The key to saving the comic book industry isn't to own the libs but rather just create animated adaptations because...

The key to saving the comic book industry isn't to own the libs but rather just create animated adaptations because people would rather watch than read nowadays.

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>The key to saving the comic book industry isn't to own the libs but rather copy manga and anime


>copy anime and manga

People have been doing adaptations long before anime.

And thats what DC does anyways with their animated films. The thing is theyre the distrubutors and they dont lend off their content to streaming services thus lowering visibility.

I only know about DC films because my brother got me into them, and because of the animated films I got into comics.

The DC animated Films are loose adaptions.
Maybe people would want to buy comics if the adaptions followed the original more.

Can I own the libs anyway?

Life is pretty fucking tough.

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This show is shit and you're shit for liking it. Get taste faggot.

Where is this picture from?

Zoom zoom

>make things animated

this makes too much sense. it'll never happen

Now how do you convince comic creators to not sell to a live action studio for tons of money but instead adapt it into a shitty cartoon.

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I am sorry user. But no matter where I go I must own the libs. All men have this impulse I think.

Invincible did own the libs though. Doc Seismic was a mockery of SJWs.

I mean it also had Amber as a loud and proud SJW. Which was only unintentionally a mockery of SJWs.

Imagine if Dragon Ball Z made Goku annul his marriage to Chi-Chi by wishing it out of existence with the Dragon Balls because the writers wanted him to bang Bulma.
I actually feel like if comic writers were forced to contend with the fact that people are watching the adaptation, the amount of stupid shit would decrease dramatically and they would plan shit out better.

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It's a lot more diverse than the comic though, I mean Mark is asian in the series whereas he was originally white.

Ninja Scroll, great movie. Also watch Wiced City, by the same director.

>would rather watch than read nowadays.
Nah, people would rather read and watch japanese media than reading western media made by western millennials.

Probably not. Many try and all fail

OP is not a faggot for once

You copy asians by breathing in air since they do the same, you cockwrestling midwit

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