I played his game recently and couldn’t sit through an hour, why is he such a fuckin cornball?

I played his game recently and couldn’t sit through an hour, why is he such a fuckin cornball?

Attached: 92F4077E-E3EA-4CF5-8D56-D8B2D547EB26.png (518x566, 615.27K)

Hood niggas are problematic so he's about four times the Urkel that Peter ever was.

Don't lie, you stopped after an hour because that's how long you can go without jacking it to cartoon children and animals.

Wally West?

What? Can't handle the swagger if a black teen? For shame, doc. Fo shame

And there's also nerd pandering.

That's because you are racist nigger

I prefer Spiderverse's take making him an art kid, did anybody bother using that or are they still just making him black Peter

Same, spent $40 on the game just to atop playing after 20 minutes. Between fuckin urkel spiderman and the fact they made peter look like a twink I just couldn't stand it.

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Hollandman never looks like he really could want to rough anyone up too badly. Idk why they keep leaving him unmasked, dude is babyfaced.

>black peter

peter was never a loser

I meant
>young kid interested in science and technology gets the power of a radioactive spider
Everyone pretty much just does Ultimate Spider-Man but with less depth. Especially when he's outside of ultimates so his whole successor thing means nothing. Also Peter is a dork wtf, dude only becomes a gigachad in the 70s and 80s.

He had a girlfriend in the 60s and was always cocky.

So did I in High School, that doesn't mean you aren't a dork user. Getting a GF doesn't entirely change your personality. he spent most of his early career getting his ass handed to him and nearly quit after meeting the chameleon because he didn't think he caught him.

And how does that make him a loser?

And every woman fell for him, peter was never a loser.

Who is this Indian and/or dark skinned Asian character?

He is Cuban and that makes him ; European, Indo-American and Nigerian

I never said loser, I said dork. Also because
>most of the kids in his class thought he was a dickhead who was better than him
>every few villains in the beginning one would completely thrash him with Doc Ock starting the trend to the point Peter considered quitting being Spidey
>the fact he was so stuck up about not wanting to meet Mary Jane that he went out of his way to avoid her till they
actually met and he was crazy about her
>even in his dreams everyone abandons him because they think he's just a dumb kid
Like you guys think too much about 70s and 80s Spidey who was gigachad to remember he had some pretty humble roots nigger.

A better question is why does he exist at all


Literally every isekai loser in current anime proves you wrong