Pitch your cartoon idea

Let's have another one of these since the last thread died. Pitch your ideas for cartoons and critique and comment on others.

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Basically there's this high school girl except she's got huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big ol' tonhongerekoogers. what happens next?! transfer student shows up with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. humongous hungolomghononoloughongous

Golden girl?


It's an action-heavy western cartoon, but with high quality animation.
Pick whatever you want for the story.

There's a guy, right? Just a scrawny dude, twenty-something.
Anyway, he's dating this hippo girl and she's so lazy, she wears diapers to avoid getting off the couch. She also eats food that makes her fart a lot, but occasionally, he'll get his revenge by making her eat at a restaurant or go shopping or something like that, and she's not allowed to fart or use her diaper in public He'll tease her relentlessly, like stirring his cup of water or acting really indecisive about what to buy. He'll even go to a super-long movie after lunch (buying her some ridiculous number of burritos, which she'll eat up because she's a complete sucker for them) and then getting her, like, three of the largest sodas at the theater. When they get home, he changes her and lets her back on the couch, where they snuggle and fall asleep. The end!
I'm thinking along the lines of a movie, although it might also work as a miniseries.

Story of a girl who takes a magical talking poop and they go on wacky hijinx adventures together.

I ate an apple today

Me banging your mom but every episode we have a threesome with a new girl

One Piece but instead of pirates, a western.

A young man gets hired to work as a groundskeeper/maintenance technician at a nudist resort.

A kid is born, and his father shortly after abandons his family. Because of this, the mother becomes afraid of losing her son, so she practically keeps him locked inside the house his entire life, not letting him outside for a second. The kid grows up learning all his morals, ideas, and lessons from cheap bottom of the barrel tv. Eventually, through some sort of mistake, or on purpose, the kid escapes the home, and starts to explore his surroundings. In the process, he ends up accidentally stealing an expensive sports car, and goes on the run. This leads to the cops to set their sights on him, and his mother to start a personal manhunt for him, desperate to have returned at any cost. The kid eventually decides that he wants to see all that he can see, and experience all life has to offer, so he begins to go around the world in the stolen car. In universe he is able to just drive through oceans to make it to other continents such as Japan, Europe, etc. Every episode has him pop into a new town, sometimes in a new country, and start to learn about a concept. The concepts can be broad, they can be specific, but throughout it all the kid only has the view he gained from the media he has watched, often leaving him with a slanted and incorrect view of the topic. So he dedicated himself to learn about it while in town, interacts with locals, and tries to evade arrest. Along his travels, he makes friends, enemies, some stick around, some don’t, but throughout it all he never stops trying to better himself and make up for lost time

Adventure time is a rare example of a post apocalyptic setting so I decided that another show should take up that premise.
>400 years after nuclear war, new setting entirely with water levels changing the landscape of the globe
>Takes Place in Midwest US Wisconsin and Michigan
>Underground society like the brotherhood of steel but much more expansive and non-isolationist
>Is focused on harvesting materials in expanding their underground bunker network since it’s the most robust setup against nukes
>Duo Protagonists that come from outside factions that disbanded are inducted
>Go on Adventures serving their new home faction trying to rise up the ranks and build rep, both are rivals when trying to make retrievals and Allies when someone else is competing for it
>encounter a variety of raider factions you can throw in any input for ideas I got a Viking one and Indian tribe one
That’s as far as I got so I don’t expect it to be out of the park.

High school kid gains powers, does the whole teen-superhero shtick.
A prominent side character is his cute, frazzled homeroom teacher who we gradually learn more about through various interactions with his hero side. She becomes increasingly significant in helping him in both sides of his life, proving that she's a good teacher and highlighting just how important teachers are.
Time-skip episode shows them happily engaged.

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So what Wanted! was going to be?

Fantasy world, malnourished stable boy happens to look exactly like the princess.

One day an assassination attempt is thwarted on the princess. Right before her journey to a peace summit in another country. A female guard aware of the stable boy devised a plan to dress him like the princess and the princess like a servant until they can get to the peace summit.

The farm hand is force to act like a princess and vice versa.

adventure time works because it doesn't go out of it's way to shove lore in your face and it's setting is really wacky. Your premise just sounds like you took out the fun comedy concept and made it really serious instead. Not saying your idea sucks but it sounds completely the opposite of what adventure time is

Take your shit back to Any Forums

I'd Watch that

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Like I said it’s just post apocalypse,
Like adventure time, gravity falls, Rick and morty etc there are lore based episodes (serious) and filler adventure episodes, which all shows above used to specialize in until they decided to go for lore and their main plot line.
The post apocalypse is mainly just there to explain the earthly concepts and setting like the guns, language, environment, wildlife, humor and references etc. what led to Great War is best left as a mystery, salad fingers is a good example, and adventure time lost its appeal when they explained it directly

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1- A snail falls in love with a rabbit, but their families disapprove. They must go on a wild adventure to escape the judgment of their loved ones and find happiness together. Along the way, they must outwit angry dogs, dodge angry birds, and overcome the obstacles of a cruel world that doesn't understand their love.

2-In a world where animals can talk, a young rabbit named runt has trouble fitting in. He's always the last to be picked for sports teams, and his friends make fun of him for being small. One day, runt finds a mysterious book in the forest that gives him the power to transform into any animal he wants. With this new power, runt becomes the most popular animal in school and finally has the friends he's always wanted. But as he starts to enjoy his new life, runt begins to realize that he's losing touch with who he really is.

3-Two detectives in a city full of crime are tasked with investigating a string of murders. The catch is that the victims are all cartoon characters. As the detectives delve deeper into the case, they discover that the killer is a disgruntled animator who is taking out his frustration on the characters he created. With the help of a sympathetic cartoonist, the detectives are able to track down the killer and bring him to justice.

>Alice in Wonderland, produced by OTGW creator
>Detective show with anthro animal characters

SpongeBob but instead of a sponge it's a fat kid and it's about expressing your transgender identity

>An Adult Comedy (I know how original)
>Follows a robot on a generational ship who has to take care of cryo-frozen humans.
> He Suddenly becomes sentient and finds out other robots have become sentient.
> Most of the show is them dicking around
> Over Arching background plot is robots deciding what to do with humans (Kill, Continue to work, Stop giving a shit)