Was there seriously any point in this???

Was there seriously any point in this???

Episode would have been completely fine without it ending like that.

Attached: file.png (630x630, 46.25K)

It showed you the mental state of the family. It builds the universe that will be used for this season.

They'll use it to kill Evil Morty

Evil Morty is literally never coming back, though.
He's not even an atogonist anymore at this point, since he got what he wanted.

I actually thought it was pretty interesting for a 30 second gag. They could have had anything happen to justify finding another timeline but this was honestly one of the more horrifying things to happen in the show yet.


Attached: MrFrundles.png (10000x7269, 864.86K)

Fuck! Abandon the thread!

As long as Rick's portal reset didn't put him back where he started.

>a 30 seconds joke is the most powerful villain of the show so far

evil morty died while going back to his home planet

Why didn't he bite his little cat carrier?

Its literally just the Morty virus re-packaged into some meme mascot animal.

They used it to put everyone in the family on equal footing, now nobody belongs in their universe of origin which further proves the point that it doesn't matter which universe they belong to, it's what they do in the current universe that truly matters.

It obviously had a power dampener.

it's more like a possession than a virus

Maybe it doesn't work on plastic.

Shit meat to say Evil Rick, though that would just make a (more?) immortal Frunddles

It's more like a force of nature. It has no ambition beyond replicating its consciousness onto the nearest object. It could have and should have been killed immediately, but I guess being too cute to kill is part of its powerset.

Could Roiland really not give it a new voice that wasn't just Mr. Meeseeks/Poopy Butthole again?

The episode after this has an entire planet of people with that voice

Attached: Yourpal.jpg (522x405, 45.9K)

No, they have Morty's voice.

The point was so that no one in the family would be in their original universe any more