ITT: Weird Any Forums trivia

ITT: Weird Any Forums trivia
>The person who does the music for Molly Mcgee once rote a song about Shia Labeouf being a cannibal. Yes that song.

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Ah yes Tally Hall.

The original cartoon idea was supposed to be them moving into a haunted house to find the Count (Scratch)
It likely wasn't ever made due to the fact that it would involve a couple hundred-year-old vampire man being friends with a 13yo old girl.
Of course when hotel Transylvania came out it buried the chance of the show being made


>It likely wasn't ever made due to the fact that it would involve a couple hundred-year-old vampire man being friends with a 13yo old girl.
Instead it’s about a 40/50 year-old “ghost” man being friends with a 13 year-old girl

Wasn't Mina and the Count cancelled for the same reason too?
Not just friends but living in her house, and being naked around her.

He is no longer human and has no clothes (implies no genitals and no ability/want to have sex)
Way better than a person who is human but bitten by a vampire still has all functional parts
Them cuddling would make moms feel weird about the show the way Victor and Jinx were but imagine her still being powder

The main reason (or one of them) Rapsittie Street Kids looks like shit is because they used a program called 3D Choreographer, which was meant to be used for Powerpoints and web pages. It was so limited they had to send the concept art to the company, and even then, the pre-programmed canned animations meant they had to make awkward cuts.

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Still no confirmation he is a wraith.

That sounds way better.


The man who resides in the Hall Tally

Not their first time at Disney either.

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Garnet's voice did a single with Kanye West.

That's not even good trivia. Just bumping.

“álfur” is the Icelandic word for “elf”

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The show was kind of in development hell or something like that for a while. The OG idea dates back all the way to the year 2006, the creators pitched it to a couple of networks, one being Disney and the other being Nickelodeon. When they got to work back at Disney after leaving the network they pitched again and it got picked up
This explains so much too. The tone, humor, and style (SPECIALLY THE STYLE) really makes it feel like a 90s/early 00s cartoon like PPG or Dexter’s Lab

Speaking of Hilda
The idea apparently dates back all the way to 2008

Heh. That's actually pretty neat

This explains so much

The creators originally wanted Kim to be flat to further contrast with Bonnie, who's supposed to be the biggest. The execs wouldn't allow that, so they came up with the idea to make her pointy to convey she's more modestly endowed, even with animation inconsistencies.

Attached: bonniekim.jpg (1338x884, 177.11K)

The theme song in particular feels more like something from the early 2000s than what most other cartoon intros today are like

Molly Magee is technically his third time.

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