Big City Greens

New episode descriptions (from TV Passport)!

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Where do I watch it?

>Cricket shows Remy the fun of country life
Isn't that every episode?

Not always. It's mostly just showing Remy Cricket's way of life and take on things instead usually.

I feel like this will be where the show loses me,
I like watching farm family in big city,
farm family on farm isn't what I signed up for.

Getting more Green family back story is one of my favourite parts of the show. This sounds like it will be a fun episode. I'm less than 30 episodes in so far so it will be a while before I get to this one.

I can't really imagine them actually staying in the country. Seems like it would defeat the purpose of the series if they leave Big City. Would also mean they ditched Gloria since I doubt she can afford a place of her own yet. She can probably live in the storeroom of her cafe but that doesn't sound good for her. There is also Alice to think about. If they do move back to the country wouldn't that mean leaving Alice behind? She'd have to go with them wouldn't she? She's a part of the family and obviously wouldn't want to be left behind and the rest of the Greens wouldn't want to leave her either. She can't sell the land or house since they had a whole episode about Alice leaning not to sell what farmland they still had left and even buried a new time capsule for the next generation of Greens to find. Would be weird for them to up and leave after all that. Really, I imagine this will be a sort of bait more than anything. Ending with them realizing that the city is their home and feeling better about their decision since now they stayed in the city on their terms instead of how they lost their house the first time.

Can they keep it as a vacation home or something?

I think we'll be in the countryside for a while.

mega me homos

Maybe? Though that would definitely make the Greens upper middle class like that and I don't think they'd have the same feel if they were given such a big financial boost.

They have been doing well lately in the most recent episode.

Sure, but buying a whole other house is an insane jump in financial tiering. Especially if it's only as a vacation home.

>No more Kiki cleaning her cheebo's fingers on her flat chest.

Cartoons are lost, bros

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Which person is Hector?



They didn’t really had much from the start, all that buildup was result of selling well in the farmers market, which the previous episode didn’t match much of the success they had in "Sellouts", plus it probably wasn’t that expensive compared to trying to buy a land in the metro area with the astronomical exorbitant amount of price.

Nothing of value was lost

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Probably the only with the zits

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Where is this from?