Finally a cartoon with Heterosexual represention

Finally a cartoon with Heterosexual represention

I will now watch your show

Attached: Superman-HBOmax.jpg (1000x563, 322.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Brown woman spotted
>Racemixing initiated

Attached: 40k-warhammer.gif (498x240, 510.79K)


Attached: 1569251986375.gif (600x453, 573.79K)

It's a tan

Since when is Superman left handed. He is the super man, why would he ever not be right handed

Obviously he pretends Clark is left-handed. The perfect disguise!

low T

Why is Luz invading this show?

my thoughts exactly

it's like people hold up paper bags to the screen like it is the 50's

>race swapping
I wont

That's not a tan user. She looks hispanic

he’s superman, he can use both hands

>superfags so desperate for anything they'll accept garbage like this

I'm happy to finally watch a straight couple on tv

user, I hate to break this to you but Clark is Kryptonian so every relationship on Earth he's in is racemixing

>faux anime
>made for fujos
>race mixing
>latinx replacing white
>african replacing ginger, again
Hey yeah and Superman has perfect eyesight, it's almost like Clark isn't him.

I'd rather this than lesbian cartoon #84747747

>It's a tan
IDK I like the idea that Mrs. Lane was a Latina who married a WASP military officer and so this Lois came by being a total tomboy honestly rather than needing to perform defying gender norms because feminism.

They didn't even draw Jimmy with a black guy's facial features, they just went on MSPaint and bucket-filled him a different color

>Brown woman
Is that supposed to be brown?

Jimmy is Indian

The fuck kind of Indian gets named "Jimmy" instead of Rahul?

Your mom

>They didn't even draw Jimmy with a black guy's facial features, they just went on MSPaint and bucket-filled him a different color
If only there was a word for Caucasian guys bucket-filled with a different color than peachy off-white...

Attached: actor_vishal.jpg (1200x900, 71.14K)