Post overrated cartoons

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You have autism just like pic related.

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Looney Tunes Show.

The sitcom one or the original shorts?

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Tangled's overrated?

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The attractiveness of the characters/porn is overrated imo

With all the autocorrection tools we have, how do you misspell renaissance that badly nowadays?

Shitty fandom too

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Fuck you

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No amount of eceleb worship and other forms of coping will tell me otherwise.

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When I first saw this I thought it looked cool because of the artstyle and Any Forums talked a lot about it BUT DAMN is it garbage.

This has zero appeal to adult viewers like myself. Zero. Its made especially for children. At the very least an adult can enjoy Gravity Falls for its mature themes and writing, and an adult can enjoy spongebob for its witty humor but this has NOTHING.

Just goes to show you that all you need is good character design to sell a show to coomer idiots.

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If you only watch through the season 3 premiere and then just pretend it ended there, you can almost convince yourself the show is good.

Star Vs. ended the moment Toffee died. There is no show after that.

dogshit art style, looking at clips of them dancing and shit in the movie really solidifies it

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Okay you start

I really want to know what the hell the writers were thinking with Eclipsa.
> "Hmm, we've just killed off our cool villain, but you know, we do have an even badder bitch, whom we've also been spending time setting up both of the last two seasons!"
> "Nah, she's just a kooky aunt, the real final villain is going to be our Sailor Moon parody, but we've turned her into a nazi!"

What happened was they really, really wanted to commit to that "monsters aren't bad, Mewman's are just racist plot. As such they had to drop Eclipsa, and just grabbed the only other significant Mewman villain they had.

No amount of eceleb worship and other forms of coping will tell me otherwise.
