Here's your new Superman comic bro

Why are they doing this to my boy Clark Kent?

Attached: Superwoke.jpg (900x1384, 170.37K)

Why are they drawing Jon as a stereotype?

Wasn't his cape the gay flag?

Out of all the fagginess that exudes from this image, his lack of red underwear makes me the angriest

monkey pox


Mentally ill perverts took over the industry.

The other thread just ended. Are you just going to keep posting about this 24/7?

a TRUE Superman fan.

He's gonna keep posting about it until it stops getting traction and then he'll find some other variation on "Superman is terrible"

Then maybe he'll do another Doom thread or a Harley Quinn one and then finally he'll sneak in a W.I.T.C.H thread

Tommy makes these threads too? Interesting.

>"Let's make [Character] gay!"
>Uh, okay, I guess
>"Now let's make being gay their only character trait!"

Attached: Annoyed Nancy.jpg (444x442, 24.83K)


>no red underwear

Attached: D1492FA1-6775-41D9-9303-BA9148EB7D9E.gif (400x296, 274.87K)

So, they finally did it, unironically

Attached: avengers_booty_ass_emble_by_kevinbolk-d4hb4xl.jpg (500x387, 99.33K)

Nobody likes bisexual superheroes

do gays like gay face or are they more attracted to straight face and just deal with gay face

>"took over"

I want to go back.

Attached: 1498465389835.jpg (1000x1518, 214.77K)

Good thread

Nice ass

He's still hot. It'll be amazing when Damien climbs him like a tree.