What do you mean it alright?

What do you mean it alright?

Attached: wdymia.png (1277x665, 404.39K)

Isn't the guy who made this a huge cryptofag

it not subtle or nuanced but it alright

separate the art from the artist

Not him, but user, it's kinda difficult to do so at this point.

Look any other time I'd agree, but it's literally impossible to separate the art from the artist when NFTs are involved.

It remind me of me beer, which is same beer more or less

Yes he also randomly threw a big bitch baby temper tantrum at fellow internet animators who are more successful than him.

I understand being really frustrated at not being able to monetize your art. I genuinely admire artists but I think you need to be a little nuts to be one. Its truly thankless and grueling work.

I think NFTs are fine if it's 1: not shitty art, and 2: not proof-of-work crypto.
The whole concept was ruined by procedurally-generated shit like pic related, backed by Etherium, which has a massive energy cost for each transaction (it's around 200 kWh per transaction, or equivalent to burning 5.5 gallons of gas).
I don't think Joe deserved the hate for his NFTs, but it's not at all surprising.

Attached: i-own-this.png (631x631, 128.62K)

>Must consoom

>What if he's HITLER???
>What if he's literally Hitler, and tries to kill us??

Attached: image_2022-09-13_194751177.png (302x334, 61.83K)

Yeah, but hes also a perpetually bitter asshole who burns all bridges he can with artists he was once friends with for no real reason. Like when he had a temper tantrum over Oneyng being successful from his lets plays and having cartoon on adultswim, while all Joes known for is a video from over 7 years ago thats just him being lol soh randum with an airplane dog like he can turn his nose up at anyone.
He also tries to cancel people on twitter, like saying some random other art guy molested him once, or just gets into dumb fights for no reason.
Its normal to separate art from artist but he hardly ever puts out content and when he does its pretty shit.

i hecking love youtube drama videos

stay bitter Joe

blast niggers with civil war cannons

Attached: 1567542310189.gif (400x330, 190.75K)


Attached: grease wizard.jpg (1647x258, 72.21K)

Same beer?


It have gradient from YouTube interface, but it alright

Who the fuck ever thought this guy was funny

>Voices a secondary character in the Hazbin pilot (more like a group of identical secondary characters but whatever)
>Vivzie mentions such along with all the other voice actors that had named roles
>Throws a hissy fit when she mentions he did a voice, like she's using him and only him to promote it when she's just giving him due credit
Joe is fucking incomprehensible