It's only a matter of time until the Undertale cartoon gets made

It's only a matter of time until the Undertale cartoon gets made

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not before the comic that was promised in the Kickstarter goal

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Toby will never deliver.

Toby wouldn't let that happen


It's been 7 years. Toby is too much of a socially awkward dork to ever agree to such a deal, and I'm sure he's gotten some but turned them down.

>7 years
Oh god

I wouldn't mind it, but it would have to be a different story. Basically, the cartoon shouldn't touch anything that was up to player choice.

Would work better as a comic. If ever was made it would be awkward shorts that kinda defies the point if not for fan service.

When you think about it undertale is just popular because the story and characters, not really for the game, so it would probably be really successful if they managed to keep the feel of the games.

It won't be a cartoon, it'll be an anime because anime is real

The pandering format doesn't work if it's in anything but game or maybe interactive webcomic form, trying to make a real story out of it through a cartoon or a comic would expose all the lacking storytelling and other flaws

Like wich ones? Undertale is a pretty short story overall but there is some resemblance of storytelling there. It wound't be hard to adapt in to a comic and after you have the storyboard a animation of sorts. Even the mechanics works for storytelling since you literally talk with your enemies mid battle instead of just fighting.

I want it to stop. I NEED it to stop. I can't take much more of this. It hurts so badly to exist in the same world as Undertale, to know that no matter what you do and no matter how hard you work, nothing you make will ever, EVER have the kind of cultural impact as a fucking Earthbound-knockoff. I thought after seven years the hype would have died down, but still it persists thanks to Deltarune. Please, let this end, let something else take Undertale's spot, let the hype fade to legend, for my own sanity.

Stop being a faggot and use the pain you feel to try to make something worthwhile.

>they'll turn into frisk into a black kid
>people will cry foul for not giving the voices justice because they used a KNOWN VOICE ACTOR instead of some internet shmuck inventing their headcannons while they're accepting it as canon
>they'll pretend undyne having a abusive relationship is fine because it's empowering

It'll end sooner than you think, but you might not like what replaces it.


toby would never let this happen without him being at the helm, and he's too busy making deltarune right now

Actual storytelling mediums require a fuck ton of work just to get from point A to point B naturally without alerting the audience that something is off, pacing, blocking, scene transitions, backing music, composition, coherence, camera work, setup, payoff, order of scenes, dialogue, voice acting etc, their existence by default excludes some stories from being told if they rely too much on abstraction.

Games however, especially older ones or ones that ape old games because of how abstract they are, allow for much more freedom in approach since the audience is responsible for almost all of it and the suspension of disbelief is much higher, while investment is more personal. Stuff that works when a player experiences it in a game, breaks down when you try to adapt it and show it in an animation happening to "someone else".

Players are content to do nothing but walk for five minutes, run into an NPC, hear a line of dialogue, accidentally talk to them again and hear the same line, and still stay immersed, this allows you to do a sort of freeform approach to storytelling where you just scatter pieces around and the player is responsible for piecing the them together, but try that in a video form and people will lambast you for wasting their time.

I can't believe the faggot made a sequel after acting like undertale was a one and done game.

>surprised by a jew being a jew

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Just like kingdom hearts right.