Bojack Horseman

Who was in the wrong here

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The thing on the right, my man Bojack did nothing wrong.

Bojack for not giving me the BHC.

Bojack for accepting the interview, everybody knew it was gonna end like that

The writres for retconning Sarah Lynn to make Bojack responsible.


This. So awful, season 6B was a rushed mess

dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it

It's definitely the worst example in the show because it could have been a great moral debate. Like Bojack certainly didn't help, but are you responsible for her death by just partaking with her? But nope, gotta have it black and white and make Bojack in the wrong so the writers can moralize.

Sarah Lynn for making her suicide into someone else's problem.

He spends the entirety of the series making almost every single wrong choice possible and trying to excuse himself like the absolute bitch he is

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At some point, it's everyone else's fault for continuing to interact with him.

The woman for essentially using something she didn't care about as a way to get a journalistic leg-up in the world
>everywhere else
Bojack because he made every wrong decision a character could make and expected others to feel sorry for him about it.

To be fair the first interview went great. He should have stopped after the first one though. But to be fair he was getting a wicked attention high off it and Hollywoo is a place filled with amoral opportunists. And the interviewer had a reputation for being a soft interviewer that was essentially an extension of PR. How was Bojack to know she would screw him over for this other opportunity when she is already an immoral character who already runs a very profitable racket?

Me personally I would have played it safe. But for Bojack he had no real reason to expect this.

That's a good point, actually. Sort of a "fool me once" thing.

That's how abusive relationships work. Most people are too nice/don't have the guts to dump him on his ass.
CAPTCHA: asygay

The whole theme of the show is "you have to live with it." But when you see almost no consequences and you're surrounded by friends and enablers, it's pretty hard to feel bad and change your behavior. The abuser does not feel guilt like a normal person, which is why they abuse in the first place! Like if I fuck my best friend's GF, but next year they're still together and they both forgive me aside from a snippy comment every so often, it's gonna be pretty hard to feel bad about it. The show lacks any real spine outside of a couple moments and as much as it likes making fun of sitcoms, it's guilty of the most egregious sin of status quo. I lost all respect I had for the show when I found out the creator was given ample time to do a good finale, but he was begging for more seasons and never had a plan until the last minute. He didn't want to tell a story, he wanted to just keep making a show that people talked about over the water cooler forever, just like the sitcoms he holds up as examples of artistic bankruptcy.

Bojackcels are pathetic, please understand


The last season is unwatchable because Sarah Lynn's death is rewritten to be the most significant event in Bojack's life, instead of the actual heinous shit that we see him do like forcing a prostitute to get an abortion or assaulting his dying friend just to feel better about himself. The opioid thing was also completely contrived to stir drama instead of going back and realizing that all the "ha ha" moments in previous seasons were way more fucked up if we think about them too hard.

It's significant because of who he did it to. You're just listing off literal whos and what's he's done in his life. It's just what the media attached to the most. Headline "Loveable TV father sexually abuses and kills daughter". He's done worse shit the media attaches to the story they relate to the most.

That would be true if his level of responsibility wasn't retconned. If we saw clear evidence, from that season, that Bojack was directly responsible for Sarah Lynn's death, then the entire season would have been genuinely effective and powerful. What we actually fucking saw as a completely sober grown woman voluntarily going on a drug binge with Bojack and seemed lucid enough to go all the way to the observatory to die there. If anything, the season made it seem as if she was taking advantage of Bojack's black-outs to continue her own binging.

There's a difference between what the writers wanted to present to the audience and what they actually showed. Don't retcon shit and expect the audience to feel a very specific kind of emotional impact. Ironically enough, they were extremely careful to keep things more ambiguous and debatable in Tuca and Bertie so that there was always room to feel sympathy for the characters. In Bojack, they're outright rewriting their own canon and telling you to feel bad about it.

The issue is, part way through they found people were sympathizing with their morally grey protagonist and decided they want to write an villain.

They couldn't stand people justifying Bojack's problems and it emotionally resonating with people. So they doubled down like "HOLY SHIT, yeah he's actually totally the worst."

The humor of Bojack was never it's strong suit, but it's weird how the funny parts are rewritten to be awful. Like the instance with Charlotte/Penny - Penny is made out to be pushing it super hard to fuck a washed up 50 something year old.

They even give a spiel about how it's totally fine - then backpedal on it hard. Weirder still this is followed up by Bojack kissing and being cuddly with Charlotte right before choosing to fuck her daughter. Like Charlotte takes no blame for cheating on her husband or being too chummy with Bojack.

Same with Sarah-lynn. Meanwhile shitty characters like Diane get away with shitty actions. The only good character in the end was PC.

Anyways, they could have been clever and had Bojack come to the realization - via video or sobriety or whatever. That all his memories were twisted and things were not at all how he imagined. He was way worse than he realized and everything comes crashing down. It wouldn't have been that hard if they wanted to do a gotcha-moment with him.

Guys who self insert as Bojack are on another level