Pirating prevents cartoons from being lost media

Pirating prevents cartoons from being lost media.

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you're preaching to the choir here, go share your hot take on a normalfag site

You wouldn't download a car, would you?

There's nothing wrong with piracy

Ccuuttee drawing who made it

if I could then why wouldn't I?

You actually need to graft to propagate the apple cultivar. They aren't true-to-seed. And trademarks and royalties absolutely come into play.

wtf im transforming into a mormon pirate

legaly yes, because many apples are copyrighted, i am not joking

>buy apples
>is it theft?
I bought the apple, not a limited apple consumption license.

This but also fuck genetic trademarks.
Also you CAN do this trick for most spices and vegetables, but almost all the fruit you know and love are designed to prevent this.

Not really. Joe Schomoe isn't pirating some obscure Middle Eastern toon about the Easter Bunny from the 70's. He's probably downloading whatever current shit is going on instead.

>but almost all the fruit you know and love are designed to prevent this.
Not a problem for things like melons, tomatoes, and peppers
Avocadoes and Mangoes are the worst offenders of this, however, as their distribution is controlled by literal cartels

What about tomatoes?
We can finally settle whether it's a fruit or a vegetable.

French JW schizo thread!
It's the French JW schizo thread everyone!
Everyone gather around for the French JW schizo!

I did pirate some obscure shit in my life

goddamn someone should copyright the red round ones theyre everywhere

You mean the Red Delicious (tm)?

Almost all major media is owned by amoral at best and harmful at worst companies.

Piracy is far more ethnical than funding Disney, Warner Discovery, Viacom or Amazon.

never heard of it

fpbp & /thread