Have you been paying attention to Newgrounds’s second golden age?

Have you been paying attention to Newgrounds’s second golden age?

Attached: 8C15DAF6-7967-40B3-B2C4-145BC36DCBA3.png (220x220, 32.67K)

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Not really because nobody really goes there even after the tumblr purge

I only use Newgrounds for porn

Numbers-wise I think it’s doing better now than it has in like 15 years

newgrounds died a long time ago, this is actually nu-grounds' turd age

When did it die and what killed it

stamper just posted new methkino

He’ll be on OneyPlays in no time

YouTube Killed the Newgrounds Star

Nobody animates on YouTube anymore

Nobody cares about animation
They all want Twitch streams now

StoryTime Animators

Not especially, though I am happy it's seeing a revitalization after YouTube nearly murdered it.

Not as much as I'd like to, but I'm very happy about it and the sites' continued relevance. I expect as time passes it will only continue to gain relevance.

Around 2010 to 2011ish

>second golden age
This implies that newgrounds stopped.

>second golden age
Tom, just buy an ad or something. Sure, no one with a brain isn't using some form of adblock at this point, but it's still more dignified than this.

This iconic shitpost flash is now old enough to drink.

*it implies Newgrounds had a first golden age

>Kicks his drug addition
>Makes immense with his old friends
>Gets accept back into their group
We can only hope.

Those were the days weren't they Any Forums.

Attached: advice.png (654x1109, 105.78K)

I'm 36 people still bring that shit up lol. but people seem to have had fun (and some still dp) with the chain reaction of communities and flashes came along with them, so it's all worth it.
Hi Any Forums


I think he is more likely to put a gun in his mouth than do all that.

