ITT we post cartoons/comics that you like but Any Forums doesn't

ITT we post cartoons/comics that you like but Any Forums doesn't

Attached: Nolan_Grayson.png (1920x1080, 667.75K)

>People loved Invincible!
Oh yeah? I guess I'll just forget the thousand times I've seen it called "shonenshit" on here.

I only love cartoons with rape

Just wait

Attached: Anissa.jpg (1988x3056, 482.74K)

I like this


nice reading comprehension skills

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This is a shitty type of thread because it's just going to be full of employees on shows nobody likes posting their own shows.
Good example. The manchildren who work on typical modern animation don't have enough love of life or advancing Humanity (like in animation) to make good Star Trek. Although it has a few more fans than usual, having such a big brand name helps

Like it and I hate capeshit and tranime.

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Exposing yourself as a Any Forums 'puritan'

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Avengers Assemble

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Attached: The Local Heroes.webm (800x450, 339.24K)

This season gets the most flack. But I enjoyed it all!

Attached: Infinity Train Book 3.jpg (2560x1920, 590.42K)

I don't think I've seen this

>I don't think I've seen this
Infinity Train or Book 3?

It's unironically better than the show.

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