Damn unga savage Native women looked like THAT?

Damn unga savage Native women looked like THAT?

Attached: 1662650718794155.jpg (438x360, 34.63K)

They look like they have down syndrome

Early european explorers of the americas described the men as being built as fuck, and the women as beautiful.

You do know cartoons are not real people yes?

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Ok? They still look like they have down syndrome

Have you ever actually seen a person with Down Syndrome?

Why don't you meet up with him and show him?

Pocahontas is fine af ngl

Are there any other native characters besides tiger Lilly and Pocahontas?

Trying to make a Native American tween character but hard to find any refs/inspiration that ain’t colonial looking.

in the mirror :(

Native women are for other Native women ONLY.

The characters in Brother Bear, the southern water tribe in Avatar, Elisa from Gargoyles, and John Redcorn are all I can think of.

Wish we could ask /gif/ for a native/indigenous thread

Buffalo Wing.

Interact with Natives in real life or follow real Natives on social media. The best reference for any character is seeing people in action and drawing inspiration from them. Shows like Reservation Dogs are also pretty good rep for what modern (Rez) Ndns are like. Urban Natives are different from that, too.

But before anything else just write her as a raceless tween girl, then decide on an Ethnic group per her location (eg. Diné in Arizona), then observe regular people from that Ethnic group, and finally incorporate little bits of that into her character.

Good luck, assuming you aren't just making her for meat beat fuel.

Why do they look asian? I thought Bering strait migration was a meme?

Why did they look so incredibly Asian?
Was is cause the explorers thought they were on Asia?

That's the best part

I'd suggest chillaxing around your local Rez, but you might get depressed from the results of crushing poverty, horrible diet and widespread alcoholism and meth addiction.

Native Americans are ethnically similar to East Asians but it's more likely just taking Native features then trying to interpret them in the most attractive/palatable way

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all women are beautiful after youve been on the sea surrounded by men for years

They drew their noses too small, making them look like darkskinned Edo-period geishas instead of the huge, flat smushed noses Natives have IRL

draw a hapa, but brown

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Natives have that thing Latino chicks have where some of the girls are fine as fuck, but then they hit 25-30 and start falling apart. and become shriveled fat midgets.