Why do they hate religion so much?

Why do they hate religion so much?

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Thirty Years War for a quick example.

Their religion tells them to

Religion killed their grandma

>t. wants to be persecuted so badly

atheist's traded religion for celebrity worship culture and twitter writes the commandments they should follow

Christianity but more modern, got it

My religon is best girl time god

Well at least celebrities exist, we can see them.
Unlike sky daddy.

Jesus was an actual recorded figure in history, he existed.

and thats ment to be better?


Because it's stupid.

two reasons mainly
1) Hating religion is edgy
2) Hating religion is correct

So you can be edgy and correct at the same time, that's a pretty good deal

What else is "correct" to hate?

Rick hates the idea of being controlled by anything thus immediately rejects any conception of the "divine", or if actually faced with a deity immediately insults them.

This dosent exactly stop him from praying for salvation and mercy in a few scenes when he has nothing else left. So he does believe in some form of God, but only really prays when everything else is hopeless.

go back to

It's a show that explores the idea of a cruel and uncaring universe. Very HP Love Craft. In the cosmic horror genre, there is no god. Plus most of the writers are non-religious and making fun of religion is really easy to do. And I would say the latest episode actually found a clever way to mock religion without being try-hard about it. Also, it's an edgy show about a scientist, I mean ofcourse they are going to make fun of religion.


>Not believing in miracles and rituals is the real religion because science is actually really subjective

He only prays once in the whole show. I think it was mainly done for shock value but he was also hedging his bets. In the crazy universe of Rick and Morty, anything can be true so if you are going to die anyways just quickly make a fake apology just in case there is a god. I mean there probably isn't but just in case. Sort of like Pascal's Wager. I think the Simpsons also made jokes similar to this. Where Bart decides to be a bad person his whole life but then just repent on his deathbed.

This cartoon push religion in a positive light many times and show the ones who hate it like Rick as hypocrites

Meanwhile Family Guy and Solar Opposites straight up mock religion in a clearly biased way without irony

religion makes me sick

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>He only prays once in the whole show.
He tells Morty to pray and ask forgiveness to God when they are captured by the piano villain, so 2 times

Rick And Morty do not make religion look good. Remember in the giant heads episode where the church was more concerned with making money from donations rather than saving people's souls? They also started a cult where they killed people and blindly obeyed complete made-up nonsense in the same episode. Rick is a crazy guy who will say or do anything to get ahead as long as it doesn't hurt his ego. Yes, he is a hypocrite but that doesn't mean this show paints religion in a good light. Hell, they even broke the story train with religion because it's such a bad story. I think most religions would say the opposite that "it's the greatest story ever told". Also, Solar opposites made a positive joke about religion, "Do you want to accept christ in your heart to help with your meaningless materialistic life". It was something like that. I would say Moral Orel is a good example of a show that shows the positive side of religion. it really only mucks the fraudulent people who corrupt religion for their own selfish goals.