Let's talk about The Brak Show!

Let's talk about The Brak Show!

Attached: TheBrakShow-77118-3.png (500x281, 79.76K)

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honestly the only dud in the space ghost universe. still retrospectively comfy tho

I liked Tiny notDad


I liked Zorak

Wouldn't call it a dud, but its probably the weakest. Still enjoyable tho.

He was kinda scary when I was 8

Dad is one of my favorite Adult Swim characters and the rap battle episode is incredible.

I love the scene where brek sings "who got the butt, BRack got the butt" can someone please put this clip on youtube?

I still can't believe we lost Croker.

I don’t know Zorak I don’t think my folks want me drinkin’ beer.

Brak is ironically the worst part of The Brak Show, everything else was funny.

Hey tell me co, do they still make naked ladies??? AWOOGA! HUBBA HUBBA!

Mom was hotter than she had any right to be. Plus that voice.

>Plus that voice.

Which one?

Every time I read Omega's lines, I use Thunderclese's voice.

Attached: omega violence has escalated.jpg (388x443, 117.11K)


Less funnier than the other shows.

I've liked Zorak since I was 3 years old (when Coast to Coast first aired). He has such a perfect design, too. I wish I could rip it off but any modifications to avoid copyright infringement would lessen its appeal. I wish real mantises at least had jagged beaks like his so using that would be a non-issue.

Oh, that's perfect.

I love The Brak Show, but you can tell it just wasn't working for Adult Swim.

It was less adult than the other shows at the time, but they tried to edge it up a bit near the end to fit in. Episodes where Mom kills Zorak and other characters, etc.

It just didn't work out and was cancelled before any of the other shows. But I still love it, funny as hell.