Your thoughts on John Kricfalusi, aka John K?

Your thoughts on John Kricfalusi, aka John K?

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I don't hate him.

he's right about everything but unfortunately he is too retarded to raise above everyone else

John kricfalusi was an fucking pedo and you must be ashamed of yourself, Now this is an joe murray thread

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It is true he's into minors and molested young girls?

hope so, sounds based


My Stimpy from yesterday
A legendary animator, up there with Bob Clampett and tex Avery. He did a lot to revolutionize cartoons but unfortunately other artists besides genndy were not ready to rise up to his level.
Post-wall roasties just like to imagine themselves being little girls.

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I did not care for Ren and Stimpy

For years he was unfairly held up as the gold standard of the perfectionist creative type, while Danny Antonucci quietly made his masterpiece. Only now that John's history as a sexual predator was revealed (and Cans Without Labels' release) are people willing to admit that maybe he was never the genius that he claimed to be.
And for the record, I don't think he sucks because of his reprehensible actions and I don't think he sucks because he treated his staff worse than Filmation. He sucks because he claims to care about building upon the spirit of golden age cartoons, but he never did that. Instead he's spent his entire career trying to recapture moments from his twisted upbringing, especially regarding his father. Take Anthony's Father, for example. That was a funny episode where Ren and Stimpy have to walk on eggshells as they try to survive the wrath of a nuclear father. Except it was a failure in John's eyes why? It's because the episode was supposed to be a gigantic inside joke about what it's like to have his father. He was especially disappointed in the voice actor behind Anthony's dad, because that actor didn't capture John's childhood memories of his abusive dad. But tell me: would John's vision for the episode really be better? Would an inside joke that's understood by, at most, 3 people be that enjoyable for the literal billions of us that weren't raised by John K's dad?
There's also John's obsession with the painfully unfunny character, Jimmy. John insists on using that ugly void of comedy in everything he makes. Is it because Jimmy has untapped potential? No, it's because Jimmy was based on an actual retarded kid that John and his friends would molest. I'm not sure what kind of person relishes in memories like that, but it certainly doesn't lead to funny cartoons.
Meanwhile, Danny wanted to recapture the general feeling of summer vacation memories. It's something that more than 3 people can relate to, and it was an open ended premise.

TLDR John bad

Whatever happened to that retarded podcast you did? I miss it

Typical vomit of words. He was roommates with Danny, there is no reason to put them against each other besides as a pitiful manipulation tactic designed for teenagers.
And you are comparing Anthony's dad voice acting to non-existent voice acting which is completely meaningless. It invites teenagers to imagine a comparison that isn't actually real. Signs of Grooming which is everywhere in the current animation industry because it is built on incompetence and lack of concern for the job.
Games proved themselves to be totally incompetent unless they were finishing spumco episodes without many changes, despite sharing many artists with the former Studio.
Only a few of them are audio.

shame, I like listening to your voice in action
Also, are there any other dimensions associated with other ethnicities?

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one of the greatest cartoonists of all time despite his personal life

Sorry that Mumkey didn’t like your autism, I found it quite charming

Yeah he only likes cartoons that are Hack LA writer shit like Bojack he just has zero taste with animation

Any thoughts on how that new reboot is going to turn out? Especially with Robyn Bird saying she’s changed Ren’s character?

Im not exactly super hyped for it

Are you going to bring it back? :(

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I love some of his cartoons and his blog is a very informative read for anyone genuinely interested in animation.
I don't condone any of the bad shit he's done but bringing him up is really good at filtering out people who don't give a shit about cartoons.

I'm not him so I can't answer that. In the mean time you can enjoy his written articles.

>Let's post about Joe Murray
>Doesn't post any of his actual art

Looks like a cool dude. Would let him babysit my daughter. 7/10