ITT we post old obscure 3D cartoons

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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: game over.webm (496x360, 1.79M)

Amazing PS2 graphics

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Wtf is this?


It was the first 3d cartoon ever, released in 1994


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Zoomers don't know

This thread unlocked some memories.
I had a faint memory of a 3d space show I couldn't quite remember.
After some digging I found it, Shadow Raiders!

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That sword trail effect gets me

Oh god lol

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I member that

I remember the kids meal toys and I ALWAYS got the glider arm dude. Lame.

Complete release: never.

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The Cubix website was my shit

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About half of it is still missing.

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anyone remember Playboy's Dark Justice? Awful CGI animation in that

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