Making art is better than being a writer but less than being a musician...

Making art is better than being a writer but less than being a musician. At least people will look at your art instead of just glancing at words. But a musician can get crowds to himself, an artist can't. Or am I wrong?

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It's about perspective

An artist can get a crowd in certain areas. If you’re a showrunner for a popular show you can get a stage at least once a year to go and everyone will clap at your presence. Musicians can also fail and nobody will ever care for their music, so they’re not that different from artists

All art is equal in it's potential.
A song can draw a crowd, but art can too. What is an animated theatrical release if not art that draws a crowd?
What about radio plays? Those were just stories in their day, and they're plenty popular in their successors, podcasts and audiobooks.

Any art can be remembered or draw the eyes of millions. Usually that means making something fresh that people will appreciate soon with some skill and perspective, rather than recreating what is or was already popular.
All it truly needs is to be well made, (by whatever metric that is measured) and be in the right place at the right time.
Without the former, it will be forgotten quickly. Without the latter, it will never be known.

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Music requires time. Art is immediate. Music is also a lot more subjective. Rap is objectively rotten shit dropped out of a dying gorilla's ass, but tons of people like it. Those same people might tell you classical music is shit. But the people who like garbage art can't point to objectively good art and call it shit.

If you're a good artist, it's easier to get attention than being a good musician. The entry point for music is way, way lower.

Just remember that all of those are inferior to a videogame designer.

Who gives a fuck

>Music requires time. Art is immediate.
are you retarded or something

This, he has it backwards.

>At least people will look at your art instead of just glancing at words.

Read a book you fucking manchild

Looking at a drawing takes seconds, nobody is going to watch a fraction of your drawing, decide it's shit and move on before giving it a proper chance
You can be an unsuccessful artist but at least you know that 100% of people who didn't like your drawings saw your drawings, most musicians can get people to listen to a full song

What are you even talking about schizo, hes right.

I used to think anyone could write till I saw how terrible some artists were at dialog.


There are a lot of really good artists who cannot write dialog. Characters talk like they're texting, for example, because they don't speak aloud what they're saying, so it's extremely robotic. Or there just isn't attention paid to who's saying what, so inflections and attitude change frame by frame

Reducing reading down to "glancing at words on a page" is fucking retarded. You might as well call playing a video game "hitting buttons on a controller."

I think he meant time to fully consume. You can watch a paint in seconds and keep going. You can't listen to a 5 minutes song in 5 seconds

Musician will draw a crowd because their medium is time sensitive. Everyone listening to it live has to be there at the same time to experience it. Art can be experience individually at whatever time you encounter it. If you took all the people that look at an art piece and put them in the same place at once you'd end up with similar or bigger crowds than musicians usually get.

>But a musician can get crowds to himself, an artist can't

How old are you that you don't know what an art museum is, user?

You can hear a song as just background noise, dont caring who did it.
As a writer you can create worlds that everyone likes, kinda like Spider-Man is appreciated because of his character (which was Stan Lees work) and than on his design (which was Ditkos work).
I think it is about how good the work rather who has it easier.