourself or weighing you down, and i don't ever want to be the source of you feeling worse (in whichever away)

>Well, at least you probably can try and make them affect you even less severely
yes that's the only thing i can improve about it really, but at best, i can at least get to a point where it is managable enough that it doesn't impair me too much

>Maybe you'll be able to come up with something else once you sort all of the main stuff worrying you now?
this is the part i'm trying to figure out right now, if i will ever be able to even do that until i make a drastic change in my life, the thought of me going on like this for the rest of my life scares me

>I'll be waiting and believing in ya!
aцю, that gives me confidence and strength!

>And i'm happy to help!
i know you are, aцю, you are being very kind

>Yeah, it is literally a diminutive of the word sun (coнцa) in Belarusian and is an endearing way to call someone in Belarusian, it's kind of a small meme in our general as well, sometime ago i was often posting "Бeлapycы -coнeйкi" so Ukrainians kinda started making fun of it and how this word resembles the word "soy" :D
ah i see, thanks for explaining! so the word meaning "soy" and being a meme is only a thing in this general, not IRL, correct?


>judging by the quality of both of our posts, it's safe to say that yours is, without a doubt
No yours, today's it's you sharing all the interesting stuff
>but really, my problems are mostly related around my mental conditions and are usually revolving around the same things, plus i have felt like when my thoughts and mood get especially dark, it has been affecting you negatively yourself or weighing you down, and i don't ever want to be the source of you feeling worse (in whichever away)
It's fine, i can handle it
>yes that's the only thing i can improve about it really, but at best, i can at least get to a point where it is managable enough that it doesn't impair me too much
I hope you'll get to this point eventually, seems like you've already came a long way
>this is the part i'm trying to figure out right now, if i will ever be able to even do that until i make a drastic change in my life, the thought of me going on like this for the rest of my life scares me
I hope you'll figure it out soon, drastic changes are hard, but maybe they'll be easier once you take care of main stuff weighing you down, or maybe this kind of change is needed for taking care of this stuff, either way, i hope you'll figure it out
>i know you are, aцю, you are being very kind
Just like you
>ah i see, thanks for explaining! so the word meaning "soy" and being a meme is only a thing in this general, not IRL, correct?
Yep! It's just a cute word IRL but Ukrainians in this general had to be weird about it and come up with stuff like "coйнeйкi"

>No yours, today's it's you sharing all the interesting stuff
you are always sharing interesting stuff aswell, now what? i'm sure you being the smart one will be able to figure it out though

>It's fine, i can handle it
you're always saying it's fine, and i admire your strength and i have no doubt you are fully able to handle it, but maybe i need to come up with a healthier way to talk about this stuff, even when it's hitting me very hard

>I hope you'll get to this point eventually, seems like you've already came a long way
>I hope you'll figure it out soon, drastic changes are hard, but maybe they'll be easier once you take care of main stuff weighing you down, or maybe this kind of change is needed for taking care of this stuff, either way, i hope you'll figure it out
aцю, it's not the first time in my life i've been in crisis and i have always been able to find a way to deal with my stuff somehow, the only thing that's really worrying me is the amount of time i've lost but i'm still hoping that change is possible

>Yep! It's just a cute word IRL but Ukrainians in this general had to be weird about it and come up with stuff like "coйнeйкi"
haha that's really harsh ngl, but i personally like the word and like the fact that irl, it is used so commonly

>you are always sharing interesting stuff aswell, now what? i'm sure you being the smart one will be able to figure it out though
No u do that more often! I would love to tell you more if there's something you're interested in particular though
>you're always saying it's fine, and i admire your strength and i have no doubt you are fully able to handle it, but maybe i need to come up with a healthier way to talk about this stuff, even when it's hitting me very hard
Maybe, but it seems alright to me
>aцю, it's not the first time in my life i've been in crisis and i have always been able to find a way to deal with my stuff somehow, the only thing that's really worrying me is the amount of time i've lost but i'm still hoping that change is possible
Well, you can't really bring the lost time back but you can totally use what you have now and i believe you can use it well!
>haha that's really harsh ngl, but i personally like the word and like the fact that irl, it is used so commonly
Yep, because diminutives are adorable!

>No u do that more often! I would love to tell you more if there's something you're interested in particular though
i'll be sure to do so as soon as there is something i can think of in particular, aцю!
but you do that yourself all the time, i can't remember a single time where talking to you wasn't interesting

>Well, you can't really bring the lost time back but you can totally use what you have now and i believe you can use it well!
aцю! sometimes when i'm in this mode, i'm on the brink of making a breakthrough that can potentially turn things around without realizing it at the time, maybe my brain just needs that initial something to get that thought process going

>Yep, because diminutives are adorable!
they sure are, they are amazing, no matter what anybody says

>but you do that yourself all the time, i can't remember a single time where talking to you wasn't interesting
Same goes for you!
>aцю! sometimes when i'm in this mode, i'm on the brink of making a breakthrough that can potentially turn things around without realizing it at the time, maybe my brain just needs that initial something to get that thought process going
Hm, what can be this initial something?

i'm not sure, just a new impulse, a new revelation, a possibility i didn't know or realize that was there before or haven't thought of, i know it sounds kind of vague but usually it happens when i'm confronted with new information that wasn't available to me previously

Can you give some examples from when it happened before?

i can't think of a particular example off the top of my head, but usually it goes like this:
i have a problem and i believe there is no way to overcome it, then out of the blue, i'm talking to someone who knows something i don't and goes: "now wait a minute, but you CAN do this", or sometimes i'm trying to make sense of something and collecting information for so long that all of a sudden something clicks in my brain and i'm having the revelation myself (although that has not happened too often)
i guess my greatest strength and weakness at the same time is being so theoretically minded, too busy thinking theoretical scenarios through that i lose sight of the obvious and i am unable to see paths, steps and approaches i can take when they are obvious to everyone else, and unless someone points them out to me, i often remain clueless
i don't know if any of this makes sense but that's the best way i can explain it right now

>i don't know if any of this makes sense but that's the best way i can explain it right now
It does.
Hm, maybe with your theoretical mindness stuff like pic-related can help?

Attached: cartesiancoordinates.gif (2054x1934, 43.58K)

that does look interesting and like it's worth a shot
have you done that before yourself?

Yep, seemed pretty good to me and helped with some stuff especially considering that i often either have really hard time making decision or am too impulsive with them. How easy do you make decisions?:D

ah yes, i can see how that could be useful for making decisions too
as for me, this probably doesn't come as a surprise, but i can best make decisions when i have time to step back and think about it for a bit in peace, most of the time i'll come up with something good too, but i can't overstate how difficult it is for me and how bad i am at making spontaneous decisions right on the spot, especially at gunpoint so to speak

Ukranian bros, explain this

I mean

>as for me, this probably doesn't come as a surprise, but i can best make decisions when i have time to step back and think about it for a bit in peace, most of the time i'll come up with something good too, but i can't overstate how difficult it is for me and how bad i am at making spontaneous decisions right on the spot, especially at gunpoint so to speak
Woah, coming up with good stuff provided you have enough time? See, you're smart! I'm jelly! Do you often have to make spontaneous decisions?

>Woah, coming up with good stuff provided you have enough time? See, you're smart! I'm jelly!
thank you but doesn't that just make me incredibly slow? kek

>Do you often have to make spontaneous decisions?
i try to come up with a rough plan of what i do for anything before actually going about it. take traveling for example, i would make myself a rough itinerary for the day, like do this at noon, do this in the afternoon, do this in the evening, and what i do in between is not so important, but it helps me making spontaneous decisions better based on these points of reference or sometimes, if i'm lucky, i don't really have to make any spontaneous decisions at all
but the system is not perfect, as soon as something unexpected happens that disrupts this order, i'm like a fish with no water
how about you? is making spontaneous decisions easier for you?

>thank you but doesn't that just make me incredibly slow? kek
I'm rarely able to come up with good decisions even if given enough time so you're definitely smart!
>i try to come up with a rough plan of what i do for anything before actually going about it. take traveling for example, i would make myself a rough itinerary for the day, like do this at noon, do this in the afternoon, do this in the evening, and what i do in between is not so important, but it helps me making spontaneous decisions better based on these points of reference or sometimes, if i'm lucky, i don't really have to make any spontaneous decisions at all
So do you usually follow your itinerary well or do you sometimes make like spontaneous detours?
>how about you? is making spontaneous decisions easier for you?
Depends on my mood, when i'm in indecisive mood it's hard but sometimes i'm in my impulsive mood and it's easier than it needs to be in order to have some brainz involved

>I'm rarely able to come up with good decisions even if given enough time so you're definitely smart!
aцю, although i'm absolutely certain that you must be making smart decisions all the time, maybe you only need to work out a system that works better for you to streamline it and use it more effectively

>So do you usually follow your itinerary well or do you sometimes make like spontaneous detours?
i usually follow it, the points of reference are very broad and vague and allow for many detours and spontaneous decisions in between, so for the way my brain (mal)functions, i found this to be the most effective combination for myself (not just when traveling but at any time really)

>Depends on my mood, when i'm in indecisive mood it's hard but sometimes i'm in my impulsive mood and it's easier
i get that, on some very rare occasions, i would let my gut decide and when i have a really strong gut feeling about anything, it is correct more times than it's not
but as i said, this is more of the exception, not the rule

>than it needs to be in order to have some brainz involved
it's only this part i didn't quite understand kek

>aцю, although i'm absolutely certain that you must be making smart decisions all the time, maybe you only need to work out a system that works better for you to streamline it and use it more effectively
Thanks for putting it in a such nice way :D
>i usually follow it, the points of reference are very broad and vague and allow for many detours and spontaneous decisions in between, so for the way my brain (mal)functions, i found this to be the most effective combination for myself (not just when traveling but at any time really)
Sounds like a good system! What are some cool detours you've made while travelling?
>it's only this part i didn't quite understand kek
Well, sometimes when you really gotta think stuff through i just go ahead and make impulsive decisions :D

пoтpaхaйтecь здecь eщё

>Thanks for putting it in a such nice way :D
i mean that, i used to have trouble with that aswell until i came up with this system and now i'm usually doing fine, the one i came up with may or may not be suitable for you, but you've got to have a way to sort and make sense of all the thoughts flowing through your head and considering how smart the thoughts in your head are, then just imagine what could be if you can find a way to get them organized to get the most out of them?

>Sounds like a good system! What are some cool detours you've made while travelling?
aцю, so remember the time i posted that czech "chedranik" (a word i just created, r8 pls), i was in a part of prague i have never been to before, but realized that the one i was going to next was literally on the other side of the river. i checked tram connections, and i would've had to go all the way back to the city and then ride back out to the other neighborhood, so i just decided to walk instead and see if i will be able to discover or stumble upon something interesting
spoiler: i haven't had any major revelations, but it did allow me to check out one of my favorite neighborhoods in prague from a different angle, and walking through the central parts of prague is usually so pretty that the detour was already worth it in itself

>Well, sometimes when you really gotta think stuff through i just go ahead and make impulsive decisions :D
i see, well, i sometimes do that too but never on anything major, more like when i can't decide which topping i want on my pizza or something (that is sometimes i can struggle with too sometimes, now knowing how to choose my food)

>i mean that, i used to have trouble with that aswell until i came up with this system and now i'm usually doing fine, the one i came up with may or may not be suitable for you, but you've got to have a way to sort and make sense of all the thoughts flowing through your head and considering how smart the thoughts in your head are, then just imagine what could be if you can find a way to get them organized to get the most out of them?
Well, maybe i'll find the way to organize them someday but it seems difficult since i'm generally pretty chaotic and disorganized :D
>"chedranik" (a word i just created, r8 pls)
>spoiler: i haven't had any major revelations, but it did allow me to check out one of my favorite neighborhoods in prague from a different angle, and walking through the central parts of prague is usually so pretty that the detour was already worth it in itself
Sounds fun!
>i see, well, i sometimes do that too but never on anything major, more like when i can't decide which topping i want on my pizza or something (that is sometimes i can struggle with too sometimes, now knowing how to choose my food)
Oh, so you have some system for choosing your food as well?

>Well, maybe i'll find the way to organize them someday but it seems difficult since i'm generally pretty chaotic and disorganized :D
believe it or not, i used to be like that aswell. sure, i have always been kind of theoretically-minded, it's just my nature, but i used to have this phase where i would kick any form of planning and discipline out of the window and did everything spontaneously - which did not work well with my tendency to be chaotic and disorganized myself, this is why i have developed this system in the first place, because i realized that in the long run, it created too many unnecessary obstacles for me and after spending years trying to teach me this stuff and trying to become more disciplined, i am no finally at this point where i have a system to guide me
my point is: i have done it, and in general, if anybody can do it, it's you!

woah aцю! my second word creation and another perfect score, i'm feeling honored!

>Sounds fun!
totally, recently, i have been ironically been abandoning the type of very tight and strict schedules and sometimes just enjoy wandering around aimlessly, especially in a beautiful place like prague
i am, however, happy that i was still enforcing it so rigorously while in kyiv, if had been slacking there the way i did in prague last time, i would've never been able to see so much of the city in such a short time

>Oh, so you have some system for choosing your food as well?
i have developed one for that too, yes, because i was always finding it really heard to make up my mind what to get or to order (the decision being spontaneous in nature) and now i have come up with a system that has proven to be helpful sometimes

>my point is: i have done it, and in general, if anybody can do it, it's you!
Aцю for believing in me!
>woah aцю! my second word creation and another perfect score, i'm feeling honored!
You're pretty talented!
>i am, however, happy that i was still enforcing it so rigorously while in kyiv, if had been slacking there the way i did in prague last time, i would've never been able to see so much of the city in such a short time
I guess it depends on how much time you have :D
>i have developed one for that too, yes, because i was always finding it really heard to make up my mind what to get or to order (the decision being spontaneous in nature) and now i have come up with a system that has proven to be helpful sometimes
What kind of system do you have?

>Aцю for believing in me!
i always do and i don't see a reason why i wouldn't either!

>You're pretty talented!
aцю, that means a lot coming from someone so talented!

>I guess it depends on how much time you have :D
i guess it does, and i mean my last trip to prague was kind of meant to be relaxing, and now that i know kyiv a little bit, i'm thinking about making more time to allow myself to be a slacker and just hang around the city for a fews days doing nothing in particular
i imagime in a city this size, i'd never run out of things to do

>What kind of system do you have?
i try to compare it to the things i make for myself regularly to see if there is anything that i am never making myself because it is not worth buying for me, or when it is something that is unavailable where i live (like eating fresh fish and seafood in a coastal region), a local specialty that's difficult/impossible to recreate at home or when i have the luxury, just get something that is more expensive than what i'd usually get in everyday situations
so basically, i'll go for anything that i can only have (too) rarely

>aцю, that means a lot coming from someone so talented!
Come on, i'm not talented at all!
>i guess it does, and i mean my last trip to prague was kind of meant to be relaxing, and now that i know kyiv a little bit, i'm thinking about making more time to allow myself to be a slacker and just hang around the city for a fews days doing nothing in particular
That could be fun! It's sometimes fun to just take a walk in it, i remember on Independence Day i've probably walked more than i did in entire week and it was so nice. I also had my obsession with pretty buildings-phase and some parts of Kyiv have really cool buildings to look at. Also sometimes funny stuff happens this way, i remember having a walk with my friend and some foreigner just looked at us and said "you're rubbish" :D
>so basically, i'll go for anything that i can only have (too) rarely
Sounds smart! So what are some things that were difficult/impossible to recreate at home

>Come on, i'm not talented at all!
ok now come one, when we are playing are dumb-dumb game it would usually go like "no i'm dumber" or "no you're smarter" but noone is ever implying that there is not intelligence at all, and to hear someone as talented as you say you have no talent whatsoever sounds absolutely outrageous

>That could be fun! It's sometimes fun to just take a walk in it
agreed, sometimes when one of my tours ended, i would just end up in some random part of the city and while i could've just aswell taken the metro, i decided to walk back to my room or wherever i was going instead, it's how i found the hotel renaissance, the one i mentioned once, which was one of my favorite buildings in the entire city

>i remember on Independence Day i've probably walked more than i did in entire week and it was so nice.
sounds amazing, what do you guys usually do for independence day?

>I also had my obsession with pretty buildings-phase and some parts of Kyiv have really cool buildings to look at.
that's an obsession we both seem to share, are there any parts of the city you'd recommend to check out for that in particular?

>i remember having a walk with my friend and some foreigner just looked at us and said "you're rubbish" :D
haha, i mean, i hate the guy for saying that to you but i'm going to admit i had to literally lol when i read it (it happens to be right up my alley humor-wise)

>Sounds smart! So what are some things that were difficult/impossible to recreate at home
aцю, so recently i mentioned being unable to make cepelinai and varenyky, but there are dishes in other countries aswell
pic related is a dish in portugal that i loved, it's called arroz de marisco and like the name says, it's basically "plov" with different types of fresh seafood and a nice hint of cilantro, me living nowhere close to the sea have never been able to make it again myself and i also haven't been anywhere where they served this since the last time i was there

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>are dumb-dumb game
oh god the irony is off the charts

>ok now come one, when we are playing are dumb-dumb game it would usually go like "no i'm dumber" or "no you're smarter" but noone is ever implying that there is not intelligence at all, and to hear someone as talented as you say you have no talent whatsoever sounds absolutely outrageous
But i'm really not talented
>sounds amazing, what do you guys usually do for independence day?
So usually a bunch of people gather in the center, there is parade and other kind of activities related to the Day like concerts or Defender's March. The last independence day i've also seen a person in really pretty traditional Lithuanian clothes, that was really cool. Idk if she came from Lithuania to celebrate with us but it's cool nonetheless
>that's an obsession we both seem to share, are there any parts of the city you'd recommend to check out for that in particular?
Well, i would say center is generally the prettiest, Podil is usually considered to be really pretty
>haha, i mean, i hate the guy for saying that to you but i'm going to admit i had to literally lol when i read it (it happens to be right up my alley humor-wise)
We've also laughed really hard at it, maybe she somehow knew we were just the people to have a good laugh about this stuff :D
>pic related is a dish in portugal that i loved, it's called arroz de marisco and like the name says, it's basically "plov" with different types of fresh seafood and a nice hint of cilantro, me living nowhere close to the sea have never been able to make it again myself and i also haven't been anywhere where they served this since the last time i was there
That sounds cool. Wanna tell me some more about your trip to Portugal (if i haven't already asked before, i have short memory)

>But i'm really not talented
you just have to look through this thread, no, this post alone to see some of the talent you have and i could provide you with even more right off the bat (something i'm having a hard time doing usually)

>So usually a bunch of people gather in the center, there is parade and other kind of activities related to the Day like concerts or Defender's March.
ah right, i think someone has mentioned something about this to me before, is that also when khreschatyk st is closed off for traffic?

>The last independence day i've also seen a person in really pretty traditional Lithuanian clothes, that was really cool. Idk if she came from Lithuania to celebrate with us but it's cool nonetheless
sounds cool, i wonder what was the deal with that?

>Well, i would say center is generally the prettiest, Podil is usually considered to be really pretty
yes, these are the two parts i have been most although there's probably still a bunch i haven't seen, especially in podil

>We've also laughed really hard at it, maybe she somehow knew we were just the people to have a good laugh about this stuff :D
haha yes, sometimes such people just seem to attract each other i guess

>That sounds cool. Wanna tell me some more about your trip to Portugal (if i haven't already asked before, i have short memory)
i'm pretty sure you haven't, so because portugal is a rather small country, i've decided to go all the way from the south (the algarve region, great coastlines and beaches), then going up all the way to porto (the food capital of portugal, considered to be the city and region with the best cuisine, in a country full of generally good cuisine i might add), plus the home of the famous port wine, and then on the way back, in the middle of the country, i explored beautiful lisbon (my favorite portuguese city) and then back down to the algarve to spend a few more days by the sea and then off back home

with a generally good cuisine*

>you just have to look through this thread, no, this post alone to see some of the talent you have and i could provide you with even more right off the bat (something i'm having a hard time doing usually)
You're too nice!
>ah right, i think someone has mentioned something about this to me before, is that also when khreschatyk st is closed off for traffic?
Yeah. Have you came around Independence Day or how did you hear about it?
>yes, these are the two parts i have been most although there's probably still a bunch i haven't seen, especially in podil
Well, maybe you'll get to see more!
>haha yes, sometimes such people just seem to attract each other i guess
Yeah, idk what was her deal and why she called us rubbish, but it was fun nonetheless
>i'm pretty sure you haven't, so because portugal is a rather small country, i've decided to go all the way from the south (the algarve region, great coastlines and beaches), then going up all the way to porto (the food capital of portugal, considered to be the city and region with the best cuisine, in a country full of generally good cuisine i might add), plus the home of the famous port wine, and then on the way back, in the middle of the country, i explored beautiful lisbon (my favorite portuguese city) and then back down to the algarve to spend a few more days by the sea and then off back home
Cool, what was Lisbon like?

>You're too nice!
no, i'm not!

>Yeah. Have you came around Independence Day or how did you hear about it?
i wasn't there personally, but there is this ukrainian guy in my city i know who i talk to from time to time (he also helped prepare me for my first trip to kyiv when he heard about it) and we have been talking about ukraine a lot ever since.
so anyway, he flies home several times a year and he went to the festival when he was there last summer (or the one before) and then when you mentioned it i was almost certain that you are talking about the same thing

>Well, maybe you'll get to see more!
yes, i sure about that! really can't wait to go back

>Cool, what was Lisbon like?
beautiful, it is one of those cities who doesn't just have a nice center, but is beautiful all around and you can just get lost in it. and if that weren't enough, they have a huge medieval moorish castle sitting on top of a hill overlooking the city and you can just sit down, grab a snack or something to drink and enjoy the view over the city over a beautiful evening - really quite an experience

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>no, i'm not!
You're kinda are :D
>so anyway, he flies home several times a year and he went to the festival when he was there last summer (or the one before) and then when you mentioned it i was almost certain that you are talking about the same thing
Very observant of you!
>beautiful, it is one of those cities who doesn't just have a nice center, but is beautiful all around and you can just get lost in it. and if that weren't enough, they have a huge medieval moorish castle sitting on top of a hill overlooking the city and you can just sit down, grab a snack or something to drink and enjoy the view over the city over a beautiful evening - really quite an experience
Sounds really nice! So is this castle your favorite place there or is there something else?

>You're kinda are :D
how so?

>Very observant of you!
aцю, i have a bad short term memory but therefore my long term memory is really good (for some reason) and i this time it actually came in useful again!

>Sounds really nice! So is this castle your favorite place there or is there something else?
yes, me being into nice viewpoints, the castle was unbeatable, but go down anywhere in lisbon and you'll find beauty
here's another spot i liked coming to to hang out
what you're seeing here is a giant square that is right by the sea with different cafés and restaurants and it's beautiful to spend a nice mellow evening there, but the architecture around it is so magnificent that i think i have to highlight that first - by the way, the giant gate you're seeing in the middle? this is where you walk go through to get into the city center of lisbon

Attached: a-praca-do-comercio-800x800.jpg (800x800, 122.2K)

>how so?
You just are :D
>what you're seeing here is a giant square that is right by the sea with different cafés and restaurants and it's beautiful to spend a nice mellow evening there, but the architecture around it is so magnificent that i think i have to highlight that first - by the way, the giant gate you're seeing in the middle? this is where you walk go through to get into the city center of lisbon
Gosh, that's so pretty!

Also, it's already kinda early in the morning so i guess i should take a nap or something. Goodnight/goodmorning and get well soon!

Good morning lads. Did you not go to bed at all German user and Ukrainian user?

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Дoбpaй paнiцы! I'll probably go take a nap now tbqh :D

absolutely, i wish you a good "night"'s sleep and i'm hoping you'll be better by tomorrow/later

hello, friend
yeah we're kind of on our way out now but we have been doing the night shift again tonight so to speak haha
but be sure to drop in later, maybe we can pick up where we left off yesterday

Good night frens, thanks for keeping the thread up at night.

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Myзикa iгpaє, дєвкi дaють,
Злoдiя Пaнaca чopти нecyть

cant wait until ukraine gets mogged by based russia


Hy йoбeн бoбeн, нитoчкo.
Я-ж пpocив poзбyдити мeнe paнiшe
Teпip знoy гoлoвa бoлiтимe


Attached: Sternenko_nahooj_Mari4ka.png (512x512, 204.45K)


Attached: 1643534094078.png (1920x1080, 675.14K)

Attached: pj1v9oa1hae81.jpg (640x413, 53.08K)


Ля, тyпo я зпpaвa

Дo мeнe cьoгoднi якийcь дядeчкo в чepзi зa тicтeчкaми нa "пaнi" звepнyвcя.

Attached: e-boy_ukr.png (769x1112, 111.68K)


Ta нi, я вжe пиcaв зa цe кoлиcь в цих тpiдaх, виглядaю як твiнк, хoч i нe cильнo пpoбyю.

Цeй чyвaк пpocтo гaличaнин

Цe пpaвдa, щo в гaличaн нe pocтe вoлoccя нa тiлi?

Я, як пoлiщyк, щo пoвiдaв бaгaтo гoлих гaличaн мoжy зaпeвнити шo тo вce пpaвдa

Гaличaни пpocтo цивiлiзoвaнi євpлпeйцi, a ви зaздpитe