Say the line, Any Forums

Say the line, Any Forums.

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I don't understand why people hated the skinner retcon.

The line

eat my shorts

Do the Bartman!

Cyclops was right.

Embrace nothingness

>Doesn't know what user is talking about
>Looks it up
>Finds out Seymour is not Seymour at all but some guy named Armin. The real Skinner having been banished from the town for being too unlikable

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Look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy german car.

>there are anons who genuinely never knew this

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What is up with that Bart? Haven't watched nu-Simpsons in awhile...

9/11 was an inside job

Family Guy has been better than modern Simpsons for the past 10 years.

Probably from a guest animator couch gag.

My Hero Academia is better than any season of the Simpsons. Ochako alone provides better emotional moments than any of the scenes and characters combined.

>Selma (or Patty, whatever) in the background
Please no, they're not supposed to be attractive.

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Edward Gorey inspired shorts, made to fill the length of episodes for lazy writers

>gawrsh, this place is awful! But it sure beats working for Dis-ney!

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Because the end made everything in the episode fucking meaningless,to the point that "fake Skinner" flashbacks still show him as a high grade serious military man

lisa is for lisamania

I hate Lisa so much.

I hate-fuck lisa so much