Why is he so hated? He's the most brilliant animator of the last 50 years

Why is he so hated? He's the most brilliant animator of the last 50 years.

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Can we not? Can we not spam John K for a month? No one actually speaks about Ren and Stimpy, they just spam John K. Stop it.

didnt it take him 10 years to make the labled cans thing?

>glorifying crassness and subversion of values = brilliant

Nah, that's some kike tier garbage """innovation"""

You can't rush genius.

>Any Forumstard has no taste
Big surprise

Hypocrite that you are, you'll turn around and bemoan modern cartoons for being "ugly" and subverting your own values

So what's his excuse then?

pedo asshole

He had one good show in the 90s and has been coasting off that ever since. He's totally inability to make any kind of quality follow up makes me think it wasn't him making that show good anyway.

I want to know why autists love him so much

does he at least teach at the university level and share his knowledge?
or is he still just shoveling out the odd ice cream commercial while he jerks off over old hanna-barbera cartoons

>He's the most brilliant animator of the last 50 years
Not so fast, bud.
Don Bluth does.

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He only made one good show. Everything else he did was awful. Plus his style really kept going south when the years passed. Like his later stuff was so hard to look at

not now, john

>He's the most brilliant animator of the last 50 years.
Being a bootleg Tex Avery is not being brilliant

>don bluth
i didnt know he was still alive

He only ever made shitty grossout humor, gags, and Americana. Also he abused his employees. Also he was a pedophile.

Don't know why autists latched so hard onto him honestly.

Being a pedophile doesn't do you favors

Have you seen that girl? She's RETARD, she was gonna get herself raped sonner than later anyway, John did her a favor to her self-esteem by show any interest and the only thing she could do in return was extort her way into the industry at the expences of an actual genius.
That's Women.2xsxds

im sure everyone at calarts is just waiting for him to kick the bucket and dance on their grave, toniko pantoja specially

Was it wrong for John to sleep with her? Yes
Was it a rape? Nope

I am so weary of Any Forums users basing all of their arguments around perceived hypocrisies
learn how to actually debate

Unless you're outside of America.
In which case no one really cares because only white people and the latinx (who desperately wish they were white) think fucking a teenager is some kind of insane sin.

post your hand