Rick and Morty clones

Are we currently seeing a rise in
Rick and Morty clones that are trying to capture the same audience of the original. We've seen tonnes of formulaic shameless Family Guy clones in the past.

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what the fuck

Little Demon

Back half of season 2 (3?) stars next week, btw.

I watched an episode. The animation was surprisingly good. It was a nice style. But it just felt like Rick and Morty. Professor Zarbi and Benjamin felt like they had the same dynamic. Older mad scientist and normal high school tween. Just with less nihilism. I cannot imagine this would exist with the coattails of Rick and Morty to cling on to

Hoops was defintely trying to emulate Rick and Morty artstyle-wise. That new Star Trek cartoon also qualifies.

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That and all the things it parodies. Wasn't Knuckleheads in the same vein?

Someone call the BBC...

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That’s just how adult animation is, make a popular show and tailcoat riders show up, it’s just like other shows having a talking animal, baby or alien

Inside job is like a R&M clone right? I mean Reagan is basically a genderbent Rick

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Reagan is nothing like Rick, actually watch the show before you start talking about it.

So is Little Demon. Some features I notice:
>Bland R&M art style that we all just recognize at this point
>Family dynamics that are disorderly and complicated and "grrr I only like you because we are technically family"
>Show features a protagonist that is detached, super epic/cutthroat, but when push comes to shove these traits that are usually considered flaws will help them act passionately heroic, self-sacrificing, and tenacious where others would fail
>A character that is innocent but impressionable and in search of a role model (usually the flawed protagonist).
>Characters that are laid back and chill enough to just go along with the absurdity around them in a fun and unexpected way
>Characters that have ordinary down to earth lives are mocked for being boring and pathetic
>All characters will do a meta "I totally know I am actually just in an animated sitcom right now" type of comment sometimes.. for.. "funny" I guess?
With that said I love Reagan Ridley

>I cannot imagine this would exist with the coattails of Rick and Morty to cling on to

This is a French Canadian show originally produced for Teletoon's night block. At one point, they had the rights to air Rick & Morty and dubbed the first two seasons locally. For reasons that have never been explained, the show was removed shortly after.

I did watch the show. They do have a lot of simularities. Super Smart, great with tech, God complex, thinking they are better than everyone. Of course Reagan isn't a 1:1 clone of Rick. She has more anxiety and energy, while Rick is more depressed and cynical, but they are still similar in characteristics.

>God complex
How? Because she wants to be CEO of Cognito? Reagan isn't really a narcissist. At most she wants validation and appreciation for her work.
>thinking they are better than everyone
Literally understands in the first episode she isn't great with people and that Brett can handle that aspect of leading the team.

Her dad Rand is the actual Rick of the show, except he's an arc villain and somehow even more despicable. There the similarities are many.


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Maybe you're right. I will have to rewatch the show again. But yeah I agree, the father is definitely more Rick Like. Still, I could have sworn Reagan wanted to rule the world at some point with her tech.

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>I could have sworn Reagan wanted to rule the world at some point with her tech.
She kinda does by wanting to be Cognito CEO but she's not motivated by narcissism or a superiority complex but rather that she believes she can make the world a better place. Kind of like a benevolent dictator/ends justify the means thing.

That's one thing where she's the complete opposite of Rick because Rick is a nihilist who doesn't give a shit about the world.

Her dad is basically capitalism Rick tho

People are similar to their parents. We pick up their bad and good traits. So if hes like rick, she could be like rick a little bit.

>So is Little Demon.

>That new Star Trek cartoon also qualifies.

Those two where done by either R&M writters or the co-creators, they don't count

Yeah but she's not a Rick clone in the slightest. The things the two characters share are not super many and mostly surface level (which is why people who haven't watched the show call her "female Rick"). They both wear lab coats, both are super geniuses (although Reagan is not at Rick's level and mostly limited to Robotics), they are both abrasive and have poor social skills. That's about it really.