I hate his post-beard design so much

I hate his post-beard design so much...

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tfw ya style develops

Not terrible but I did like beard jack more

>this what bothers and not the shit writing and retcons

You mean devloved

The shit writing still bothers me, but there’s other things to complain about

They removed the outlines around his facial features, rounded off the top of his head to make his hair look thin, gave him massive pupils and a weirdly bulky torso with small, gangly limbs.

He looks like a stunted manlet and I get uncomfortable looking at him. It doesn't help that he becomes a creepy retard upon redeeming Ashi.

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It doesn't help that he gets some of the worst facial expressions I've ever seen. His fundoshi has never looked more like a filled diaper than in season 5.

At least his beard design framed his mouth and eyes better while masking his misshapen chin.

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was referencing this shit

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Oh, that's alright in this case.

>redeeming TrAshi
Rememebr when Aku goo just turned people into evil and not into shitty forced characters?

That's a great point.
I should've forseen that season 5 going to be shit just by the fact they changed the art atyle.

>His fundoshi has never looked more like a filled diaper than in season 5.
Uh-oh, stinky!

Jack with this beard could been better I think.

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amazing that someone would be proud of this
>that nose on the first character
>permanently puckered lips for some reason
>complete lack of shadowing
>hair drawn in that dumb squiggle way on the first one
maybe it's way quicker to draw? that's the only upside I cansee

people often simplify their style for animation, designing characters that will; be in cartoons, makes them easier to animate

but if you;re just drawing to draw, not to animate something, or design a character thats going to be animated, there's no reason to simplify it to that degree

Look at these gross-ass shapes and proportions. Genndy must've gotten a Steven Universe board artist to do the latter half of season five. There's no better explanation unless his original staff spent the past thirteen years huffing glue.

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true, but you can still have your simplified designs not look like shit

>cherrypicking frames
Fuck you for making me check.

This doesn't look like CalArts at all, looks pretty similar to the original Samurai Jack art style
What level of autism am i hearing here?

He should have kept the beard and the guns.

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Simple can be beautiful and appealing if its well-designed. That's what the first four seasons of Samurai Jack did so well.

This simplicity doesn't have a purpose. The artist wasn't being concise, they didn't even construct the human body properly. Simplicity isn't automatically appealing, especially if you forgo construction and proportion.

>tfw your style develops
>tfw your style improves
Big difference.

Are those pre-2017 comics better than S5?

Let me guess, you only learned about the show because of its revival and you laughed at all of the funny faces and awkward romcom humor.

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>right is the "development"
jesus christ.