Was the mere idea of a big budget American Final Fantasy CG movie a bad one?

Was the mere idea of a big budget American Final Fantasy CG movie a bad one?

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No but they should have made it resemble one of the games instead of whatever that was

They wanted to run before they could even crawl,. A Safe sword and sorcery story would have done much better than this convoluted sci-fi shit

I guess their reasoning was that it came from the era of 7 and 8 which were fairly sci-fi oriented, so that's what people wanted rather than the sword and sorcery stuff of the early games.

Name a single bad thing about this movie.

Yes, American movies are a bad idea.

Sakaguchi directed it and wrote the story so it's not like it's full on american

No, but if they were gonna slap on that title, then it should've been an ACTUAL Final Fantasy movie

All Final Fantasy's are fairly different from each other aside from some loosely connected concepts, names, or references (Which this movie had)

Should have never been called Final Fantasy and it would have done better

I will never understand to this day what is "Final Fantasy" about this movie other than putting too much budget into making people look realistic. No chocobo, no moogles, no recognizable characters or world, no iconic anything.

It shouldn't have been called Final Fantasy. I personally really like the movie.

See The movie is broad strokes FF7 but set in the real world.

>No chocobos
>No summons
>Two main characters; no "party"
>No quest
Sorry, no, but this is an unrelated sci-fi movie with the words Final Fantasy, Cid and Gaia slapped on it.

Resident Evil took the same "super loose adaptation" approach and ended up successful, what was the difference?

at the time I was wondering where the fuck Cloud and Sephiroth were



What? the Quest was to find the 13th spirit and return it to Gaia so the Alien Zombie Ghosts would stop wandering around killing everybody by accident.
The 3 soldiers + Cid were present for like 75% of the runtime before they all got lost in the escape from NYC. They could be considered "The Party"
No to the Chocobos or Summons though.

The difference is that the Resident Evil movies went off on their own retarded plot and just randomly did things like suggested without any context.
"Oh yeah, let's have the parasite zombies from RE5 in our movie. No, it doesn't matter where you put them, just throw them in somewhere."

I saw this at the movies at the time with my then-gf and annoyed everyone at the showing when I died laughing during this bit

Bad idea to sink so much money into an idea clearly not at least focus tested (I honestly assume all the marketing on the virtual actress deal is all that really "sold" it to anyone), but you know how it is with questioning JP higher ups

Did the humans in this look better than the Shrek humans 2 months before?

Proto-Vtuber that came out too soon.
You could unironically get away with the concept now with a character like 2B, or some of the Overwatch characters like Mercy, or Widowmaker.

Yes. Much better.
It's not perfect by today's standards, but it used the same technology that made the FF game cutscenes of the time so famous.

One of the DVD bonus features is the cast doing the dance from Thriller.

That virtual actress thing was actually a really interesting premise. Did the idea even get reused by anyone in the following years?