What happened to comic book movies being dark and gritty, instead of teddybears, kids getting powers and MCU quips?

What happened to comic book movies being dark and gritty, instead of teddybears, kids getting powers and MCU quips?

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>Comic movies
>Talking about just superheroes.

Batman fits dark and gritty better than most of the 'headliners' in the MCU.
Though I would like some BATB style Batman nowadays.

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the grounded realism of the nolan movies were the worst parts about them
what made those flicks work was the fact that it was a cohesive story about Bruce Wayne trying to save the world

Because people used to complain about the opposite...and you no doubt would be too.

What MCU headliners would you say could work the best with the “dark and gritty” style?


Man, comic book fans are just so used to Saturday morning cartoons that something even a little teensy tiny bit on the darker/more serious side is just too much for them.
I love the Nolan Batman movies but like, they are quip fests. Every other line of dialogue is a joke. And they’re pretty good jokes, they’re alright, they’re not stupid self-aware “lol I know I’m in a movie” cookie cutter garbage like MCU quips, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are quips. Yet there are people on this board, even itt, who complain that these movies are “too serious” or “take themselves to seriously”

They tried that in DC as a way to be different from Marvel and everyone hated it to the point that the whole studio is a mess.
Really, they shouldn't have listened to fans because people would have come around to it eventually.

>90's/00's tons of comic movies based on creator owned work
>Now just bunch of DC and Marvel shit
What happened?

Because most of those movies were made by people and seen by people who had no idea they were adapted from comics. David Cronenberg was horrified to learn that A History of Violence was based on a comic.

Only Batman is allowed to be gritty now. Imagine if they made a modern lighthearted Batman movie, people would rage.

>David Cronenberg was horrified to learn that A History of Violence was based on a comic
How come he copied scenes panel to panel then?

>Made by people who didn't know it was a comic
user they kinda have to also directors of 1990 TMNT,Ghost World,Kick Ass,Hellboy and The Crow are all fans of those books.

Comics are for kids and teenagers, books are for grown ups

I remember when I was a kid I didn't like comics because the dialogue bubbles sucked in my opinion.
Now I read em no problem.
Though, I have wondered over the years why some capes don't have novels.

>shark repellant
>some days you just cant rid of a bomb
gritty movies are dumb anyways, long live light-hearted camp for 100 more years

>they’re not stupid self-aware “lol I know I’m in a movie” cookie cutter garbage like MCU quips
only two characters had that trait shehulk and deadpool

>some capes don't have novels
Some do surprisingly, this was a decent read too

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Surprised. I figured more 'street level' characters would have novels.

is they're anything more pathetic than thinking batman is dark and gritty?
you sound like a child and a fag OP

That’s not what I’m talking about. I don’t mean characters with fourth wall breaking powers, I’m just talking about a style of writing, specifically joke writing

9/11 and the focus on the was in the middle east fucked with the U.S's so badly the entire media landscape became depressed for years.
Now the events that caused it have faded into memory and so the media lightened up.
This is different from 90s darkness as that was born more out of the rejection of comfortable suburbia not actual blood and anguish.

Batman Begins is full of quips

The Nolan trilogy weren't even that grounded despite that being the selling point. Especially in Rises where Bruce just shows back up in Gotham with no explanation or resources after being stuck in the middle of nowhere in a desert. Regardless, a movie being gritty & dark doesn't make it good. Nor being a quip fest. The perfect tone is serious absurdity with as much respect of amalgamating the mainline comics as possible. Batman hasn't even had an accurate Batsuit since Adam West & none of them keep the white eyes.