Just watched this. WOW, I've never seen a show try so hard to rewrite a character into someone redeemable...

Just watched this. WOW, I've never seen a show try so hard to rewrite a character into someone redeemable, after clearly establishing in their first introductions how much of an actual asshole they were.

Why do the showwriters want us to like Stolas so bad that they literally try to rewrite history to make us sympathize? The re-routing is so transparent

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The show was more interesting when they had just an actual flawed, overly horny cheating asshole husband character, but instead they just COULDN'T handle keeping with that so they had to Flanderize his victim wife into a "I love terrorizing you!!" one-sided personality stand-in.
Was it done to protect LGBT image or something? WTF.

>WOW, I've never seen a show try so hard to rewrite a character into someone redeemable

Glenn Quagmire?

I’m partly convinced it’s to make Stolitz more palatable and become the unquestionable canon ship.
I genuinely can’t think of any other reason.

Stewie Griffin as well.

Because fat fujoshis can't write for shit that's why

>The show was more interesting when they had just an actual flawed, overly horny cheating asshole husband character, but instead they just COULDN'T handle keeping with that so they had to Flanderize his victim wife into a "I love terrorizing you!!" one-sided personality stand-in.
fpbp, even when people would discuss whether it was justified or not I valued that we could have this discussion or not, whenever you make a flawed characters just to try to justify that character in the show you're just making a hatable character but not one that anyone can see as realistic or grounded, cheating can easily be written as morally grey and the fact they wrote it as white - out of black - shows how detached they are from what made the character endearing, in one episode they gave him a detailed sad backstory, victimized him and almost rewrote Stella to make it clear how much of a cunt she is. Then again the fags who liked it are probably the ones who'll buy the merch so I can only say this is why we can't have nice things.

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It would have been fine if they wrote it that way from the start. What's bizarre is the JARRING change of direction here. It's like they were mad at their audience for sympathizing with Stella, so they tried to write her into the dirt as the most stereotypical villain now. "NOOO STOP LIKING STELLA UGHH LOOK AT WHAT'S CANON NOW *furiously types mean stella lines*"

Because fujos and queers latched onto him and want him to be their unproblematic fave, so Viv retconned him into the twee little queen the fans personified him as instead of the selfish sex pervert with a soft streak he was supposed to be.

Lol it was just all so ridiculous. In one single episode we got:
"Actthchually their marriage was ARRANGED"
"Actthchually Stella was a psycho bitch starting from childhood"
"Actthchually Stella only stayed in the marriage to terrorize Stolas, whereas Stolas stayed for the family especially Octavia!! Can you believe STELLA doesn't love Octavia and Stolas so much doooesss??"
I thought this show was about flawed Hell characters, not about moral superheroes

oh and "Stellas abuses her PETS" and "Stella does DOMESTIC VIOLENCE".

I actually liked Stolas a lot more before this episode. This episode makes him look absolutely pathetic. The only redeeming part of this episode was the couple of minutes where we saw Paimon.

The fact that Stolas is just some 30-40 something loser is incredibly disappointing. I assumed he was some sort of primordial horror. He was far better when he seemed more like a selfish asshole.

I was so hyped for the show in the beginning, but its been on a downward spiral since the beginning. The writing is shit tier, the humor relies entirely on vulgarity, and now its more focused on drama and relationships than worldbuilding and comedy. You should feel bad Viv. You've done Stolas dirty. I don't know if you quite understand the symbology you are playing with here.

I hate the fact they made an issue like divorce and marital troubles into such a black and white issue, it destroys so much potential drama.
Imagine if the show previously or later established Stella having redeeming traits, like loving her daughter, and she still tried to have Stolas assassinated. It would be far more damning for her because she knows Octavia will be hurt but put her desire for revenge first.

>Can you believe STELLA doesn't love Octavia and Stolas so much
That one I could believe. Her complaining about the affair being with an imp was telling.

That's definitely what happened, no one sane would write "I love terrorizing you" to a character who until now has only been cheated over and that's all we know about her, I wouldn't put it past the writers to give her a paramour ("misteress" if you're a nerd) just to make sure everyone watching got it that STELLA is the bad one and STOLLAS is the good one.

>i don't like change
>it's only the 2nd season

just drop anything with stories or any kind of character development, user. you can't handle anything with characters, you probably have difficulties in real life and you should attend to those first

What type of take is this? Change and inconsistency aren't the same thing.

Don't act like the poorly written show is worth defending. The character development isn't natural at all, and if it strikes you as natural I doubt you are capable of actually appreciating characters to begin with.

Hi viv.

Retroactive character alteration is not character development.

>ermagerd we can't have change in the 2nd season
how will you endure?

lol if i was viv i'd have money and i wouldn't be wasting my time here or about to leave to get ready for work on a night shift. fucking cope

>i deny all flashbacks as a narrative tool. all the literature with flashbacks are for plebs, i am above this, so i will comment on social media to bitch about it rather than just stop watching something i don't like

Glitch BTFOs Viv once again

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Trust me, Viv wastes her time on this sort of shit all the time. She's a normal woman with a normal woman's ego. This is evident from her social media presence.

You guys are completely right, but the show has been hot garbage the entire time.

I wasn't so much a fan of the episode as it came across as a massive fanservice to the Blitzo X Stolas fans, a ship that is dripping in toxicity and is extremely unhealthy. It's based on Stolas using his status to exploit Blitzo, who clearly doesn't like doing the sex and does it because Stolas has the Grimoire. It's extortion/manipulation and we consistently see Blitzo doesn't enjoy being vulnerable, but this episode really wants you to root for them with that sappy crybaby backstory.

It also tries REALLY hard to make Stolas the victim in the marriage to Stella, so you will forgive his serial cheating with Blitzo and root for them to get together. The context we were given at first showed Stella to be the victim and she was furious because Stolas cheated on her (with an imp in their bed) and Blitzo embarrased her in front of her friends. Plus the affair was making Octavia miserable because her parents "hated eachother" and were fighting all the time...But now we see Stella was always horrible and abusive towards Stolas.

I'm not asking for Stella to get the Steven Universe treatment where she's just a victim and just needs a hug and to be forgiven for her deeds, but it feels cheap and contrived to reveal she's just 2-dimensionally evil (with her implied to be a terror from a young age) with zero redeeming qualities. It feels done purely to push Stolas x Blitzo and ignores how Octavia has been hurt by the affair and the divorce.