In Captain Marvel Skrulls portrait as a victim of Kree

>in Captain Marvel Skrulls portrait as a victim of Kree
>Secret Invasion will portrait them as a villain
Kinda mixed messaging here

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Welcome to the current MCU

I feel like Disney is quietly trying to pretend that Captain Marvel never happened.

Marvel is ran by hacks, out chasing dykes, and connected comic creatives who want to push their bad stories.

No one us steering this ship and the iceberg is so close you can piss on it.

This is the easiest retcon possible. Skrulls are masters of deception, just establish that they pulled the wool over Carol's eyes with the victim stuff and that they are in fact evil.

>Multiple factions of Skrull can't exist

Not with the fuck marvels movie happening and literally everything that's happened with her snd the skrulls for years now.
It would be seen as beyond retarded.
There is no way SI will go over well.

I really wanted them to go full sentry with Carol and have it that the capbmarvel movie was a massive mindfuck and she's a slave hero.
Have her go binary/void and burn their new throne world to ash then go to war with them

The only faction that gas been shown as canon with nothing saying otherwise are the dindus on earth.

maybe they're just MULTIVERSAL skrulls, you CHUD

you can't be this retarded, they were playing a game of deception.

they're goddamn infiltrators.

This is a problem ? Kree and Skrulls are both corrupt and have tried to trick humans.

This. OP's retarted

Does every single Skrull need to be totally good or evil? Can't some be genuinely good, and some be bad guys?

And there can't be more Skrulls out there? Are you dense?

and obviously the villainous skrulls will be newly introduced characters and not Carol's BFFs suddenly turned evil. What's wrong with you retards

No, it's gonna be two different tribes of Skrull or Skrull Trump got elected and now they're bad. Something like that.

>Uh humans were good in this one movie but now humans are bad? Plot hole?

Keep have been hunting them for centuries and have all but wiped them out apparently.

Okay, but no one is going to accept it.
U literally don't understand why they are adapting bad stories that simply don't fit in the mcu canon.

>I'm confused, aren't fictional races supposed to be all good or all evil?
That's you. That's what you sound like.

>The entire Skrull race fits on one ship
Do you really think those were the only Skrulls in the entire universe? And others with different agendas don't exist?


"Wow, the race of deceitful shapeshifting spies lied to us?!"
"Who could have possibly expected this?"

>mcu canon
they literally never consistent, i mean in early phase its implied that norse god were just bunch of alien that get worshiped by human but right now in mcu theres now actual deity like khonsu who literally can control the sky

Because of muh skrull jews/immigrants.

So continue to destroy csnon. That won't be bad.

Honestly the Skrulls staying on the ship was kind of dumb. You're literally a race full of shape shifters, it'd probably be easier to hide in a population of 6 going on 7 billion in the 90s than dick around in orbit.
They've been doing it since Phase 1, so yeah why not.

making skrull antagonist arent destroying canon whats bad and make people mad were like suddenly marvel anounce spidey wasnt get power up because getting bit by radioactive spider but instead he was mutant all along

No stupid, they haven't.
That's why it fuck8ng took off in the first place.
The tight continuity between movies and post credit scenes.
That MADE the mcu.
Now it's just a total fucking wreck.

Hell, you could even have moral complexity. If they have the same survival motivation as Talos' faction, they may simply have more ruthless methods of trying to achieve it, methods that treat Earth and humans as disposable in furthering that cause. I imagine having your planet destroyed by an expansionist empire might be the kind of thing that makes you pretty desperate and susceptible to extremism.

Societies are not monolithic, and over the course of nearly 30 years it can stand to reason that motives and feelings would change among different pockets in that society. Maybe Talos wanted to work with Earth while others have grown impatient and just want to take over. We don’t know yet. Also, ‘Captain Marvel’ never said that Skrulls were good, just that Talos and his particular faction were desperate and on the run, only wanting to be secure from the Kree. The revelation for Carol was that the Kee were not the virtuous heroes she’d been lead to believe and that they would actually kick an enemy while they were down. The Skrull don’t necessarily have to have been blameless.

There really is no MCU canon anymore, with alternative realities, magic and time travel you can do and undo anything the plot needs to, no stakes at all

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I'm guessing the Film's going to end with the Skulls integrating into Earth's society.
The original Secret invasion comic had Ads like accept change and has Photos of skrulls living among humans. The story wasn't about that, but the MCU could take that route.

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Lol nah, shits been all over the place since Iron Man 2 if not Incredible Hulk. And that's if you're being generous with First Avenger. It's just a glitzy gimmick, you easy mark.