There are people who tnink that black and white morality and retarded ideals are mature and adult

>There are people who tnink that black and white morality and retarded ideals are mature and adult
Is this an American thing? I don't see how having objectively more childish, unworkable beliefs is more mature rather than an honest amount of adult realism and cynicism. Big-eyed Pollyanna optimism is now for big boys while beliefs that could actually change the world are seen as immature and akin to being a maladjusted teenager.

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Manchildren like to pretend that stupid childish things are the "true" mature.

>same Superfag dicksucking thread made by a spic
Don’t you ever tire?

This is a thread against superman. Can you not read?

>t.teenage rick and morty fan

>There are people who tnink that black and white morality and retarded ideals are mature and adult
Name five individual people by name this is referring to

>He can't respond without adhominem

Slippery slope. You don't want to kill the villain who says he will rape and kill the people you love so you just change his personality and mind wipe him. It's just one guy right? But someone, lets say Batman, catches you and disagrees so you mind wipe him too. Okay that's too guys that's it. But now they got their memories back and now you have to kill them. No one trusts you and every other hero has disbanded. Somewhere along this road you were no longer the hero. Get the bad guy. Stop him. Take him to jail. People believe in that. And though they may think you can do more it's also something they can respect.

I assume you were talking about the 2003-2007 era based on OP pic and question

Rick and Morty fans is exactly the thing OP is attacking.

Superman stories are best when he isn't fighting world conqueror aliens.

Ssh, user, it's not nice to rip on "special" people anymore...

>There are people who tnink that black and white morality and retarded ideals are mature and adult
Name ten individual people by name this is referring to

Just world fallacy, randian pseudo-objectivism, and fervent worship of authority figures are all pretty American, yeah.

>You, bad. Me, Good.
Has been a thing since man first walked the earth.

Does he have black and white morality? And is his ideals retarded.

He wants a better society which is what we should all strive for and he has in many instances understood that there is cause and effect and that not wveryone who dies bad things is a bad person.

You need to read more superman before shitting on him.

Also, Goku is a faggot.

I love superman!

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Literally all OP needs to do is read All Star Superman to 'get' him. Follow up with Whatever Happened to the Man of Steel and at all costs avoid What's the deal with Truth Justice and the American Way at least while you're a noob. You are not ready

World conquering aliens are the only thing a divided nation can agree is a universally bad thing, and thus the only thing Superman can fight without pissing half of the country off.

Wouldn't the country not trust Superman then? "O shit. All these extraterrestrials started invading when this superhuman came down. What if he's just trying to take us over? WHAT? He impregnated an Earth woman with alien babies? AHHH SAVE ME LUTHOR"
Watchmen had a realistic take on this

Having and maintaining ideals is mature, being unable to live up to your ideals and abandoning them is the actions of an immature person. Most people who talk about being "realists" are nihilists who simply think their inherently negative outlook on life is more "realistic", which is ridiculous.
Nihilism is the cowards way out. To turn your back on our ideals is to say that everything that we have built, everything we stand for as humans, means nothing. That there is no value is us. Nihilism represents the death of humanity as it rejects itself, it is a cancer that has spread through our people and is rapidly growing as our leaders fail us and the futility of the fight weighs down on us.
Humans need ideals, they need hope, and to believe in those little lies that keep us human like that there really is such a thing as truth, justice, and dignity. Without ideals we wouldn't be the place where the rising ape meets the falling angel.

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What’s wrong with idealism?

>There are people who tnink that black and white morality and retarded ideals are mature and adult
Name fifteen individual people by name this is referring to