Start watching it for the meme

>start watching it for the meme
>stay for the quality of the movie
Goddamn, I wasn't expecting this to be as good as it is.

Attached: MV5BMjA2Nzc4ODA1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzczNjA2MDE@._V1_.jpg (375x500, 44.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Jewish fiction
No thanks.

>start watching it for the meme
>stay for the quality of the movie
Goddamn, I wasn't expecting this to be as good as it is.

Attached: MV5BZDA1Mzk3NmQtMjExNi00MGRjLWE0NWItNDg3MDlkZTgwMmE4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@._V1_.jpg (375x500, 83.56K)

So, nothing chances from the rest of the animation industry?

Is this that 'Mormon Jesus' cartoon? It looks like that.

Wait til you read the Bible

I liked the part where the talking donkey showed up with an iron chariot and said "It's salt pillarin time"

No, the Mormon Jesus cartoon is a ten minute short from an evangelical Christian anti-Mormon documentary

>bruh it gets good in page 400
I'm not reading the Bible, sorry. The anime is good enough for me.

Reddit Humor

The New Testament is incredibly readable in its entirety. The Old Testament starts out very interesting, then goes through boring stuff that filters most people (Numbers, Deuteronomy), then has REALLY interesting and overlooked shit like the Wisdom books and the prophets.

Yes user, I totally believe you. Just like how I believe the mainstream media pushing stuff like "the muslim series is actually really good!", I believe the underground like Any Forums pushing stuff like "the christian movie is actually really good!"
For some reason the mainstream never talks about christian stuff and you never talk about muslim stuff. It's almost like we're in culture war or something.

Read Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation together to dive into the rabbit hole.

Among us?

Based schizo

>among us

Attached: among.jpg (1440x1310, 85.82K)

>muslims make cartoons about Mohammad

There are Muslim cartoons though! Who could forget… Block 13
Clearly the reason this never gets posted here is because we’re in a culture war

Le Reddit has arrived

Small brain take. Jesus railed against the jewish elite and supported Roman rule. Actually, the entire Bible is about God raging at the jews.

And yet you show no screenshots, you discuss nothing of the plot. I think you are lying