Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)

Sure, it was one of 4Kids' most popular shows, but why didn't it become the phenomenon the 80s series was?

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There was a 80s series?

Because if kids wanted Ninjas they had Naruto

The age of phenomenon shows pretty much ended in the 90s. After that began the current division of attention between video games, shows, online fandoms, online videos and more. I don't think anything can be that universal anymore.

It was kinda bland.

80s TMNT benefited from every other 80s property burning out by 88. Plus the first time a franchise comes out will always be one of the more successful periods of a franchise and trying to recapture that short of a major movie campaign is hard.

03 is the Beast Wars of the franchises; people overlook how successful it was considering how stacked the deck was against them. There were no TMNT toys on shelves for a whole 5 years, the franchise had really fallen off since '94 and was considered a fad. 03 was a huge sales success

This came out two years before Naruto came to the states

2k3 and Beast Wars were bland and the black marks on the franchises. It wasn't truly revitalized until Rise of the TMNT.

2012fags would have ya think otherwise, with how often they sucked it off

That nearly killed the franchise.
Not a real thing


It made people care about the Ninja Turtles for the first time since the 80s

Are you 12?


Made them care about how Nickelodeon was ruining the IP, yeah.

>but why didn't it become the phenomenon the 80s series was
-it went on way too long with multiple series
-Fast Forward ended too abruptly and should have had an additional season instead of Back to The Sewers
-The whole arc where turtles become Ki masters and gain new abilities was retarded since it happens then they don't ever use those powers again in later series
-The whole virtual shredder becoming real was terrible
-More time should have been spent on the battle nexus and exploring other worlds or getting involved with greater conflicts
-Honestly Back to the Sewers should have never been made as it killed all hype this series had but at that point it also dragged out

Fpbp. Boomers will seethe at this

Hot take: I didn't care for the 2k3 theme song.

Rise crashed and burned with no fanfare wtf you on about

The last two or three seasons messed it up when they rebooted it and went back in time or something.

Because 87 turtles was a new concept for a cartoon and defined an era.
2k3 was just a reboot. They literally had to shit on 87 to make themselves look good.

Rewatching it this year, and while it's good, it lacks where the other series excel. Rise has better fight scenes, 80s has better humor and 2012 has better characters+cinematography. For its time it was great, but there's so much better stuff now that its flaws are clearer.

Rise is amazing, but don't diss on Beast Wars. That show has stronger characters than 2003 even if the CGI is atrocious. There's such a charm and personality from that series that TMNT 2003 completely lacks. If anything Beast Machines is more like that turtles iteration than Wars.

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